Why isn't there a Smashing Pumpkins movie yet?

Why isn't there a Smashing Pumpkins movie yet?

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pretty mediocre band

You're a mediocre person

Billie Corgan isn't interesting enough for a movie, and the rest of them are literal whos

Billy Corgan
Smashing Pumpkins.

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It'll only be good if they include the Billy's red pills and wrestling obsession.

what does that even mean?

Because the world is a vampire.

Billy will be a character in the Nirvana movie as Courtney Love's asshole BF or something.

because their lives were boring

the official story, that is. nobody is gonna bother with the real story, of how courtney love and him fucking killed kurt for personal gain. and now billy is full schizo alex jones tier

Ten points to Griffindor to whoever can tell me what happened to female bass player

Starring Corey Feldman

She got drank a corona and got the virus. By virus i mean AIDS

Drugs and being weak

Imagine smoking crack with her, then letting her suck your dick. Fucccckkkk.


let the pic talk for itself

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>meme diversity band
no thanks

they have the most 10/10 songs of any 90s band, so no.

Was it kino lads?


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Radiohead, but I think you still have a point

Will it include the pivotal moment when Billy Corgan decided to shear his head of its godsanctioned province of lovely locks in protest of the inefficacies and flatulences of stardom?

She had sex

shake dow.. nine te se vu nah...

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i think you mean, why isn't there a james iha movie yet

>meme diversity band
billy corgan, aka 6'5" gigachad, wrote literally every single song, smashing pumpkins is unironically a key to a white childhood/teenage years

Iha has the talent, Chamberlain self-destructed, same with bassist I can’t remember. Corgan was only popular because he was the beta nerd alpha, every girls’ straight best friend they wanted to be gay. They were a product of their time, aged poorly while struggling to maintain relevance. For fuck’s sake the last thing they did remarkable as a band was the theme song for a Batman movie including the “felch”. Fuck theme, leave them in the past where they belong.

>6'5" gigachad
>white childhood

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Oh shit he married the guitarist?!


They hated each other m8

I saw the Smashing Pumpkins in northern Virginia the night that their keyboardist Od'd while Jimmy Chamberlain was with him. I think he was kicked out the next day or something

>iha had the talent
>wrote a single 5/10 song onn this masterpiece

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For me it's the theme song for Stigmata

For me it's Atom Bomb

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It would make a great fucking trainwreck documentary

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Didn't he and the guitarist have a bitchfight over twitter and she's the only one not playing in modern Smashing Pumpkins?

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Only kids who liked them were angsty bullied types who didn't shower and wore the same clothes everyday.


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Corgan is a genius but too autistic to be the central character.

I do love Smashing Pumpkins though

>I'll piss on fucking Radiohead, because of all this pomposity. This value system that says Jonny Greenwood is more valuable than Ritchie Blackmore. Not in the world I grew up in, buddy. Not in the world I grew up in.

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It'd be interesting to see the dramatisation of the siamese dream recordings when billy was a notorious control freak and tyrant but biopics are fucking shit and it'd be underwhelming and leave a lot to the imagination. A fictional work inspired by the same events, people, dynamics and relationships could work well in the same vain as Boogie Nights.

man i'd pay just to see a reenactment of billy's 2000 q magazine interview

Stay away from crack, kids.

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You can see footage of her in their older concerts. Holy shit she was that perfect 'punk chick' that people waifu so hard around here. Shame what happened to her.

weirdest thing is that she and jimmy seemed to be a pair of complete normies. my guess is that they provided a good dynamic for iha and corgan's dweeb/nerd side, until things got too dynamic that is


What the fuck is this real?

hey im listening to smashing pumpkins right now. Why is Lily my one and only so good bros?

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>Holy shit she was that perfect 'punk chick' that people waifu so hard around here

Kinda describes all their bassists, Billy had excellent taste

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>"Nice skirt,” says Q, by way of friendly introduction.

>“It’s not a skirt,” he replies gruffly, pulling back the long flap to reveal two trousered legs. “It’s a Gaultier.”

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>think Pumpkins are shit
>still read all Billy's interviews

billy corgan is one of those odd specimens who would look way better if he was a little shorter

Fucking love watching seething, washed-up 90s bands (looking at you, Oasis) and their shitty fans get jealous of the the commercial and critical success of Radiohead. DESU I'd be jealous af too if I was doing Barnes & Nobles book signings to keep my lights on and all Thom Yorke or Jonny Greenwood has to do is fart to bring in critical accolades and a few million dollars each.

Maybe you relate to the idea of delusionally stalking your waifu until the cops show up?

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go to bed thom

Read that in his voice desu

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>critical success

Music critic is the lowest profession on earth, nobody gives a fuck what they like or don't

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For me it's soma

based, absolutely classic interview
radiohead is the dweebiest fucking band i swear to god

Would it be whinier than Meeting People Is Easy?

>Former Smashing Pumpkins bassist D'arcy Wretzky, of South Haven, jailed for letting horses run loose
That and drugs

>In a nihilistic age
Oh if only they knew.