Better Zzzz Zzzzz

>10 minutes of Kim sweeping up glass on the pavement
>5 minutes of Mike fighting with his whogivesashit ex gf and daughter (again) and later pack of n*ggers (again)
>5 minutes of Jimmy, I mean Saul, throwing bowling balls over a fence
>15 minutes of Gus staring at a cellphone on the desk
>10 minutes of one of Gus' employees scrubbing a frying pan
>10 minutes of Hank and Gomie hanging out in a car while showing the audience how wacky their relationship is

>No interesting Nacho or Lalo shit

Attached: better-call-saul.jpg (620x350, 48.06K)

Not even meme-ing right now

This show is literally like this

>inb4 pleb, filtered, add, explosions etc

Name one problem with this?

SAY....... IT.......

Attached: HE SAID IT.png (1243x679, 391.41K)

50% off!!

This board is a cancer upon mankind.


Kim Wexler is a white woman from midwest.

Do people really believe this or is this a meme?

Can't tell if anyone is still retarded enough to think this show holds up to Breaking Bad after 5 boring seasons

imagine not appreciating slow burn kino

Sorry, FBI, but you are doing a shitty job of counterintelligence. You know how many russian sleeper agents are there on american soil? Thousands. And GRU doesn’t even have to pay them. They are all employed by american companies. As with Saudis who finance wahabi terrorsits, russians have a new doctrine of so called white supremacy terrorism. They export it.

t. city slicker

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Hey Gus! Bring me your biggest order because I'm in the mode for a big bucket of COCK! Ha ha ha!

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I would hire him to my gang.

Every week the pleb filter gets stronger and stronger

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>Better Call Reddit

Have we discussed this? Why would this be necessary to let him know he's been made, the cops can just arrest a person once they find him.

Criminals think differently. He has a lot of patience. He played Saul.


Kim Wexler never showed her boobs on this show. How come?

My theory Kim Wexler was abducted by white supremacists, whom Walter White obliterated in the end of BB. Probably kept her in the pit.

How is Jimmy gonna solve the taxi driver problem himself?

What did she find in him?

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All these fucking lawyers, blah blah, wait till Walter White come and fuck up everyone. I am the danger, bitches.

>5 minutes of Mike fighting with his whogivesashit ex gf
She's his daughter-in-law, you ADHD-riddled dipshit.

What the FUCK was his problem?

I watch this show with my sister


Imagine giving a shit about this belligerent old fuck. Exterminate all boomers.

Attached: Better.Call.Saul.S05E01.1.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Breaking Bad, Narcos crossover when?

he knows how to slip in that jimmy if ya catch my draught

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I'd obliterate her pit, if you know what I mean.

Sicario and Narcos crossover when?

Attached: Better.Call.Saul.S05E02.2.webm (1156x650, 3M)

Nacho in Sicario 3 when?

Lalo in Narcos Mexico season 3 as cartel jefe when?

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A man fucking a horse?


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Was a CIA contractor.

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She already showed her feet, why would she bother with the milkers?

She gets off on Jimmy's antics because he serves as some sort of escapism from her mundane work.

Kys footnigger

Has there ever been a bigger wagecuck slave than Lyle depicted on television ?

Why feet? Explain your love for feet. Is it because all CIA operatives have this fetish?

Are all white american women from midwest like that? Do they live with their boyfriends in apartments, working 12 hours a day?

Yes I will kiss, kiss some sweet soles more specifically.

White american call it working hard. He would have made a good cartel operative if he wasn’t christian.

true, he is focused, collected and loyal to his employer, proppably working there because he had poor education opportunities

So what do we think? Will Jimmy take the job?

did walter ever appear in this show?

>Mike dismantles a vehicle down to it's frame
>Estimate: 10:23 mins
>Mike watches Gus or Don Eladio from his car
>Estimate: 14:54 mins
>Mike waits for a battery to die then sits by a window eating peanuts
>Estimate: 15:01 mins
>Mike waits for a car with a broken muffler to pass by
>Estimate: 4:45 mins
>Mike sits in a parking booth waiting for someone to show up
>Estimate: 7:19 mins

Total elapsed time: 51 mins 42 seconds
Typical total episode length: 50 minutes (Source:

fact - more happens in the episode The Fly than in entire series of BCS
fact - by the time bcs finishes, it will have more seasons, more episodes, and it will ran longer than breaking bad.

the following argument
>You don't like it because it doesn't have explosions
is invalid, because the last season had huge explosions during the twins shootout with the gang. and still, nothing happened

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That's the taxi driver



He's an easter egg and has been in the background a few times, usually doing whacky stuff ala classic walter.

She's mastered time travel but can't even build a fucking staircase

Just wait for the spinoff where it's 100% manager at Cinnabon action