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I am jazz
where's the stream?
I'm gay teehee
When does the ride stop, anons?
probably coming out of his ass now...
When he finally ends it all
When the ride stops, it won't be televised, because that wouldn't be "affirming"
Fucking trannies isn't gay: change my mind.
surprise surprise, the quack psychologist just happened to drop in while Jazz is having a breakdown. I bet TLC keeps the doc outside like an EMT at a NASCAR track in case a wreck occurs.
>concerned about his mental health NOW
>not when he wanted to cut his dick off
>not when he said he was a girl 18 years ago
Parent of the year.
More like discuss the nose amirite?
>finally reached the episode with this scene
Mental Illness
I like the line from grandpa, something along the lines of...
> I don't understand what goes on around here, Jazz is having a crisis, suddenly we're talking about scissors
Is this all ironic or do you guys really watch this for really reals?
you sure told him
I wish they told us all the psychiatric drugs jaron is on
Sigh, somehow the teratoma has returned.
Will he have guts to pull it off?
playing right now near the end of the episode
That's very manly crying...
These people really need Jesus, but I'm afraid their corruption and degeneracy has reached inescapable levels, and will need to receive Judgement like the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
So, living her best life.
Jazz will never be able to live on its own. If Jazz is freaking out this much about a speech, it will never be able to work a normal job, have normal relationships, or function in the real world.
This is a fucking train wreck
>These people really need Jesus
that ship sailed about 2000 years ago
Present moment shit never works for long. It just puts the problem off and eventually builds to a cataclysmic explosion.
So the shrink JoJo was was jarons aunt wtf
No one really asked but I hadn't thought about it in years until someone brought up football. But here is the dude I knew in HS that played football, went to the military, apparently decided he was a tranny and made international news by coming out against something trump did against trannies in the military. The only way I found out about it since we never kept in touch. Don't her feminine popeye forearms turn you guys on?
Or maybe you guys are more turned on by her feminine voice which is shown in the video in the article below.
Like suicide?
>>Man hips
>>Beer belly
Sure. Depends on the person or the problem.
based christcuck poster
>We were there when Jazz came out of the birth canal and now we are here when she doesn't have one.
How does this guy not see the irony in this?
>season finale is Jeanette claiming new flesh
Got to keep the delusion going, even the slightest crack and he has a breakdown
The next episode may be the last one.
According to Radar Online, this season was cut short (which it is), and they also say that there may not be another season since Jazz has become a total mental case.
I looked it up too user, I was gonna post it.
oh shit
Sounds like a case of mental health. What the hell kind of idiot wants to be on a show like this?
I wish I enjoyed something as much as that dude is enjoying his meal
what was he pouring on it?
sister wives?
what sort of degeneracy am i in for lads?
Doesn't seem like it is going to end next episode. Maybe there are two more. Expect a lot of forced cheery messages as cope in the last episode.
so what's changed. seriously though folks, why would they cancel it when they're finally really digging into her life? it's like teen comedy part 2 jazz goes to college.
What a fucking Chad
Looks like a chocolate milkshake.
none, it's just 4 women bickering.
>seriously though folks, why would they cancel it when they're finally really digging into her life?
Because the horrifying reality of what Jazz has gone through is now coming to light and that can't be part of the (((narrative)))
At the end of tonight's episode they announced that next week is the season finale; so ya, that's it.
I know the mother is a psychopath but honestly this is the father's fault. He let his batshit crazy evil wife mutilate and neuter his son. It's his responsibility to protect his children, and he failed. And even now, surgery after surgery, sticking larger and larger dialators up his son's rotting wound, waiting for his to check out and embrace the sweet relief of death, he still does nothing to stop this. When your wife takes a knife to your child, a real man stops her and takes the kids away. Psycho evil mothers are everywhere, but fathers need to step up and say no. No you will not drive my son to suicide after years of genital mutilation, hormone treatments, Maoist brainwashing, and perfecting the utter humiliation by making it public for all to see the abuse.
Yep when he eventually an heros it'll be a blurb somewhere
The Chad restaurant binge eater vs the virgin car binger when they think no one's looking
Pretty much. They've spent 6 seasons trying to convince the unstable that mutilation is somehow "natural"; they can't top it off now with Jazz realizing that its entire life has been a lie.
It's like the reddit groups people keep posting in these threads. The day after "bottom surgery" when people are happy, the posts are all over; but as soon as the regret sets in, they are banned from the group.
It probably shouldn't be too surprising but this guy was in gymnastics as a kid. idk if his parents forced him into it or he actually wanted to do it as a kid. But back in the late 90s/early2000s every dude who went into gymnastics was assumed to be gay, or at least doing something pretty gay. I wasn't close friends with him so I obviously never brought it up with him. But since he did gymnastics I remember vividly when we did some middleschool health test thing or something where one of the challenges was who could do the most pushups this fag/freak/whatever did more than anyone, and kept going until the timer I guess ran out and to keep the class hours consistent forced him to stop, even though he could have kept on going.
That "13 year old trying to grow a stache" furry top lip xhe has is the most disturbing thing.
When Jazz suicides all of the blame will be placed on alt-right internet transphobe bullies. Jeanette will use the suicide she caused to become an even bigger media whore/trans activist.
the cocktail of street drugs, anti-depressants, and hormones surely isn't helping anything.
Americans see nothing wrong with secretly being filmed, since they care more about getting upvotes
I blame audiences. They can't handle Lynch's brilliance.
This episode had more twist and turns than a LOST episode
> Jojo decides she doesn't want top surgery. She wants bottom surgery. Grandma is full panic.
> Jazz has a total mental breakdown over her speech.
> The family starts realizing Jazz is completely unstable, won't be able to attend Harvard.
> Cliffhanger showing Noelle going through with surgery and it will be in the finale episode.
Bros we gotta save Jojo. We can't let that happen. Noelle already got sacrificed.
Sander is already using his little brother's suffering for attention. The whole family is fucked.
It has nothing to do with "seeing nothing wrong" with being filmed. You legally can't do anything about it while in public.
I don't know how she could swing that when a Jaron suicide perfectly BTFOs her entire parental approach to Jazz and reasoning for it.
>That camel toe
Our girl really made... she's finally a woman
All trannies must FUCKING HANG!
>that facial twitch
she's absolutely seething lol
No, it's been done before; mainly by the parents of murder victims. They'll show up at event and bathe in the pity of the masses. I have no problem seeing Jazz's mom pulling this in the end.
If you're fucking a degenerate tranny you will be swinging with em when the time comes
If you have to resort to tranny fucking you must be the most desparate person in the world. Fucking an actual prostitute is better.
please for the love of god tell me this isnt real
"perfectionist" has become a euphemism for "inadequate"
I like this dog a lot, he makes good eye contact, would probably have a firm handshake if he had opposable thumbs, and hates trannies.
It may not be "gay" but you're still a massive faggot who should kill yourself for enabling them.
I can also let myself outside when I have to make pee/poop then climb in my chair and keep an eye out for squirrel fucking shits