This is what people considered a 10 in the 90s

>this is what people considered a 10 in the 90s

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Still a 10

literally indistinguishable from a ladyboy

Someone post a pic of how she looks like today

wasn't she in a softcore porn

She'd give a dog a bone.

t. low test yellow fever soi boi
latinas are goddesses

real men fuck asians

Love Waynes World but good god are the scenes of and her shitty band awful.

Hot gook

it’s literally a jungle chink you retard, not a spic

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Asian girls in first place
Latinas in close second

A very far off third place is white girls

never thought she was good looking even when I was a horny teenager

She was a 10 to Wayne.
But she is pretty hot, especialy in that dress and heels why all the hair-splitting?
anyone else think it's weird that alleged rockers and metal heads were all ga-ga for this chick's melodic pop-rock?[/sppoiler]

lol retard

Latin European > Castiza > Hapa > White > Asian

True Lies where she wrestles JLC in the limo might have been my hardest erection

This. Masturbatedto kapowski instead

This movie had an utterly shit ending

which one, cause there's three.

Pretty much. Once you get around latinas you realise by 18 they are generally 5'2 200lbs, hairy and smell like ass. You might have one of 1000 with a decent body after 20.

I can empathize how much they smell like ass. Its like they dont know how to use toilet paper and they eat so much grease


That's partly my point

she was hot as shit and waynes world was kino the likes of which zoomers will never know

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Wayne's World 2 > Wayne's World

You are fucking damaged. Likely molested and raped, your world view is destroyed.

Low test soi boys are the ones who hate and seethe over Asian women though



Get out of here, newfan. Us oldfans all recognize that the sequel is better.

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I know she didn't become famous until the end of the 90s but the blonde chick form office space was literally an aryan goddess

I thought I was the only one. Nobody else I know has even seen the second movie.

Del Preston stole both movies, and wasn't even in one of them.

>Nobody else I know has even seen the second movie.
Makes sense. Everyone who's been familiar with both of them for years knows that the sequel is better.

I thought I was the only one

I'd imagine still good since she's asian

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Every faggot in here wouldn't know how to approach a real woman like Selena anyways lmao.

I'd smile and say I'm really sorry to bother you, but you were really awesome in Wayne's World. Let me pay for your lunch. Thank you for your service

I'd like to meet that ladyboy

>what people considered a 10

If she were a president she would be Babe-raham Lincoln

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I can't imagine the level of gayness you would need to even come up with that thought.

She's a fox. In French, she would be called "la renarde" and she would be hunted with only her cunning to protect her.

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Asians are fucking ugly, full stop.

Actually there's a 90s asian porn actress, Asia Carrera, who picked that stage name as a homage to Tia Carrere. For eastern standards, yes they sorta looked alike... Which was awesome. Asia was interviewed in one of the netflix docu series "after porn ends", and she seems to be one of the few retired talents who is actually very centered. And still hot. You might want to go and do the proper search now.

I’m pretty sure she was on drugs in almost every single scene she did. So deff not level headed lol.

Tia Carrere was pretty hot back in the day.

theres nothing more annoying in a movie when the main character is chasing after an unattractive woman

this is what people considered a 10 in the 80s

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If she had a more modern hair style you'd think she was bangin. Maybe not a 10 but she has pretty great facial aesthetics. Those floofy bangs are awful though.

>imagine how hairy that bush was

hol it dine

It's either this hairstyle, or Emo that really does it for me


It could also be that her face is hot as hell