Why can’t I be normal?

Why can’t I be normal?

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People try to reach out...

Being normal is vastly overrated

God hates you. That's the only explanation

stop making these threads

why be normal when sin is normalized

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>you will never truly connect with another person
>you will always feel like you don't belong no matter where you are
>your family will always look at you as "the weird one"

You are solely responsible for where you are in life.

who is responsible for all the insufferable normies surrounding me?

having feelings/being a human is a sin

and I don’t even play video games or watch anime I hate all that nerd shit
I’m just drifting though life bro’s

Maybe we can be friends together

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we're all the joker baby!

Yas Forums meetup 2020

Me too. I never had a bf gf at 23. I’m clearly defunctional. Considering sui at 25 if i don’t manage to change my life, and quit while I’m still ahead

>bf gf
Fag. Bet you liked s3 castlevania fag

>get smashed all by yourself
>noone to talk too
>7 a.m.
>hear normies outside going to work
It‘s all so tiresome

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based, just move at your own pace mane. Join food service if you want clear human connection, but you might develop a drug habit, so fair warning

>work out everyday
>quit drinking
>eat well
>still alone

>get fat again
>social stuff comes up
>feel embarassed
>lose weight
>alone again when I'm actually doing well

Can anyone else relate to this? I feel like I'm cursed.

Worse yet
>think said voices are saying negative things about you

He's just getting desperate enough to be prison gay

And on even if you appear to be normal at max or going to date her for 2 years until she decides to go off and be a s*** somewhere else. The temporary happiness is not worth the eventual crushing weight of the world around you where you realize that you could actually just kill yourself and nothing would change. All of your friends who are mostly non-existent would continue their lives without you. Your parents will get over you within 2 to 3 years. And honestly the easiest part would be finding new home for your pets.

The only reason we haven't killed ourselves yet is because we are too large of a vagina. And that's why we feel this way. We feel associated about ourselves that we want to die but we are such pieces of s*** that we won't even kill ourselves.

What is the point.

based paranoid chad

Idk what the first sentence was. Voice to text and I'm wasted.

You know how some people/animals are born with extra limbs? Or fewer limbs, stunted bodies, double heads, blindness, deafness, alleriges, etc? You're the same way, but the defect is in your brain. Because ultimately our personalities and behaviours are a manifestation of the physical structure of the brain. There is a literal defect in how your brain was formed, and its no different than say, being blind in one eye. Your genetics, or an external factor like malnutrition, caused you to be what you are. Until the physical structure of your brain is altered, rerouting pathways and receptors, (eg via drugs), you will always be what you are. The cat born with 3 legs will always be the cat born with 3 legs.

Probably a poor father figure.

What's normal?

>your family will always look at you as "the weird
My sis is slowly taking this one away from me but tats only because she's in her angtsy lesbian phase. I'm the eldest but probably the one that has had sex the least so far (we are 5 kids).

Thanks ^^
The fact I’m a fag makes never dating even more embarassing. Like guys will fuck anything
no no

I feel the suicide rate would skyrocket if it became common knowledge just how simple, easy, and utterly unimpactful it actually is. Literally 2000 people every single day garner the "courage" and kill themselves.

You spend time on Yas Forums and have started to act think and behave the way the people here conditioned you to. Could always stop coming here or learn to think for your self and not fall for the group conditioning.

anytime mane, please just take care of your mind, it's the only thing we really have

Having a social life including a gf for starters.

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No, you stay here because you were already fucked in the head. This is a place for the ill fit for society come to vent, relate, and mingle. Normalfags dont visit and stay on Yas Forums and become incels.

Being lonely is becoming more common in millenials and zoom zooms.

Browsing Vietnamese puppetmaking forums every day isn't going to make it any better you know.

