>Coronavirus was just a prank they said
>just an innocent little joke
>now we're in a global state of emergency due to the widespread epidemic
Coronavirus was just a prank they said
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Point out a single way your life is any different because of this corona virus.
In get to read comfy corona threads now
my stocks got btfo
Everybody asking me for hand sanitizer.
You were born to live for a couple decades then die before you life really started
Next Bond movie was postponed and I kind of wanted to watch it right now.
Says who? CNN? The same people that said America didn't actually elect Trump because a 3rd world slavic country made the decision?
If you're reasonably young and don't suffer from any serious chronic or predisposed issues you should be fine.
it's only an emergency for fat boomers
All the fucking good pasta is gone
it's not nearly as widespread as the left wing media hoax is telling you. Trump even confirmed today that it's not as bad as the flu. stop watching cnn
what if I have yellow fever
Boys I'm going to become make CEO thanks to this shit?
>Trump even confirmed today
why are you even listening to the fella
If you don't have a 3 month survival stash you are good as dead, kiddo.
Cases have completely flat lined in China, it's over there. It is not even that bad. 500 people will die in the US.
South Korea is also seeing barely any new cases after it previous spread rapidly there
I bet there was an Italian that said this exact same thing a week ago.
My classes are online now until the end of the month.
scared because my parents are over 60 with underlying health coditions.
if they contract it they have a relatively high probability of dying. :(
How many cases of it killing people under 60 have there been worldwide?
over 9000
Don't know about worldwide, but in Italy if you're under 60 and healthy it's basically nothing
>it’s just a prank bro
6 million
0. Trump said it’s going to be gone soon anyway
trump is a retard. Also the leftwing media were downplaying the virus for weeks before this, so by your logic it must have been serious then
global state of emergency is just a fancy title for getting everyone to properly work together without pointless delays in communication
wrong. the left have completely blown this out of proportion to try and hurt based Trump’s re-election campaign. Actually try listening to what he says and take cnn’s dick out of your mouth
Medical insiders already anticipate that COVID-19 will mutate into a much more lethal version with about a 15% death rate. There's no vaccine, easily transmittable, and you can get it as many times as possible. But don't panic.
right of course
>kills boomers
>makes people hate chinks
>ends the outsourcing meme
this virus is based
nice fear mongering. and no, don’t ask me to donate to whatever jewish charity your about to plug
oh sure, I’m going to believe some random jew user and not based Trump
nigger please. Trump is literally just crying about muh stock market. This at least has the positive effect of making the fucking lemmings take the virus seriously purely because they have to contradict everything he says
medical insiders are saying that my cock is really big
It's being blown insanely out of proportion to crash the economy before the election, You're being taken on a hebrew roller coaster.
Name one time he has lied. Pro tip: you can’t. Stop listening to the lies of the left
we'll all be assigned gfs when it's over
Your LARP isn't subtle enough to be funny, chapotranny.
I work in a restaurant. The staff (everyone except waitresses and hostesses) is now working masked and they installed sanitizer dispensers everywhere. Apart from that business as usual.
>kills all Republican voters who refuse medical treatment to spite its existence
Might be pretty based after all.
Can you guys cool it with the antisemetism? Jewish people are victims of this plague as much as anyone.
It’s not supposed to be funny, tranny freak. I’m sick of libfags like you spreading bullshit
Based Gandalf
Don't talk about my dad like that.
>everybody scared of Coronavirus
>I'm going to Busch Gardens Williamsburg in a few weeks
Can't wait for the short lines.
I was in Japan a month ago and it was already like that, bottles of hand sanitizer at the entrance of every shop and restaurant, people wearing their masks, etc
incredible how long it took the west to react
I have noticed the only ones who want people to panic are corporations and liberals. Gee I wonder (((why)))
Because you're not very perceptive sitting your obese ass in front of a computer 15 hours a day.
Take your meds, schizo
>only ones who want people to panic are corporations and liberals
Because liberals and corporations (with the exception of those I disapprove of, such as Chick Fil A) operate intelligently.
Reacting with such rage against a post like that does nothing but make it seem correct
>Trump even confirmed today that it's not as bad as the flu.
Telling Hannity that doctors are wrong only confirms how fucked he is. He's the one who gutted the entire global-health-security unit of the National Security Council. He cut the government's $30m Complex Crises Fund. He didn't order more tests.
>it's just a flu, goy
how have you already forgotten that a month ago the liberals were calling quarantine fascist. Americans have the memory of goldfish
He didn’t order more tests because they aren’t needed. Stop buying into the hype holy shit. Trump has this and will sail into four more years
Its not just the mortality rate, its the severe pneumonia symptoms. Healthcare system can't handle a ton of people needing hospitalization all at once
end times are here swaglord fikod approved Yas Forums
► Detected: 119,176 ► Died: 4,295
UK health minister tests positive
Kanzlerin Merkel: „60 bis 70 Prozent in Deutschland werden sich infizieren“
Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes
All of Italy under lockdown, "red zone"
Trapped with dead sister, infected, health system collapsed
14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again
23 year old football player dies in Iran
Virus might spread through banknotes
South Korea "recovered" case reinfected
Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant
CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky
Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic
China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases
China underreports number of infections and deaths
China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately
01:10: 242 new cases and 6 new deaths in South Korea.
00:45: China’s National Health Commission reports 11 new cases across the mainland, excluding Hubei province.
00:45: 13 new cases and 22 new deaths in Hubei province, China.
00:14: 7 new cases, including 1 death, in Panama.
00:08: 3 new cases in Paraguay.
23:57: First 2 cases in Bolivia.
23:40: 21 new cases and 1 new death in Spain.
My 401k took a shit, but I'm not retiring anytime soon. My loved ones and I aren't at risk, so idc