If you were born a girl you could have a life of luxury and opulence and everything handed to you on a silver platter for merelly existing. Instead you will have to toil away 3/4 of your life to merely survive until youre old and useless and filled with regret hoping for death that will come soon.
If you were born a girl you could have a life of luxury and opulence and everything handed to you on a silver platter...
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I just realized women aren't the actual problem, it's the simp who enabled them. How the fuck does findom exist? A bunch of simps sending money to random girls on the internet with nothing in return. That made those cunts incredibly entitled
God bless eGirls for killing feminism in its tracks lol
How did it kill feminism. If anything it's a direct result of feminist brainwashing, putting women on pedestals have created a generation of simps, and it's all the better for feminists.
what's funny is right after this she probably went to fuck her asian boyfriend
Because now everyone knows women are just objects, a commodity you pay for and move on to the next one once they get old and boring
That's like blaming your demented grandma for getting duped by a telemarketer.
Those people that donate are clearly not fully developed human beings.
Nah, it just shows that women can easily manipulate idiotic simps and it only reinforces feminism in doing more manipulation.
Watching a chick sleep doesn't not make you a simp.
Yep. You can just get married and never work a day of your life. Knew a girl in high school who was a complete retard and total trailer trash, but she was hot so she wound up marrying a guywhose family was really rich. Never worked a single day of her life. If she were a dude, she’d be fucked.
>Those people that donate are clearly not fully developed human beings.
They are adult males, they aren't ill, they're just incredibly beta. There is absolutely no excuse for being a simp who pays to watch girls playing videogames and texting them insults.
So are women objects or not. Yes or no question, no need for a long winded reply
>Watching a chick sleep doesn't not make you a simp.
It does if it's not your gf besides you. It's embarassing.
Got banned from her chat for saying she was mean one time she was just ranting about trolls, fuck her shes getting fat and once that happens its over for her
Forced meme
Hello based department, please hold the lines are lighting up!
Girlfriend simulator. You turn it on then go to bed with it on.
Found the simp
Ok boomer
No the problem is your great great grandparents for having voted to give femoids rights
the thot cannot exist with the simp
Of course, she's entitled because you simps enabled her. She knows she can be rude and obnoxious and still get simps send her money. It even encourages her to act more and more like a cunt to see how far she can go. Women are always shit testing, they actually want to be grounded but they only find simps.
Not only that they are adult males who actually have disposible income
Sure women's lib was a huge mistake the old fags did, however we can take it back, we don't have to be simps. All their freedom has been given to them by men, it's not real, we can take it back at any given time.
They both share equal responsibility. One can't live without the other
Women have the same SMV as the biggest Chads among men, it's just biology. men are expendable, and we've created a society of technology and protections for women where all their non sexual needs are taken care of by the state
>we can take it back at any given time.
Well then when are we going to? It’s long overdue
eGirls are just as expendable bro, have you seen how many there are?
everyone is an object. you can't avoid it. feminism just makes it popular to discriminate against non Chads as second class citizens.
You're wrong the simp just has to stop simping and the e-thot problem will be solved in a minute. It's a "spoiled child" situation, the parents are entirely to blame for enabling the situation.
Its not embarrassing. What is embarrassing about it?
Idolizing = projecting
And mediocre is just plain old incorrect.
So yes then, I said no long winded replies
that's not what I mean. They have value. Men don't
>being able to sleep with all that light
That makes me 100 times more jealous than scamming a few WW3 cannon fodder
You're not angry at women, you're angry at weak men that are reinforcing toxic behavior. Kill your local simp
>And mediocre is just plain old incorrect.
All these girls look the same to me bro, copies of a copy
They have about as much value as a playboy magazine, maybe even less tbqh
The entire premise is retarded. They want to be objectified by hot Chads, ie on their own terms. That's what this is all about, beta suppression
It's who they are though, just like with the scorpion and the frog. Except in this case they're both scorpions.
The simp can't help but being a simp and the thot can't help but being a thot.
Society created these creatures and there's no going back
if the average person had to flip a switch and either one of these pretty ethots dies or everyone in this thread dies, it wouldn't even be a question. Stop coping
It doesn't matter how you slice it user, no one respects these girls
Ok simp
They are manipulating you too
lol simpin'
Capitalism is collapsing our society
Its a humiliation fetish taken to an extreme
No it's not equivalent, thots are opportunists who take advantage of a situation. Simps are simping and have no excuse. It's like saying thieves and criminals can't help it, it's their nature. No, it's their choice.
The parameters of your question were retarded.
One letter responses only. Not responding is agreeing with me.
lol go donate $50 to your favorite egirl and cry about it desu
in the eyes of feminism these girls are being "empowered" by getting free money from beta orbiters for doing nothing
>a commodity you pay for
>he pays for camwhores
You fucking cuckold
But in this case thieves are thots and simps are shopkeeps who leave the register open
Nice reading comprehension RETARD
Kill yourself loser
Amouranth and her Asian / Chinhusband
Too many sexually hungry men, Not enough wars to kill them or churches to give them purpose
Cuz ur a simp
Based Asian bro continuing the tradition of whoring out young girls. When we going to Thailand bros?
Cosplay couple
I sometimes wish I were born a woman because i'm a pervert and would like to be a hot woman who dresses like a thot (and who has lesbian experiences with other thots). But then I realise that if I were born a woman, I wouldn't be able to appreciate it. It would just be normal to me. Unremarkable.
looks like that trannyporn faggot that faggots keep posting
We desperately need to do something about simps and white knights. Why can't they stop giving these women their money?
Of course an Asian would be some eThots cuck.
I remember a tweet from some findom saying she was with her firend ordering some food and one guy behind in the line said he would pay for those girls. So they ordered the food without paying, went to their table and didn't even look at him.
How the fuck do you deal with women when they experience this kind of simping all their day?
this is what simps look like
kill yourself gook
why do you need to do something? if these threads didnt exist would you even know or care it was happening? that goes for 90% of the horseshit that spastics get b8d into getting angry about
Is cosplay kerri still a thing?
Of course, only a beta will accept to have a girlfriend who is half naked for money
Uh just don't be a simp I guess? Pretty fucking easy if you were born before 9/11
A lot of the Simps are the fucking pajeets
Wow. What a fucking loser you are.
I like her shoes
>le simps
Enough with the nigger worship
Better get those incel frames checked yboi
>lives in a mansion
>has a heated inground pool
>makes at least $500k a year
>eats $10 Costco pizza
We need to expose and shame every simp to the point they're so self conscious about it they would send money anymore even throught the anonymity of their dark rooms. The biggest satisfaction would be watching the e-thot economy collapse and those whore begging for money.
>Empowerment is shaking your tits and dressing up for money
Thank you feminism, we've come so far :D
Because it's probably product placement. And then all the simps go buy costco pizza while she eats at five stars restaurants paid for by simps.
Tbh she does have some great fake tits and a nice fake ass. Her face is offputting though.
what the fuck is respect ? you respect people for the value they have. If Trump wasn't rich and powerful you wouldn't respect him anymore