Have her films ever made you cry?

Have her films ever made you cry?

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Not even slightly emotional towards her films

She was too pretty to do explicit stuff desu. She could have been a world-class model by now.

i love her i loveher

Attached: Capture.jpg (219x321, 11.14K)

Where's the background image from?


Veronika was hotter, dat ass.

roasties are basically sjws

69 meters per socond. its an anime that's better than most hollywood films

the wall is real

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It's 5 centimeters per second.

No that's anime is terrible. Its so fucking boring and pretentious. 69 meters per second is way better.

Didn't she help recruit some of the girls?

I wish I could save her.

Attached: oksi.jpg (1280x960, 166.46K)


Do you have recent pictures? Poor girl looked she was homeless, with proper care she would be a top tier cutie.

Not bad all things considered, what did she say?

Are you sure that one is Oksi from my pictures? Looks like she's that other girl that appeared with her in a video.

Attached: oksi (2).jpg (1280x960, 210.91K)

Just watched more of the video, it's not the same girl, always wondered what became of her.

69 miles per hour was much better.

Is there a non-scam fund that we can give to expoited girls like her so that they can live a full and happy life?

The one on the video is Ira, oksi is this one


She doesn't fit the stereotypical victim role too well for hollywood.

My angel.

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Girls like her are dime a dozen here in Russia.

Why are Russians so beautiful?

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It appears that she doesn't consider herself exploited, she suffered more from moralcucks bullying her.

>the ones you couldn't save

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Name? I think I recognize, but can't remember the name.

beautiful angel ciara.

for me it's wholesome cute and funny webcam kino not the degenerate hc studio stuff

>cute and funny webcam kino

watch out. the feds shut one of those ktity clearnet networks down in 2018.

Outside of the Masha BJ scene, the rest aren't HC, just softcore stuff with the girls posing and playing with themsevels/toys.



webcams are the hottest, but sometimes high quality studio stuff is nice.

Attached: zoomer dance.webm (1560x1080, 2.83M)

Is that what heaven looks like?

>pedophiles on Yas Forums

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ss olivia is the best

>its an user never found source for the triokino that was posted once with the green background and heavy smooching epsiode

For me, it's Mila, she's crazy hot.

Why can't they hire decent looking lgs? 90% of them are pure goblina and ironically they are the one with the best quality videos

beggars can't be choosers

>90% of them are pure goblina
naw they are cunny magic. That one is the only monster.

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For me its Dafne

Attached: dafnee.jpg (647x484, 30.09K)

legit look like a cp star

don't need the no no stuff when instagram is right there

Attached: _sofia.fernandes_B81VoB3J9P-.jpg (1080x1350, 515.6K)

Unless you want to take a real look at the goods.

I like her.

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>I like her.

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post masha

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who is this demon

All fucking pedos must fucking hang.

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>13 views already


out with cute little girls

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She seems like she's a funny girl.

Allie andrew


what's with Yas Forums and pedos
why not Yas Forums or Yas Forums?


brehs anyone know her insta?

cunnykino brought me here

Attached: 1522733398641.jpg (1381x1600, 1.2M)

i'd say this thread counts as Yas Forums - Television & Filmâ„¢

Reported ; )

>cunny moans


Attached: sampioofficial_B9Xd5zAnl5J.jpg (1080x1350, 647.93K)

Already downloaded and stored on an encrypted hard drive ; )