How does Paolo do It?
How does Paolo do It?
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I'm a house husband in Japan and it's boring as fuck, it's 7am and I'm already looking forward to bedtime
I want to fuck the delivery girl
>Lived in Japan
I really dislike those videos. They're so fake and made to look like Japan is a wonderland. The office worker one was a terribly inaccurate to 99.999% of workers. It made no sense to me why they chose a women that walks to work, while most of us had to spend 2 hours on trains every day. Why the woman with a workout room in her office? Most of us didn't have time for that given the 50+ hour work week and hours of commuting.
Japan is not a wonder land. In real life it is very mundane, cubical filled life, full of long hours and needless bureaucracy.
It's fun if you're a young tourist though, but living there is nothing like that.
I want a Japanese housewife DESU
dick move lol
are there actually real japs here
always assume the ones on flag-boards are westerners on vacation, living, or proxies
>skips right over her
>she looks at the camera
>leaves her arm out
>they both laugh at her
every time
>It's fun if you're a young tourist though
Whats some fun stuff a mid-20s american can do there?
Be an annoying gaijin like all foreigners there.
Not him, but did study abroad there for a few years.
It's weird, because everyone goes to the major cities, and there's a lot of great stuff to do in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, but personally the smaller towns are where it's at.
In the large cities you are just another annoying tourist to everyone. Tokyo will try to hide it behind a customer service smile, but Osaka will straight up yell at you. But if you go to a smaller cities in the south, like a Beppu, or you go to the colder regions up north, you'd be surprised how interested people will be in talking to you. You can meet a lot of interesting people.
I had more fun at an izakaya in some small town than I ever did walking around crowded shopping centers in Osaka/Tokyo. Kyoto can be good for photography though, so I will give it that.
Japanese girls really are Mens kryptonite
She's 50
>house husband
how can you live with yourself
Japanese women will put effort into being cute and feminine.
White women reject femininity and will try to make you as miserable as they are.
It is not even a competition.
the prettiest white woman is so many miles prettier than the prettiest asian woman though.
Paolo fromTOKYO is japanese propaganda financed by japanese government meant to fix the image of japan as having "no free time". See how they are all happy, and have lots of free time.
Two nukes weren't enough for these nips.
that's not true, lol
The White Man's Burden.... Impregnate and assimilate the jap
>colored eyes
>colored hair
>pink nipples
I get that you have yellow fever bud but you're just arguing in bad faith now.
color the eyes of a corpse it doesn't make it beautiful. you're forcing yourself to lie here and it's obvious
Do Japanese people not have colored hair and eyes? Also more Japanese women have pale skin and pink nipples than """white""" women, see any porno.
>t. incel
mestizo latina women balloon into la goblina before 42. This meme isn't for gook fetishists anyway, it's for non-whites to use to insult white people as a whole.
>colored eyes
>colored hair
>pink nipples
How are these inherently superior? Show your work, and don't default to magical "muh holy Aryan bloodline" thinking
Yes but mestizo women are ugly to start and certainly no non-spic could find one attractive.
It's used to point out how ridiculous white women let themselves look by age 30, don't go overboard
since when is porn a proper representation of reality?
Don't forget
>sharp masculine jawline
99% of white hollywood women have a jawlines that GigaChad would be jealous of. Western men have the faggiest taste in women.
Some Japanese women have pink nipples.
It's more interesting bud, face it, even your faggy anime cartoons know this to be the case
yeah you knew what I meant, epic argument from bad faith bud.
>see any porno
try seeing a naked woman in real life you fucking dweeb lmao
this. The "prettiest" azn hoes are products of feature-whitening surgery
Subjective "interesting" has no bearing on beauty, once again. It's clear you're just lying
Just more interesting bud, simple as, every culture seems to think so even muh holy nippon
>being intimidated by a woman's jawline
imagine being this low-test, oh wait you're a yellow fever fag you don't have to imagine it.
>Ok with using all kinds of negative racial insults
>"bro white women age terribly"
>be jap cartoon
>try to make pretty character
>give her blue eyes
>that one asian guy with a white girl fetish shitting up the thread
>he says while posting on Yas Forums
go back to simping for brie larson virgin
No one with taste likes these gooks
Yeah because I look at mickey mouse cartoons and earthworm jim to figure out what western man finds attractive
>Try to make pretty character
>Makes him a worm
you're obviously just shitposting now
all women are beautiful and queens
beat it zoomy
>In real life it is very mundane, cubical filled life, full of long hours and needless bureaucracy
Sounds like hell, needs more diversity and cultural enrichment
duhh herro, I am here for my gaijin husbando
I don't know how the fuck Japanese and Korean girls can pull off the cutesy/bubbly shit even in their 40s and it not come off as pure cringe.
All this daily arguing back and forth between yellow fever faggots and white pride simps is getting old.
I will have to side with the asian fetish fags here. Simply because white women are NOT feminine. Full stop. You can bring a million subjective arguments for white women's attractiveness but as a whole, white women are the least feminine race on planet Earth. This is an inarguable fact. As long as this holds, and it will only get worse generation over generation if recent trends continue, white women (and really ALL western-raised women) are gutter tier. What's the point in being "attractive" if they act like a man and bring nothing to the table?
>professional bug-admirer is also a cunnysuer
makes sense, you have so little test from constant cooming
>The SCIENCE of (Kawaii) CUTE Japanese Girls
>the least femine race on earth
abos exist
Negresses exist
You are retarded
What's your definition of feminine?
not the white womenrinos
not the the heckin flat butt karens
>Implying its more masculine to like women with more masculine features
talk about projection!
I came to post this. A little cringe but informative.
There are ugly Asian women
There are attractive ones also posted in this thread
What's your point?
I'm racist, but I hate all women equally because women consider themselves to be women more than anything else, and band together as a "sisterhood" with out-group women against men of their own group
15 seconds in and I'm already in love with the presenter help me bros I'm so far gone
>abos exist
>Negresses exist
None of them peddle modern day feminism. Every one of them will work for her man and make him happy.
Can't watch this at the moment; someone break it down for me. WHAT IS THE SCIENCE OF KAWAII?
"Only about sixty years ago western women weighed about 15-20 percent less, had larger breasts and were the envy of the world...then came feminism and now we have green haired angry slugs. And the western women wonder why they aren't as desirable."
Basically this
that's not true for negresses at all. I know virtually nothing about abos except for that they are ugly and retarded. Also there are barely any of them and they only live in australia
When you guys talk about white women you talk about american women, right?
I don't think I ever seen a green haired woman in my life, most of the women I met in real life are farly normal