How is it possible to be the lead role and the most unlikable character at the same time?

How is it possible to be the lead role and the most unlikable character at the same time?

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is this the one with Ella?

Welcome to the world of progressive writing. Enjoy your stay, there are no exits.

How is it possible to write about dark shit and yet make it the cringiest SJW shit on streaming? Even Sense8 was more subtle than this.

Sabrina: I have to make this stupid fucking asinine choice way more complicated, because of my FrIeNdS

I hate shows where unexplainable time travel saves the day. Sloppy and lazy writing.

Kiernan is such a groomed robot.

She makes me so hard

I would plow her in the ass, but she's clearly been trafficked from a young age.

She's only been with one man

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whatever you need to tell yourself

Personally, I prefer Tati

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competition for head boy
>can't win fairly, uses magic to cheat
competition to get on the boys basketball team
>can't win fairly, uses magic to cheat

I don't know what the final results are of either of these scenarios because I only watched one episode of season 2, but what the fuck is the message here? Women suck shit, can't complete, so cheating is okay? How was this a girl power thing?

Damn she's hot in that poster. Not watching though

>Not the tranny

If it was just 1 hour and a half of Ella Hollywood being a cute witch girl getting fucked her way through her highschool by anybody hot with a dick this series would be a lot better.

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For a character that “doesn’t fuck” she sure looks like a slut in the episode.

kek he went from greasy mobster to greasy cum guzzler

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I'd fuck the tranny till it felt like a natural woman

>What I signed up for
>What I got

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I'm doing uni as a boomer and expected everyone to look like this but everyone's surprisingly normal

That lachlan thing is cute, shame he/she/it/whatever mutilated its body.

All you have to do is make the show an absolute clusterfuck of ideas so it seems like she's constantly forgetting these massive potentially earth wrecking threats every six seconds.

These are still rare cases. Yas Forums likes to blow things outta proportion. Can't really blame them since the media will have you believe it's far more common.

She wants to change the institution of hell and you misogynistic, manly, satanic people have to STAY OUT OF IT.

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Fine by me, i just want to fill her asshole with my cum

had a dream where she was cutting my hair with a straight razor
I don't even watch this show wtf

This show has some of the greatest fan-service

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I do enjoy seeing Kiernan in her underwear. Won't watch the show though.

>not wanting to create beautiful kiki children by inseminating her vaginal floor

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i just go in the threads and wait for the webms.

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Do we know for a fact that's Kiernan's pussy?

someone has a webm somewhere

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This. I tried watching it because it seemed nice. First episode has the principal literally licking his chops about harassing women openly. It's cringy as fuck.

>everyone's surprisingly normal
99% of people are, but woke twitter has all day to do nothing but binge netflix, then bitch about it on twitter, whichdrags the normies scrolling their feeds during lunch at work.

I like her.

The filming on this show bugs me. Everything is either DARK or RED.
Can we film a fucking scene in the goddamn daytime for once? You're in school, would someone turn on a fucking light switch?

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she has tiny feet

you most likely fell asleep during the rather unimportant scenes. There are alot of them filmed in daylight.

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>Yas Forumspol shutins who have nothing better to do all day other than lurk for twitter posts to bitch about, exaggerate things
Color me surprised

>oh noes movies and tv series exaggerate opinions and political leaning mostly for their own gain
The reality isn't far from the costumed presentation hollywood produces. Don't be confused or irritated. There won't be a blue haired and nose-ring wielding girl spouting opinions about communism or feminism at your university. The ideology is internalized and not to be connected to clothing or hair color.

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kiernan's a qt

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She used to be perfect. She lost the magic, bros.

The women (ones played by Gomez and Otto especially) should be punishing Sabrina. Spank that little bitch till her ass is redder than a tomato.

>the lead role and the most unlikable character at the same time

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> Dat pussy mound.


I do like her backstory.

There is no good reason for Sabrina to have not been raped and turned into a sex demon yet.

worked for parks and rec

this. but as a prequel

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there really is something about it

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I bet her little dirty slutty girl pannies are so silky and form-fitting to her sleek little vulva. I bet if you kissed her cute little nub through her bad little pannies she'd really feel it.

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>spend entire season trying to figure how to lock satan in hell
>last episode finally do it
>last 20 seconds of episode
ok, now we are going to break satan out of hell

fuck this show, im done with it

Alot of depth, very tight, yet with a rounded arc.

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Jesus this show looks like zoomer garbage. Kill it with fire

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the whole scooby gang were disturbed by the pagans for a good 3 episodes while having satan in guantamo heaven

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Really depends on your major. Science classes were mostly normal but took counceling courses and had 3 trannies and a couple fat purple haired tumblrs in it.

arched like the upper body of a 2l pepsi bottle

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Old Sabrina was funnier, comfier and more wholesome.
This new show is edgy tween oversexualised trash.

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Wtf is wrong with her tits. Moses parted them titties

Best dress she's ever worn. It's insanely sexy, but it still feels super classy.

agreed. also, old sabrina was cuter and had cuter aunts. only thing new sabrina has that i like is the cousin, but hes a faggot so that detracts a lot from him. and fuck nu-salem, what were they thinking