Kinos for this feel? also what is wrong with a person if their life is 100 percent pic related

kinos for this feel? also what is wrong with a person if their life is 100 percent pic related

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Depression, clinically.

But also, it's a matter of instinct and the feedback you give your body. Our brain is, by design, consistently looking for certain things that have helped us throughout our evolution. Companionship, food, sex, competition, etc. This is all proven by studies who can detect brain activity or release of hormones (like testosterone) during tasks that hit one of those notes.

The problem is, your brain and body are stupid and can't distinguish a valid source of what they seek from a fake one. That's why our instinct to seek achievement and resource accumulation, for example, can end up getting us addicted to vidya that only wastes our time. Same for sex and porn, or companionship and internet forums, etc. Your subconscious can't tell fake from real, and once it gets the feedback it wants from something, it rewires your reward system to force you to stay there.

So this person is probably depressed and has, due to experience and trauma (bullying, abuse as a kid, violence, etc) grown socially detached, and with time they've encountered a simulation for everything their mind seeks far away from the rest of society, creating routine and addiction, making it even harder to break the cycle.

>I'm not driving yet, but you know, soon.
This was me until a couple of months ago. Just do it, anons. It is worth it.

dang this is me. i have my ged and I drive but everything else is pretty much spot on.

I don't have acne anymore. That pretty much stopped at 18 or 19.

Blah blah blah *braaap*

Thank God I recovered from this. Still have problems, but at least now I'm headed somewhere that can be called a normal life. I just hope I'm not too late.
>The problem is, your brain and body are stupid and can't distinguish a valid source of what they seek from a fake one.
I have constant problems with this one. Managed to stop smoking, but now it's sweets, porn and binging YouTube. I think I'm just prone to addiction. At least I didn't get hooked on the usual stuff like alcohol and drugs

How did you recover? This is almost me, but I'm not really addicted to much. I just don't do anything anymore.

I'm almost entirely that except the hints of expecting things to change there. I don't even lie to myself anymore. It doesn't get better. I'm almost 30.


But seriously, how do you know what you want?

Currently working a dead end job in a kitchen. No idea what the hell I want to do for a career and I can't get into a university. I have no skills or interests which could transition into a job. Should I just jump off a building?

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I am terrified of driving and I would never in hundreds of years nail the written test in my country. It is like 50 questions and you have to get 40 right. My brain is too fried to remember that much stuff unfortunately ..

Good god man illiterate mexicans and blacks pass that shit. I will never understand the mindset of driverlets. They are so fucking common now too. All of them have some weakass pathetic excuse like you. Good residence anyways. Natural filter

What country?

It's probably a good thing, if he passed the written he'd be a nervous bitch who would pull out in front of you and kill you.

Escapism has become too good.

Spider-Man 2 is pretty good. I watch it every now and then...
I hate this cycle so much...

>tfw am this almost exactly.
What is wrong with me?
How to cure it?

Had a bad day or something? Someone put you down? Hopefully acting like an asshole here made you feel better, buddy.

No Mexicans in my country and the immigrants who do pass here gets a much easier vocal test.


Showering more than once every few days is the most cucked thing you can do. Imagine scrubbing all your perfectly healthy natural oils off daily for arbitrary reasons and then in the same act giving yourself a gigantic estrogen shot comprised of body washes and shampoos that are absorbed directly into your skin and into your liver to be processed.

Taking a warm shower feels really good.

Yes, I did enjoy making fun of you. Go back to your buses you little baby boy. Cars are scary!

lmao you sad little shit.

Arbitrary reasons like not being stinky and greasy?

>being this proud of driving a car
haha oh wow have sex virgins. my girlfriend drives me everywhere why would i need to drive?

Unless you're in hot conditions or a job with enough heavy labor to make you sweat, once every 2 days is more than enough.

Boo! Did you get scared?

This is horrible bait why did you even post it. Not even funny ironically. What was going through your mind when you hit post and did the captcha?

says a lot about you if you cant even believe that people have girlfriends. you are such a loser mate.

but hey at least you are driving right hehe who needs to have sex anyway??? virgin looooooser

God damnit I need answers not more bait. Give me a view into user's mind

i took benzos one time and drove way better than normally. turns out if your inhibitions are very low, driving is a piece of cake

Not for me. My job is somewhat physical, I'm fat and I eat like shit, if I didn't shower daily I'd smell pretty bad. I think you probably smell worse than you think too.

