I'm pretty sure he hated black people

I'm pretty sure he hated black people.

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who could blame him

Fuck off with the bait. He loved his country, it’s history and the mythology of Europe with all the Celtic and Anglo myths he included in his stories.

He created an homogenous world, all the hobbits lived secluded, the elves all lived away from man and dwarf. The dwarves lived in their mountain. He was woke and realised people are better off with their own kind

varg says the orcs were vikings not nigers


Any thinking man deep down hates the idea of black people. To hate actual black people is immoral.. But hating the idea that such a subset of our species exists in our more primal form is very logical.

varg who?

There were no blacks in England at that time. He probably met very few, so he most probably did not hate them.
LOTR is about the home, adventure, and the inner struggle to be a good person. It's not about racism

This is categorically false. Blacks have been in England since the Roman times.

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The only thing I hate are autists like you user

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Varg is a fucking retard.


Everyone hates black people.

He fought in WW2 to kill people like you.


The state of

this tbhf

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even black people?

He was an anti-racist though.

Then why did he make the turks into twisted horrible monsters and "swarthy" slaves who follow satan for his fictional siege of vienna?

>missing the point of the Sam speech

Literally crawl into a hole.

Especially them. And hispanics. They hate blacks a lot too. Probably more than anyone else honestly.


I'm pretty sure black people were barely even on his radar since he wasn't an Amerimutt and Britain was 99.999% white until the 1950s.

>state run propaganda to tell British people they have no right to Britain
Why do brits allow this?

Not to mention that Tolkien regretted having made the Orc evil instead of being allowed to choose sides. But alas, their age had come to an end.


>the Kingdom of Gondor split into two Kingdoms, with Arnor and Gondor
>just like the Roman empire split into the Western Roman empire and the Eastern Roman empire (Byzantine empire)
>Tolkien described Minas Tirith as a "Byzantine city" in one of his letters
>Minas Tirith had a twin-city called Minas Ithil on the other side of the Anduin
>just like Thessaloniki had a twin-capital across the Aegan with Constantinople co-reigning the Byzantine empire
>Minas Ithil suffered a great plague just like how Constantinople suffered the great Justinian plague
>Minas Ithil was conquered and corrupted into Minas Morgul by Orcs
>Constantinople was conquered and changed into Istanbul by Turks
>the flag of Minas Morgul is a Crescent with a skull
>the flag of Turkey is a Crescent with a star
really makes one ponder

This I actually believe.

Unfortunately dumb stupid Hunyadi didnt bring a horde of Magyar cavalry to save the city.

He was born in South Africa

that much is true, as evident in the writings, but what pray tell was Aragorns tax policy?

when? oh that's right, never. Spread your lies elsewhere

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what a faggot lmao
is this the best wh*Te "men" can offer?

The dark skinned races of men join up with the bad guy? Yeah thats not exactly not racist BUT it's also not intentionally racist.

Dude was writing wholesome fantasy. He wasn't trying to get into the ins and outs of race. The books very lightly address prejudice as bullshit and we should just take that for what it is. Product of his time sort of thing.

Orcs were based on mongols not black people


eat shit bozgor

What about the kikes?

Because we're today a race of spineless cucks who are unwilling to preserve what was won for us by generations of sacrifice and triumph.

We deserve this.

Everyone hates them, except for the 1% like Eddie Murphy and Denzel Washington

They really haven’t, despite what the jews and other subversive orcs say

Didn't he let his son get raped when he was a kid?


Orcs are based off Americans.

It’s not remotely racist, that reflects the history of Europe which has seen repeated invasions from dark skinned people, wtf do you think Leonidas was doing? Picking his arse at the beach? He was defending his part of Europe from swarthy foreigners.

I don't think he ever thought about them.


Middle easterners civilised Europe

Anyone that knows anything about Tolkien knows he was a cuckold leftist. He hated nazis, he hated hitler, he hated "racialist" ideas, he loved jews and lamented that he did not have any Jewish genetics in a letter he wrote to German publishers. He was a kike loving cuckold that doesn't deserve the legacy of the work he created

flash news user you don't even have to be a leftist to hate nazis you dumb fuck

>People have been migrating to Birmingham for hundreds of years
>By that we mean that english people from surrounding villages and stuff were moving into the city
>Let's make that about niggers though

t. faggot cuckold

If you claim to not be a leftist, yet exist in the 2020 clown world without going full nazi, than youre just a fence sitting pussy

He would've hated them if they ran on electricity


Plenty of racialists back then hated nazis for going full wignat retarded.

It’s happening again

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Fucking based
Them, not you

not like us amirite nazibro

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>"I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White."
― From a Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford in 1959

>"As for what you say or hint of ‘local’ conditions: I knew of them. I don't think they have much changed (even for the worse). I used to hear them discussed by my mother; and have ever since taken a special interest in that part of the world. The treatment of colour nearly always horrifies anyone going out from Britain, & not only in South Africa. Unfort[unately], not many retain that generous sentiment for long."
― Letter 61 — Written to Christopher Tolkien who was stationed in South Africa during World War II

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post chin and age

Because that's what turks are

Why is it Britain that's obssessed with sub-saharans?

The Kalergi Plan.

Yeah, ancient middle easterns not arabs.

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yeah I'm thinking cringe

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You must be over 18 to post here

Based, fuck America.

That's pretty much an accurate description of the turks.
It's not racism.

its anti-globalism in general
hes one step short of saying "europeans for the europeans, africans for the africans" kek

>I'm pretty sure he hated black people

Many such cases:

>A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure, filled it with vice, and called the thing a ni-

They had a better grasp of reality back then



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That's nonsense.
He was an ardent Catholic in a see of Anglicanism.
If he was really just going along to get along he'd be CoE

Same people, Amerigoblo. Like how latins became Italians, modern Arabs are descended of the pre-Islamic civilisations

Fucking cheese and crackers. What an absolute tard. I knew varg was dumb as nails but it takes ten seconds to find out how zealous he was. He turned CS Lewis from an atheist.

Tolkien hated apartheid in South Africa. He was a conservative Christian not a Yas Forumstard racist. Seethe more

Why do you think they always try to appear whiter?

Toking Tolkien

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