Kinos about freedom

Kinos about freedom

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only the strong should survive desu. we cant support anymore burdens

She's not wrong.

She’s literally right


Based, not my job to pay for your fucking kids

Don't breed what you can't feed.
She is right.

>have kid

I Was born in 1964. I remember when you actually had to work in life. I had two newspaper routes and in the summer I Had a lemonade stand. When I was 10 years old I was buying my own lunchs. Today kids have everything. I Remember when I went to college I paid my own tuition working in the summer. Now AOC wants me to pay taxes for a Philosophy major's student loans. Guess what? Maybe you shouldn't have majored in Philosophy!

based facebook boomer

sounds like more of an investment than communism tbqh
but "free emotional support" is a bit weird.

I'm okay with supporting my fellow Whites and White children who really need help. I will not, however, stand for my tax dollars going to supporting little nigger, spic, and other assorted shitskin babies.

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Based to you too!

>uses public infrastructure
Kek, pay your taxes , the US wasn't built on retarded egoism.
If you stop supporting the community they won't go away they will revolt and put a commie in office. Giving them gibs is the best option

It's entirely true. It's the same reasoning as to why we don't feed wild animals; they become dependent on us. Look at American negroes, they're entirely dependent on the state for survival and they're incapable of fending for themselves.

this will only fuck over nigger babies so sounds based to me

No babies are going to get hurt. Once you stop giving them shit they WILL fuck your country up.
Its sad how Yas Forumscels actually believe that once you stop giving poor people things they'll either get a job or starve and die peacefully lmao. They Will fuck society up, elect Bernie sanders and you will pay for it, dumb fucks

Why do children deserve free food?

>If you stop supporting the community they won't go away they will revolt and put a commie in office.
shut the fuck up

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Are you even aware how much is spend on social programs you dumb fuck. They aren't revolting because you are giving them a bunch of free shit, dumb fucker

>yes, you need to pay for your healthcare in America, just like every other third-world country

It literally was.

Income Tax is only around 100 years old.

19th century America was built through industry and philanthropy.

Why should someone who can't even feed their kid without government assistance keep custody of their children?

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>uses public infrastructure
Lot of assumptions there.

>19th century America was built through industry and philanthropy.
do you think taxes started with income tax???????


They'll put in Hillary first.

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Irrelevant, America has grown infinitely more since.

You do understand that welfare in all forms lead to dependency, which makes people worse off overall? Retarded frogposter

Taxpayer funded food. Paying for other people's children without addressing the fact that retards who can't wipe their own ass are allowed to have kids.

Listen, this bastard system is shit, either we address this wholesale and stop letting nigger brain fuckwits pop out 3-4 children or we stop subsidizing their bad decisions.

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Obviously an out of context quote but it takes like .40 a day to feed a kid lunch. $8 of peanut butter and jelly will last months. When we give people hand outs they become to retarded to figure out how to stretch a dollar.

>they will revolt and put a commie in office
They don't even have enough support to do it the legal way much less by force.

Can any of you explain how taking resources from me is moral?

The needs of the many outweigh the few.

Social Democracy will never work in a degenerate Country such as the US. They have too many poor, crazy, drug addicts, lazy black people.. it would not work. You need a healthy population of atleast 85% white people in order for Social Democracy to work.

Mayhe if the job market wasn't shit they wouldn't need handouts? Oh man turns out millions of people starving, looting and revolting aren't in the interests of the state and will objectively degenerate the country.
Turns out austerity doesn't work

So you point the gun of state power at the people who are productive and take their resources to give to the non-productive?

You've just created a model doomed to collapse.

The state isnt run by morality you dumb spooked retard

This is why we still have guns, so they are forced to get a job or starve peacefully. If they don't, they're likely to get shot, if not by police than by roof Koreans and other makeshift citizen militias.

