ITT: Movie adaptations that are better than books

The first Harry Potter films came to mind

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American Psycho, thanks to Bale's performance.



waiting for pasta

the first book is terrible i don't know why it took off. there's other series like that too where for the first book the writer hasn't learned how to write yet and then they suddenly get a lot better when the first one sells well.. hmmm

>The first Harry Potter films came to mind
Those are about the same as the books except with less talking about school lessons

I don't read books
I'm not gay

My favorite furry porn is most likely quotefox's mother/son interspecies incest artworks. The man is a master of the unique combination of hyper penises, well-endowed milfs, incest, cumflation, and impregnation. There are numerous works that include a 'son' character with his smaller mother, often of a different species.
Quotefox draws his penises very large, with enormous testicles and thick shafts. The depiction of a large teenage bear son banging his much smaller fox mother is a captivating image, and something i recommend everybody check out.

Agreed, but that's not the reason.

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The difference between having some shitty editor from a publishing company and having a personal editor looking over your work on a daily basis and making suggestion.

The godfather and Apocalypse now come to mind

The Shining

I swear some dumb fucker is going to say Bladerunner and I guarantee they haven’t even read Do Androids Dream. It’s MILES better than the movie

Sounds objectively better to me. The first 2 harry potter movies where good. But it should have ended on a trilogy the story was nowhere near rich enough to warrant so much bloody time.

The only thing that’s the same is the concept. I like to think they’re set in the same universe but we’re just following two different bladerunners with the same name

The Shining.
The 1980 version, in case there's any doubt about that.

This actually. I don't mean to prop up idea guys, but a good idea, from a bad writer, with a good editor isn't rare. There's a lot of writers over the decades who have probably gotten a lot of credit their editors deserve. Rowling's written other things besides Harry Potter, but it's never taken off. That book sold on concept. People liked the concept. Don't doubt it one second. Concept almost always rules, good or bad writer, the concept alone can bring people in who read your book but supplement their own version of events as they read. This is why things like Twilight get popular, Bella is not a character, she exists to let people insert their own vision and character into the arms of their stoney armed vampire boi. Harry Potter is similar, only it exists to insert the reader into the concept of its world, the magic and the school.

Came here to post this

Shawshank Redemption - the only thing they changed was they combined all the wardens into one

Basically all Stephen King adaptions tbf

Well, it was the only popular book franchise from the 90s/00s that didn't lose steam after being dragged out for many sequels and managed to finish its movie adaptation run successfully.

So it must have done something right.

It was the first one to do it that’s why

Harry Potter books are perfect examples of good ideas and stories handled badly, everything works apart from her writing. I'd love to see the first drafts of the later books just to read how bad what she actually submitted originally was

Harry potter 1 is the most boring piece of shit there is bro, Harry Potter 3 was the one that got adapted well because it's hard to imagine dementors and they did them super well.

Literally everyone with taste jumped ship after number 4. Yes every movie after 2 was trash but the audience watching are the same ones that made transformers last for 5 movies and created a MCU cancer so clearly they just like getting spoon fed franchises and that was the only reason.

>the same ones that made transformers last for 5 movies
The Chinese?

Michael Gambon will never be as good as Richard Harris. Harris felt more like how Dumbledore was intended to be, while Gambon just felt like a crazy, evil, angry old man.
>he asked calmly

This confused the hell out of me when i was a kid. I thought he was dumble-doors younger brother for like 3 movies.

Gambon was really good in 3 and 6, though.

>they will never make a movie of PKD's schizoposting

The books miles better, though they did a really impressive job with the screenplay.

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Yeah, I like to think of it that way too since the movie leaves out so much from the book. The movie is still great in its own right but it’s definitely not the same story

I would absolutely love that. Imagine an adaptation of Valis or just a mini series based on his Exegesis

hahaha yep had to read this in schools fuckin sucked complete nonsense dripple based user.




T2: Trainspotting

Dumbledore was always supposed to be like the perfect grandpa I thought, then Gambon turned him into the moody old man you avoid in the pub because he smells and will letch on your gf if you sit too close

The Thing

Negative, the movie doesn't have the infamous "Killing Child in Zoo" chapter

>write a book
>gets turned into kino by based autists
>rush out a sequel thinking it will be made into another film
>people that made the film go on record saying it's shit and will never happen

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Negative, the movie doesn't include the infamous "killing child in zoo" chapter

>Apocalypse now

The book is utter garbage. It's agonizingly procedural. It takes place in Japan but the way its written its really easy to forget. And the sequels turn the story into really shitty science fiction.

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All of Kubrick's adaptations of novels, except for Lolita.

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No way, Daniel Radcliffe is absolutely shit at acting and he was too ugly to play Harry. Too much blackwashing of Hogwarts too.

>he was too ugly to play Harry.
How so? Was it ever stated anywhere that Harry's not ugly?

t. hasn't read the book

I have.

>he was too ugly to play Harry
Then why was my sister in love with him during all her tweens?


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Especially the shining. King is such a hack

Kids that saw other kids their age doing cool magic stuff and wanted to be there too. That’s why.

Lolita's pretty much impossible to adapt because the subject matter will always be grotesque and taboo. I'm honestly amazed he took a crack at it in 1962

the true patrician option is to read the book but imagine bale speaking the lines

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>the subject matter will always be grotesque and taboo.
Why should a filmmaker care for what's taboo? That mentality is what gives us "safe" Marvel capeshit.

Out of the way, true book to movie kino coming through

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they’re both good. the movie did a really good job of making the book’s timeline hopping coherent