Why is Bernie Sanders such a cuck?

Why is Bernie Sanders such a cuck?

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comes with being a leftist. papa joe, even as a spineless democrat, is a capitalist chad. capitalism turns men into ubermenschen.

he has 4 houses now.

Bernie is too spineless to actually bring any real changes.

I have never met a healthy weight Republican voter.

Who votes for Biden seriously? I understand people not liking Sanders but Biden, what the fuck?

Biden: calls a construction worker a horses ass

Bernie: allows black women to take over his stage

>leftoid is weak

is bernie a cuck or just another jewish scam artist?

Biden has threatened to fight people for just asking him questions he doesn't like. Dude is a complete madman. Meanwhile Bernie has no penis.

What is it with people prefering Biden over Bernie Sanders if the latter says good stuff?

Im not an american and not into USA politics much, but sometimes i look at twitter trends and see some stuff like graphics where more people vote for Biden than for Bernie.

And to me the latter usually spoke real deal and logical stuff while some people says Biden is bad guy here.

Is Biden talk better and promise better future so people vote for him or what is the deal? To me, as a foreigner, it looks really weird.

we seriously cant let biden get hte nuclear chodes

"Yeah this guy is promising better stuff than the other person, but this geriatric person looks weak and too nice. I'll go with the other guy. He may offer shittier deals, but he is a go getter."

>lads, we need a tactic to win in 2020
>well we nearly won in 2016 so let’s do that exact same thing again? I know Bernie has huge support but the public don’t know what they want
>yeah ok, what could possibly go wrong?
2020 will be the year America became a one party country

Most of the US voting body is comprised of old fucking boomers.
That should be enough for you.

>2020 will be the year America became a one party country
it always has been

>is bernie a cuck

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so he's both cringe and based. taking redditors money been making me laugh since 2016.

It's genetic you wouldn't understand it

People generally don't vote for revolutionary change, which is what Sanders is offering. Not if things are for the most part ok, which they are for the majority whatever the hysterical bluehairs might insist.

How is being a stepdad "cuck" now? Is sargoy of cuckkad a cuck now then?

How is being a stepdad "cuck" now?

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>Is sargoy of cuckkad a cuck now then?

I want Biden to beat Trump just so that we can have the 2016 Kino again.

Biden is basically a 70s Republican already

A politician promised something? Quick, vote for him!

American political discourse is so far gone that Biden is even considered 'leftist'.
Meanwhile Boris Johnson gives speeches praising the NHS.

My boomer parents were brainwashed by MSNBC to switch from Bernie to Biden, it was pretty surreal

I see a lot of them here.

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>White supremacists
>vote for Jewpublicans

These are actors

If Biden gets it, Bernie should do the smart thing and be his running mate.

>I know Bernie has huge support
What alternate reality are you from

What are their arguments ?

Leftism is the party of low test cucks. Can't wait for Trump to swipe the God Emperor hand and win 2020.

>post yfw based blacks saved america from socialist tyranny

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Nah, that was black boomers.

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Blacks already exist in an alternate reality of socialist tyranny where they freely murder each other and other races while receiving gibs for life, hiring practices put in place because they're undesirable otherwise, and easier college admissions for barely attaining the status of average compared to their peers. Then they complain about not yet receiving their overdue reparations.

The rich rule our country. Any attempt to fight it is blocked by red states or republican states

For fun look up education rankings and how those states vote. Now keep in mind 1/4 of texas is functionally illiterate, and 1/3 of alamaba doesnt understand fractions

Republicans are... idiots

So what the actual fuck is the Democrats plan?

Cause Biden doesn't seem to be all that well judging by recent rambling and slurs in interviews and it looks like it's gonna get progressively worse until he goes up against the Big Don himself.
Is this all a ploy to give Hillary "her turn"?

Ow nice. Another presidential canpaign with nothing but old farts that are near death.

Biden literally just said they would beat Trump together. He has no idea what he's involved in anymore. How do his handlers get away with this?

Let trump melt down. He just pissed off all the boomer independents. Hes done

>For fun look up education rankings and how those states vote. Now keep in mind 1/4 of texas is functionally illiterate, and 1/3 of alamaba doesnt understand fractions
now look up the racial demographics of those states

who's going to punish them? it's easy to get away with impropriety when there are no consequences


My point stands.