Even then it doesn't work long-term. Welfare is dyngenic by its very nature, and will lead to the slow destruction of your society. Why do you think these white countries started importing minorities to prop up their overbloated, collapsing welfare states in the first place?

But "the many" are the ones getting taxed by "the few"

chavez implemented many free shit programs until they ran out of money. ice cakes are pretty popular over there

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Its almost like.. People starving and shooting each other for food isn't in the interests of the state.. Woah its almost like the state is there to stop retarded mutts from turning the country into a banana republic, turns out it works!

absolutely degenerate, bet you have your tubes tied

Are you retarded? The job market is better than it has ever been. A homeless guy pan handling on the street corner can afford .40 a day for food.

Still working better than US winner takes it all Capitalist system. It's a cruel system.

>Woah its almost like the state is there to stop retarded mutts from turning the country into a banana republic, turns out it works!

>not a banana republic

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>Uses public infrastructure

This is essentially a non-sequitur, unless you're under the impression that the government spends most of its tax revenue on building and maintaining infrastructure.
The amount it spends on that is a rounding error compared to Social Security, Medicare and the military.

That’s actually pretty dope.

>letting the government control every aspect of your life

Do yuros really?

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>The job market is better than it has ever been.
No it's not. Most of these new jobs are either part time or temporary, or they don't pay a wage one can live off of. It's akin to saying unemployment is down, when all that happened was during Obama's term they stopped considering people who have been out of the workforce for a long period of time as unemployed.

They do, mostly because the eurofags that stayed were the weakest, least industrious and most dysgenic that Europe had to offer. The last of their masculine classes were killed in the world wars and only the invalids, cowards, and faggots were left.

>Never been to an actual banana republic
>Chances are was only in the rich parts of any foreign country they visited.

have an original thought for once in your life bud

Taxation is theft
No government
Free market will produce morality

You act like that's not bad for the economy.

What's wrong with "free emotional support" or whatever that means. That shit is already free.

Getting your tubes ties is cucked, just like paying for someone else's offspring.

Are you retarded do you know how taxes started? Do you know that to reduce taxes in other places they made income taxes

yeah the free market has done a great job at producing morality right. that's why the US produced so much degenerate and immoral shit in the last 100 years.

>Kek, pay your taxes , the US wasn't built on retarded egoism.
It literally was.
Also, the argument is about government funded welfare, not about taxes in general.

You Amerimutts allow your government to slowly strip you of your constitutional rights and spy on you, too. You have no right to criticise Europeans

Oh so you don’t know shit. Makes sense.

Eurocucks have it 100x worse but act like their system is superior. Imagine being so dense.

Bruuuuhhhh taxation has been a thing since the biblical days

Burger education ffs

>Eurocucks have it 100x worse
In many ways, we have more freedom in France than you do in the US. I can't wait for them to finally come door to door for your guns, and for you to just hand them over quietly in the name of safety. We all know you will not die fighting to protect your second amendment, and once that's gone you can say goodbye to whatever's left of your first amendment.

I didn’t know physically possible to cope this hard. Get acid attacked and while having your butter knife confiscated.

That's an old talking point and not at all how that shit is organized and counted by the dept of labor. You can read an updated labor report every week and see how the data breaks down to many different kinds of people and types of work. To put it simply: job participation has been at an all-time high and unemployment is lower than 4%. That's good shit and means that the people who drive the economy have money and are gonna spend it, start businesses of their own, get employees, encourage competition, put money in the markets, etc. That doesn't mean we're all fine and have nothing else to work on, but there's no silver bullet and change is slow.

>children are dependent

say it ain't fucking so

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who here 4

>we have more freedom in France
At least men here can test the paternity of their children without the mother's consent.

>"It's not my responsibility to pay for your kids! Don't have them if you can't afford them!"
>"Okay, guess I'll get an abortion."
Conservatives are already in a better spot than liberals, but they really need to shuck the shell of moral absolutism in lieu of grounded solutions.