- Christian Bale is playing the main villain, Gorr. In this version, Gorr is an alien whose race was slaughtered by Hela. He blames the Asgardians and, after years of searching, retrieved the Necrosword to wipe them out.

- Thor is having intergalactic adventures with the Guardians of the Galaxy when Gorr attacks and wounds him, then announces that he will kill the remaining Asgardians on Earth. Thor goes there to protect them with Rocket and Groot.

- Thor can’t find Gorr, so he’s forced to ask Jane Foster for help. Gorr’s sword is powered by dark energy, and Jane might be able to trace it. Jane is now working for S.W.O.R.D., and director Abigail Brand is not happy when Thor shows up needing help.

- Thor, Jane and Brand go New Asgard, where they reunite with Valkyrie and time-displaced Loki, who ends up a prisoner there after whatever happens on his spinoff series. Along with Loki is a new time-displaced Mjolnir that doesn’t answer to Thor because it’s under a “different spell”.

- Gorr tricked Thor into leading him to New Asgard and destroys it with his army of “shadow berserkers”. During the chaos, Jane wields Mjolnir and fends off Gorr for the time being.

- Brand places the Asgardians under S.W.O.R.D.’s protection at an outpost near Braxton, Oklahoma. Thor trains Jane to control Mjolnir and they reconnect. Valkyrie and Brand also develop a bond.

- Loki escapes and join forces with Gorr to use Jane’s research on dark matter and harness it through the Necrosword to defeat Thor. Dark energy has time-altering properties that Loki wants.

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- All leads to major battle between Thor and Jane against Gorr across time and space, while Valkyrie and Brand lead the Asgardians and S.W.O.R.D. in battle against the Shadow Berserkers to defend Braxton.

- During the battle, Rocket and Groot must deal with a dark energy singularity that Gorr creates before it consumes the planet, and Loki pursues his own agenda.

- Gorr will be mocap, but his pre-Necrosword form is going to be human-looking. The dark energy mutates him, and he becomes more monstrous as he absorbs more of it.

- Brand is the other major role left to cast, Marvel Studios is looking at actresses like Jodie Comer and Vanessa Kirby for the role since the character is supposed to appear in several movies like Nick Fury.

- Rocket and Groot are supporting characters, the rest of the Guardians - Star-Lord, Drax, Mantis and Nebula - are cameos. There’s some talks about having them join the final battle, but nothing final. Gamora won’t show up because her story is reserved for Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

- Same comedic tone as Thor: Ragnarok. The idea is to leave the door open for Hemsworth and Portman to return for more, but also wrap up their character arcs in case they decide to stop after this.

- Gorr is going to kill either Korg or Miek during the attack on New Asgard. Waititi still hasn't decided on who (Korg would be more impactful, but he likes playing the character).

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too obvious

What about best girl Darcy?

>bad guy is Gorr

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Best part of Thor 2 was these 2.

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holy fuck she aged like milk left out in the sun all day. what happened?

you fags full yet?

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Sounds kino.

totally hidden like kevin feige like it

As soon as you shills stop spamming BVS JL WW BW threads

this stinks of thor 2

all capeshit is shit r*ddit, now go back with your company wars bullshit

i dont care lol

>wrapping up Portman's arc
So they don't want her as FemThor going forward? Or are they just not sure she'll want to be FemThor going forward?

>plot is about a sword
>jane works at something called SWORD

>Valkyrie and Brand also develop a bond.

I'd rather see Brand as a hardcore homophobe and Valkyrie having to deal with the abuse because New Asgard is a glorified Indian reservation in terms of poverty and welfare leeching off the state and Brand constantly pointing out what a shit leader Valkyrie is.

>Christian Bale
I’ll be skipping this.

Really wish she did nudity. Her refusing to bare those tits is why her career is dead

I'm sure you would.

its a comics reference dumbass

What the fuck was the point of killing Loki or Gamora if they're just getting replaced by themselves anyways?
>lol comic books & death lol lol
Is not a valid response.