For fun look up average IQ of coastal cities.

They agree more with Bernie on policy, MSNBC spent months painting him as a sexist, nazi, commie, that he didnt work until he was 40 and was lazy, didnt get things done, is too old and grumpy, and Joe was the more electable one and the "smart" choice. Eventually my parents were persuaded


Nah. Indy boomers were already up in arms about his proposed budge cuts to Medicaid, now hes claimed a disease which could kill them was a hoax, fucked around since december, is still fucking around has been making shit up about the virus which has only led to its spread.

Hes done. Indy boomers are all that really matters

That is the most desperate comeback lol

coronavirus is literally a nothing burger that no one will even be mentioning 2 months from now, let alone by the time November rolls around.

spoiler: Trump wins reelection easily.

>How is being a stepdad "cuck" now?
Did you seriously ask this

jesse cox is a child abuser that's why he left teaching

Its got a 4 week incubation period
2 weeks you are infectious without knowing about it
It can be spread in the air

It wont be gone this year :)

I did, he’s based

Nothing has a 4 week incubation period. It got longer every fucking time somebody repeated it.

doesn't have to be gone, the infection curve will flatten and fewer people will die this year than die of the normal flu.

in other words, it will be a nothing burger and will be no more important than the common flu.

Biden promises achievable versions of everything Sanders promises

I have a stepson, but my wife isn't fucking anyone on the side if that's what you're implying.

it will be gone before june fucking retard

You've never had sex either, but other people do.

The cdc, the who, pretty much everyond agrees with me.

By the way, his chief of staff is in quaratine. Trump could have it himself lol

>defeated by Hilary fucking Clinton
>defeated by someone who literally has dementia

So proud of America, shutting down Pinko scum even in the 2020s and the brainwashed Millennials.

Is Biden going to be the second black president after Clinton?


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did his parents suffer in the holocaust and pass it down through their genes?

>old fucking boomers
What's Bernie?

Bernie Sanders did his version of "Build a wall over Mexico and have Mexico pay for it" when he proposed Universal Healthcare for all but the 99% won't get taxed higher for it, le evul Facebook and Amazon man will instead.

Like a fucking retard.

repeating all the crap from cnn and pretending to be smart lmao

One of the good ones. Like Freddie Mercury for faggots or Morgan Freeman for niggers.

They say anything to sound more important and get more funding, give themselves raises.

>I have a stepson

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So what will be your excuse when Trump wins again?

Russia again? Impeach him again?

Yeah imagine us doing something that tons of other first-world countries do!


>He doesn't no the origin of the word cuck
I bet it's an integral part of your vocabulary.

>Chinese leftshits create ANOTHER pandemic due to leftshit standards in their meme country
>open borders leftshit cocksuckers blame Trump for it

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lmao amerifats, stop voting for people over 70 years old

not if hes ending up fucking her



As a citizen of one of those first-world countries, I'm insulted.

Tons of first-world countries have universal healthcare not because they're depending on the 1% to give them gibs. EVERYONE is paying higher taxes to get collective healthcare.

Americans want to have their cake (no tax hike) and eat it too (billionaires should pay for my universal healthcare).

>people disagreeing with that user over the impact of wuflu

Fools, the lot of you. This is ALL about the elderly. Old people decide the fate of US elections more than any other demo because they vote religiously. They're also insanely vindictive. They're not going to forget wuflu disproportionately hitting retirement homes while Trump people say it's a hoax AND Trump proposing to slash their medicare (boomers love socialized healthcare for themselves and hate it when other people have it).

That doesn't by any stretch guarantee a Biden victory, but it sets up a roadmap for it.

What if you fuck your stepdaughter?

>he bought the "Bernie is going to make billionaires pay for our gibs" meme

If you want universal healthcare, there should be a universal raising of the tax. Medicare/Obamacare stopped cold on its tracks as soon as the Middle Class discovered, "Wait, I have to PAY for universal healthcare?! Pay for someone else's healthcare?! MORE TAXES? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"


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Yeah, imagine Americans actually voting for higher taxes on THEM.


We have some of the worst wealth inequality in the world. The rich here are super rich, and Bernie has a plan that won't raise taxes for anyone except them.