Apologize Yas Forums

Apologize Yas Forums

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Your mother was certainly sorry.

dubs and tulsi wins the election

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Why is it only bernouts that feel like the world is ending and are so dramatic when bernie loses (again)?

Dilate. Yas Forums is a right wing board


Where’s the lie?

When will the progressives in America realize their dream of socialist Utopia like northern Europe will never come with Americans being almost 50% mutts?


After those insufferable faggots spammed their cuck all over the boards, I'm glad to see them eat shit


>unable to transition

This. Berniebros deserve it.

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oh god are they crying and bitching already?

Dems as a whole suffers this when their candidate is losing

I don't like Bernie and I'm not even American but why are so many people voting for Biden? The guy is literally senile, he can't form a single coherent sentence.

Honestly they're right. Black people voted for Biden because REMEMBER OBAMA???? But really a Bernie presidency would have been 100x the meal ticket that Obama ever was. But remember Obama tho? We need to get back to those policies, which I can't actually explain but black president good!

I hope at the same time that the right realizes capital is using them as stooges, so that both can realize Strasser was right about literally everything and build something great

Bye bye faggots, should kill yourself now

Berniebros were THAT fucking annoying

Its funny to me how leftists are screeching about diversity 24/7 and their only hope of winning are two old white guys



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based darkies saving america again

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>It's a 'Leftists realize that minorities will sink whatever ship they jump on' episode

Especially when they pushed the OK boomer shit not too long ago lol

Boomers are fucking retarded regardless of party and zoomers don't vote.

>unable to transition
You could transititon to part of the 40%?

blacks are only 13% of the population, how do they affect anything?

It's hilarious seeing these idiots get redpilled when reality hits them over the fucking head.

rich ones too

>getting cucked by nigger in love and in politics
must suck being a lefty

Missed the point my dude

Because Bernie is a retard that praised multiple commie dictatorships

>it's only racist when you do it

haha Biden vote go up

>Trump hat
>Biden ticket

>whoa whoa whoa bro, you're not supposed to actually say that out loud, those are inside thoughts

They grew up with nothing but capeshit and star wars so their whole world is black and white good vs evil. Imagine if Sheev just smashed Natellie Portmans head open the first 5 minutes of episode 3 it would be pretty shocking. This is how their reality is playing out right now.

they affect crime stats just fine


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They're 50% of Democrats.

Is sanders really going to cuck out and not even finish the fucking race? Bidden might shit his pants publicly or catch the corona for all we know

what a fucking cuck

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because they are basically a hive mind and live in swing states

Yas Forums - Television & Film?

Yes, though he's used to bending over and taking it from the Dems.

Nothing will ever top this

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They felt that if their crushing student debt from their useless degree was hand-waved away, THEN their life could begin. They’d soon be living large like John Q. Boomer down the street with four motorcycles, a corvette and a jet ski (plus or minus the SE Asian wife). But because Bernie was defeated, they realize they’ll be working at Chilis cleaning up retard puke forever.

If Biden dies tomorrow, the DNC will still nominate someone else.

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I'd just love for bernouts to screech nigger when they lose. AGAIN

>Its clear the democratic party is just the party for dumb blacks who want free shit (not even healthcare , just free basketball shoes and chickenwings)
>They should not be allowed to vote.

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Deathbed redpilling is real.

Because the south is like over 33% niggers, and in those states nearly all of them vote democrat and most whites vote Republicans. In the south niggers are like 40-60% of democrat voters and are very important to winning primaries in those states.

the electorate is literal mouth breathers. 80% of the voters decide based the letter next to the name they recognize.Evidence by Trump being elected despite being illiterate

>yfw there's a possible timeline where Tulsi becomes the nominee

>leaving out the comment below

How did these berniebros get scammed again by a sleezy Jew?

more like terminally based