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I don't get it, why do white people vote for open borders, openly anti-white candidates? If white people weren't completely self-loathing and retarded, candidates like bernie wouldn't even bother getting info politics
Ayo shut da fuck up wite boi
We ridin with biden ya feel me
They basically get turned into jews via brainwashing the way they think
They have been made to subconsciously immediately hate white people including themselves
All preservation instinct gone
Because that's not actually an accurate representation of Democratic policies. Stop reading Yas Forums and pretending it's news
>uneducated blacks dabbing on college liberals by monolithically voting for the establishment because they were told to
I can't believe niggers aren't voting for Bernie, they're tanking our progressive movements I fucking hate black people voting against their interests
are you non-white?
The establishment already gives blacks whatever they want, why would they want change?
Great Television and Film post
Bernie doesn't support open borders, Yas Forumscel.
>Great Television and Film post
thanks for setting the record straight
PreWW2 a number of jews were rejected entry into the US due to their residence being Eastern European; at the time immigration from Southern and Western Europe was being encouraged. After WW2 many "American" jews felt betrayed by America, and were threatened by American patriotism and nationalism which they knew would be turned against them should the amount of jewish communists ever become popular knowledge. This led to the movement by the jews to flood the US with non-Westerners while subverting the younger generations, teaching them self hatred. Initially the jews used the black populace to play them against the white identitarians, but as time moved on they began to use foreigners more and the black populace less, essentially abandoning them.
He's promising a lot of free stuff for young cucks.
He recently said he was for putting a moratorium on deportations. Imagine trying to pander to the far left when you should be trying to win the center.
Biden will defeat Sanders and Trump they’re both full of MALARKEY
Redditor spotted
the only people who are progressive are limp dick kikes and whites. everyone else is just using you dumbasses to get want they want. once that happens they'll toss you off a building for being the faggot you are.
Because the economic issues of the other candidates and the "opposition" are so dauntingly horrifying to people who actually have to earn money to survive that they'll accept a couple token liberal policies rather than take an accelerated decline into cyberpunk dystopia only no cool implants
JOEMENTUM is real and it’s happening
Shut the fuck up, the media and the DNC are sabotaging Bernie
Het there big Bern. How's the wife? Well you know me, I'm hanging in there. Just waiting for debt to be wiped clean and the sick pod for me and my partner. Any time now, right? lol. Here's another $500 so we can make this shit happen. Love ya Bernie. Your friend - Sigmond
>Completely reshape and reform our immigration enforcement system, including breaking up ICE and CBP and redistributing their functions to their proper authorities.
(((the proper authorities)))
>Live up to our ideals as a nation and welcome refugees and those seeking asylum, including those displaced by climate change.
AKA literally everyone from the 3rd world.
>tfw America will never get universal free healthcare like a civilized country
>tfw that's all I want
I'm white and speak Spanish fluently and French pretty well. What country should I move to?
Then why did your candidates speak spanish all of a sudden?
What are some kinos where the protagonist wins by default without putting in any actual effort?
Bernie wants to get rid of deportations and border patrol, he is open borders no matter how much he stammers on about how he isn't
L'Afrique avec les autres "humains" qui parle cette (((langue)))
>you are only le civilized country if your government forces rich people to pay for your diabetes medicine
lmao I hope you lose your foot fatso
we ridin' with biden nigga
come watch the commie seethe
Just move to Canada. It's like the US but without all the shit.
Back in the day Bernie was anti-immigrant like you'd expect a Union democrat to be. I dunno what he thinks now I've been ignoring the election.
Berniebros.. we got too cocky
yeah, when I try to talk to commies and marxoid retards about open borders, they seem to think only it's only open borders if the illegals remain illegal and undocumented; if there's an authority on the border stamping documents and legalizing them (extending worker rights to literally everyone who wants to come in) then it's not open borders, and that's how they and bernie define themselves as not pro open borders
>It's like the US but without all the shit.
You say that now, but they'll get there in due time.
it'll all look like toronto soon enough.
>that shit is already free nigga
Has a single phrase ever so thoroughly destroyed an entire movement before?
>I don't get it, why do white people vote for open borders, openly anti-white candidates?
You spend 12 years in Marxist brainwashing camps called public schools that teach you that white colonialist devils are the root of all the problems with the world, that whites are the inventors of slavery, that whites have a long history of brutality and racism, etc. and you combine that with atheist relativism and you get entire generations of whites who actively vote to have laws made against them, to become minorities in their own country, and to have the shit taxed out of them to give free gibs to people who can't even speak English.
biden has literally absolutely zero chance for winning, while sanders had some. They prefer trump to sanders unironically.
It's also true for old people.
But seriously though isn't it free? Are whites denied Medicaid?
I feel sorry for you americans and for the rest of the world as well. Bernie is one of the few politicians I look up to and admire.
Remember though that no political movement dissapears out of nowhere. Take the energy that was put in his campaign with you and make it last even without Bernie. Better times will come.
>yang endorses biden
because you would listen to him if he was white
if you're going to dismiss what he says no matter what he is you should at least be honest about it
>Bernie is one of the few politicians I look up to and admire.
Me too user, he's one of the few politicians to speak truth to power.
>When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor.
You have to be poor and/or grifter as fuck to be on medicaid.
It's amazing how similar that is to Brazil's situation in 2018 that led to Bolsonaro's victory. The better more independent candidate Ciro was attacked by status quo "left" Lula. They preferred to bet everything in defeating Bolsonaro only at the last bit of the run, stepping on all other candidates to get there and then they failed miserably.
Not really, young people have always been thinking like Bernie. Young Boomers more than anyone.
Problem for this ideal is that these people grow up, get jobs, learn about how the world works, see how ineffective and self-serving government it, and eventually see all the flaws in the idea and turn on it.
What a piece of shit country. American voters will literally line up to chow down on fresh diarrhea every four years and do so with smiles on their faces. What a cucked people.
A civilized country wouldn't let 30k people a year die just because some fat fucking banker can't make money off them while producing literally nothing
White liberals aren't white.
No user don't worry, we're voting for Trump. Don't let the polling fool you, they did the same thing last time.
>muh ineffective and self-serving government
>totally different from my virtuous market driven private insurance companies, goy!
► Detected: 119,176 ► Died: 4,295
UK health minister tests positive
Kanzlerin Merkel: „60 bis 70 Prozent in Deutschland werden sich infizieren“
Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes
All of Italy under lockdown, "red zone"
Trapped with dead sister, infected, health system collapsed
14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again
23 year old football player dies in Iran
Virus might spread through banknotes
South Korea "recovered" case reinfected
Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant
CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky
Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic
China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases
China underreports number of infections and deaths
China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately
01:10: 242 new cases and 6 new deaths in South Korea.
00:45: China’s National Health Commission reports 11 new cases across the mainland, excluding Hubei province.
00:45: 13 new cases and 22 new deaths in Hubei province, China.
00:14: 7 new cases, including 1 death, in Panama.
00:08: 3 new cases in Paraguay.
23:57: First 2 cases in Bolivia.
23:40: 21 new cases and 1 new death in Spain.
>A civilized country
You being an expert on what constitutes "civilized"?
Nah, they just pumped so full of anti-consumer, pro-corporate propaganda throughout their lives that it eventually takes its toll and they end up becoming cucked into voting against their best interests.
that's not true though, if the votes were white only republicans would win every state