>Thor can’t find Gorr, so he’s forced to ask Jane Foster for help
But why

>- Christian Bale is playing the main villain, Gorr. In this version, Gorr is an alien whose race was slaughtered by Hela. He blames the Asgardians and, after years of searching, retrieved the Necrosword to wipe them out.
That's...actually a good change. Surprising for Tacucky "Rapin' The Canon" Washitty. Better than this atheist Gorr shit in the comics.
And what, no Sif? Blindspot's over this year. Jaimie should be free.

>Loki is somehow alive AGAIN
I wouldn't want it any other way.

So is Gorr being killed off or not?

Fat breeding Jew cow makes my benis tingle

Since they established aagardian is just a citizenship and not a race or ethnicity, who are the villain trying to vipe out exactly? Asgard technically doesn't exist anymore

Who gives a shit, it will never be as kino as the God Butcher arc was. Esad Ribic is a fucking legend.

>Sounds kino

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I will never watch a Thor movie with that diversity hire Valkyrie again

No attractive women allowed

Is Thor still fat

Which was still better than Ragnarcuck

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Portman is a terrible actress.

she quit and only returned when she got to be le stronk wom*n

Sif should have gotten this.
Fuck portman and her ugly fucking face.

He's gonna take their passport away, JUST LIKE THE EVIL ORANGE MAN

Gorr would be quite the surprise. I like when they use obscure characters and make them more popular

>Asgard gets fucked up again

Fuck Portman? Fuck Tessa Thompson.

still no beta ray bill ;_;

>more portman
no thanks

>He likes Valkyrie

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>Thor trains Jane to control Mjolnir and they reconnect
Valkyrie is also a fucking nobody, they don't have any real parts

If they bring out Gorr they can later use the Necrosword to tie it all to Knull who will be the overarching villain of phases 4-6.

Except she does since she's there to show there is no true Scandinavians or Scandinavian culture and heritage

But Asgardians were never any kind of humans so that is not possible.

i hope they really do do a gorr arch for the next set of avengers movies.

but he'll either be swept away after this movie or just be a pawn leading up to some other big baddy. but who?

the real scandinavians were the friends we made along the way.


They're literally aliens. Take your racist bullshit somewhere else you fucking retard.
She is a shit character but not only because she's black.

They clearly are inserts to real life Scandinavians, Valkyrie and Heimdal are there to show that it doesn't matter if real life Scandinavians gets replaced
Also, New Asgard in Norway right in the middle of the fucking rapefugee crisis, you got to be fucking kidding me? Why not Wakanda instead? They established there's no real connection to Scandinavians and that Norse mythology is the humankind's cultural heritage, not Scandinavians, so why put New Asgard in Norway then and not in Wakanda where there's plenty of room?

Black Panther was a racist film then?
Also, even aliens would have races, assuming Thor and Sif could have a full black kid just cause they are aliens is retarded

>Gorr will be mocap, but his pre-Necrosword form is going to be human-looking. The dark energy mutates him, and he becomes more monstrous as he absorbs more of it.

Don't do this to Gorr you faggots. Make him a mix of practical effects and CGI. His whole Hela storyline also sounda dumb as fuck, they should leave it as it is.

Jack Nicholson is a great actor, if you don't accept him as fully ethnically Chinese you are a racist

The recently multiracialized Asgard integrated with the recently multiracialized Norway, it's pottery

Hemsworth and Holland and Simpkins and Pratt and Rudd and Evans are relentlessly handsome.

Well i have no clue how the MCU will handle it and i know you don't want "lol comic books" as an answer, but several characters have "died" in the comics and "come back" just like this.
Replacing a character with an alternate timeline/dimension/whatever variant is a pretty ancient trope at this point.

Whether or not thats smart for the movies, who fucking knows and I'm not arguing that. But the MCU is based heavily off of the ultimates line (but using the 616 version of characters for the most part) and they have dimension swapping galore in it.

Wasn't Valkyrie supposed to get a tranny lover, or are Brand going to be the tranny character?

Then you are going to love this

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