>being this butthurt
dont you cry now virginman

I am a pathetic drivelet despite having the license and I would be ashamed of being driven around by my gf

>see no one cares

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>started using differin gel
>actually got rid of my acne in like 2 weeks

feels really good bros

>resorting to reddit memes
oh buddy........ dont be sad. if you start working out, cut your hair, shower and buy a nicer car... maybe.... just maybe... youll have sex and even get girlfriend one day. i doubt it tho.

why? would it hurt your frail "masculinity" cus i can tell if you are a real man you dont care about your bitch driving you around faggot

That projection

Same, I have a family history of addiction. My grandfather was an alcoholic, my father a chain smoker and I'm addicted to various things like vidya and junk food (not enormous amounts, just something every day). I really want to break this cycle but it feels almost impossible.

if you say so virginman ;)

>his only ""ammo"" is projection
Many such cases sad!

A combination of things.
Therapy. Hearing a different perspective about yourself can be revelatory in so far as you realize that things aren't as bad as they seem and maybe it's just about your own fixed thinking patterns that become too rigid over the years. Therapy can also help to get over past traumas by simply talking and reflecting on them.
Sports. Started lifting which gave me better mood and a sense of accomplishment.
Changing my habits, trying new things, going out of my comfort zone. Started going to a salsa class. The physical proximity and touch of women feels really good. You feel wanted just because you're ther. Bitches love dancing. Also at dance classes women tend to be more traditionally feminine because dance is about men leading, women following and they appreciate guys more because not many guys are into dancing. Eventually got a gf from there.
Some messages I discovered in movies and art. No Country for Old Men and Fullmetal Alchemist taught me that you can live your life and try your best even though there's no guarantee that you will succeed in the end.

>I have no skills or interests which could transition into a job.
you're probably exaggerating here but if it is true then yes you should probably jump

Trying activities you know you won't like. Chances are that during that activity you will stumble upon something that you actually want to do.

Yea with Vidya , TV and browsing the web I basically have no sustained desire for anything else. All other pursuits in life are garbage in comparison. Hopelessly boring, difficult and time consuming with pathetic and unguaranteed rewards.
And I'm already into my 30s so rewiring myself is pretty much impossible at this point. I'm gonna drift along as much as I am tolerated and then try and find a quick end

I'm 22 and stuck in this. I know I'm still young but I'm afraid I won't escape before it's too late. I haven't even worked a single day in my life.

I do have my GED and I can take a fucking shower but that's about it.

My life

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im 29 and this is getting old. solutions bros?

Only a few months and I become the Self-Loathing Man of Inaction (30s)

Finally one I can relate to

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seek professional help
it's not a meme answer, sometimes it can be the only thing to get you out of these deep ditches we dig ourselves in
but you have to be willing to cooperate and give 100% honesty and answers so they have the correct context to give you what you need and help you

this was exactly me, and then i started to fix my life and made several life gains and then i developed a chronic pain syndrome and now i'm back in the same cycle only everything hurts physically too now

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how'd you fix it so i can copy you
yknow without the pain part

i went to one when i was like 26 and she told me basically to get a gf LUL

What am I supposed to do if I was raised by people like this and they made no effort to teach me better

>I'm not driving yet

Literally only thing that gets to me, but its been making me ballistic that I'm actually driving now.

How does the mid 30 crisis doomer get his pills? Asking for a mid 30 crisis doomer.

There's science behind it if you just look for it. Generally we like to do things if we have a clear goal in mind and can always take steps towards it. It's hard when everything has become delayed gratification but it's possible.

Ironically, people who are more disciplined and procrastinate less care less about what people think about them and more about what they think about themselves.

1. stop smoking
2. stop drinking
3. stop playing video games/consuming excessive passive entertainment
4. fix nutrition
5. start going on long nature walks
6. turn walks into jogs
7. start lifting
at this point you should have excess energy and confidence to do stuff like getting your drivers license, getting back into school, etc. read marcus aurelius every time you get demotivated. good luck, user.

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Holy shit imagine being mid-30 and still not figured things out

Figured what out?


>implying there's anything to figure out at that point
You're defined by your childhood and high school experience. All these twenty-something improvers are just deluded copelords overcompensating.

All you're gonna figure out by your mid 30's is that you're the same person you were 20 years ago.

What do you mean "defined by"?

You're either a natural normie by the time you graduate high school, or you'll never be one. If you want to spend your life pretending something you're not, jumping through the hoops that weren't made for you, go ahead.

I have no kino, only /lit/
May push you over the edge though.

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This was me until i joined the military

theres your problem. talk to a male psyc

now you are a drone for israel instead
good work m9

The masses don't even make for a good role model. Stop being such a conformist, do your own thing

Not worth it for me, everything is within walking distance in my town and I have my career sorted which is very close by too. But Im aware I'm very lucky

unironically better than wasting away at home

Go back to Yas Forums fucking faggots jesus.