>consistently told I'm handsome and charming
>constant crippling pain and sickness from an illness with no cure
>everyone and everything I've ever been close to has either died or abandoned me
>completely unable to become remotely close with another human being, just see all of them as vain, freakish monsters who's thoughts and activities have become completely alien to me
I feel like I'm not living my life, like its just happening regardless of what I do. I have no purpose and I cant find the motivation to do fucking anything knowing that I'm going to eventually grow to hate it, and even if I dont I'm probably going to die a horrible painful death before I'm 40 and most of my time on this earth will either be spent as a wage slave or a miserable hermit. People keep telling me to try therapy, I've tried fucking therapy, nothing fucking helps, it's just a bunch of fucking boomers giving generic stupid obvious fucking advice and making small talk. I've just got this constant fucking feeling, I dont know what it is, anxiety, sadness, something, it just feels like everything in my life is adding up together and the result isnt good. I just cant stop feeling like my life should be better than this, like at some point I just swapped out with someone else. I just dont understand how I ended up like this. My childhood was bad but not bad enough to destroy me emotionally, I wasnt bullied as a kid, I dont understand. The world is just so god damn alien to me now. My whole life I've just tried to be as stoic about it as I can, I've avoided complaining as much as possible but I dont know if I can just keep living my life. I just feel so lost. I dont want to die but I dont want to keep living this life. I just want something that matters. I just feel like I'm missing some vital part of life, like trying to figure out a board game without the instructions

Why is that normal

Normalcy is just whatever the majority of the population is doing. If 90% eats, breathes and shits, then it's normal. If the majority has a circumcised penis, then that's normal.

Idk, I think we just missed out on socializing during important, formative years and that developing this skill now is difficult because ther's' already an expectation that you won't be a complete social retard, leading people like us into either avoiding others completely or trying too hard and embarrassing ourselves.

Here we go, cause we're Fanboy & Chum Chum!
A little cuckoo, Fanboy & Chum Chum
We're amazing, totally crazy
Fanboy, Chum Chum, come on, everybody, sing!
We're gonna scream at the top of our lungs!
We're gonna fly and have some fun!
We don't care, if you stare, I mean, look at our underwear!

Buh-buh-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, Buh-buh-ba-ba-ba ba-ba ba-ba
Blah blah, blah blah, buh-buh-ba-ba-ba-ba-blah!
So come and scream at the top of your lungs!
Come and fly and have some fun!
Buh-buh-blah, buh-buh-blah, buh, blah, blah, Fanboy & Chum Chum!


it was my birthday yesterday, and I can’t shake a crippling depression. my life has just been wasted potential, but I’m easily discouraged. the older I get, the less ambition I have, as I feel it’s too late. I feel like I’ve never truly gotten what I wanted ever and it hurts knowing I probably won’t

>subtle brag
end it

happy birthday user

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>he hasn't reached the point were you realize it can never ever be accomplished and stop giving a shit about what people think of you by wearing loli shirts and saying "nigger" and faggot" in public for all to see

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Report: instead of surrendering the inner centroid, or being dissipated on the periphery (objectivity), it is best to achieve a balance, a kind of stable orbit or hydrostatic equilibrium, much like stars that neither collapse into their cores or are blown to the four corners by the ferocity of their light. the point is always to seek after your ontological self-integrity, your existentially unique One: your personal hyparxis, or inner star. your formal, and not substantial, identity. thus, the vortex is stopped, and you are no longer debased by your concessions to objectivity. Normal is normal to normal.
addendum: additional entries backlog

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It's all I've got man. It hasnt gotten me shit. I dont know why I just feel like I should have added up to something better, I mention it whenever I can because I just really need some kind of attention or affection. I just feel so fucking alone all the time

checked and thanked

If you believe that you have potential, the feeling that you should be doing something to live up to it never goes away. You'll be 45 and daydreaming about starting projects or whatever you want to do, so don't let the whole "too late" thing discourage you.

This is absolutely true but the root cause of those failures today and in the formative years is a physical or mental defect. Failure was almost guaranteed and simply begins in those formative years

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Lately I've felt more and more akin to The Supreme Gentleman

let's meet at Kohl's

>tfw been a pagliachi since childhood
All I love in this world is making people laugh and dancing, yet I'm so bitter on the inside

I love it whenever this guy posts

Combination of losing the genetic lottery and refusing to put in the effort to overcome your own adversities.

me except I think I'm overestimating the fat thing based on the incessant teasing of a jealous ex with penis envy

desu this kind of freedom is the answer for truecels, just being able to not give any fucks since youre bound to suffer and fail anyways. but achieving that mindset is easier said than done obviously

Just think, somewhere out there, there's a person who had absolutely nothing better to do with his time than to make this post. Really makes you appreciate your own life.

the s*iths, morrrissoy, and all of their musics are overrated garbage for masturbation addict zoomer

Based Fanboy and Chum-Chum chad

He's the best poster on this board. Not like that spic zoom zoom that always post shitty whinny lyrics from his favorite trash music made by bunch of sissy bottom from manchester

happy birthday freak

brain ruined by drugs

>tfw failed chad

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