I Am Jazz

Season 6 Episode 7 soon

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Not bullying, not society
Just pointing that out again. Continue.

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Only a few more hours...

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This is just definitive proof that this fucking thing is just a tranny with its cock chopped off.

Stream at 7PM EST tonight. Reply Hail Moloch for a clean stream.

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>>The horror......the horror..

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About to have a bubble bath in preparation for the new episode,
Wish me luck lads.

Hail Moloch

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You're not being an ally unless you post about your brother's new vagina on your social media.

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This one should be captioned with a single word:


How is this legal

Let's get in the mood for tranny kino.


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In a better society, Janette would have been executed for child abuse.

Still have yet to watch an episode of this trainwreck. I just like the threads and Ari's ass.

his face hahahaha

I don't watch this show but isn't drag a thing that dudes do? Doesn't making it do drag just confirm that it is a guy and not a girl?

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It's progressive user. Don't be a hater, transphobia has LITERALLY KILLED people

i don't get it either. if you really want to be a woman, doing drag is the last thing you should think of.

Girls can pretend to be guys pretending to be girls too, bigot.

drag is not about being a woman, drag is about being a caricature of a woman

Or burned as a witch.

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You people are laughing at what Jazz is going through! I am ashamed of this "community!"

jazz was born trans.

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Now this is pure kino.

It's a bit like being trans then, huh

>Hail Moloch!
I pray for the family.

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jazz doesnt care about us, why should we

dilate, we are actually sorry for him as we watch this horror unfold.


Today, I will remind them


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Reminder, Noelle used to be a football player

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>jazz doesn't see the irony of her performing in drag
>jazz doesn't see the irony of having a drag show to raise money for sex reassignment surgery
>jazz acts like a drag queen in her day to day life, not a woman
>jazz is mostly interested in dating ciswomen
>jaron was seduced by the dark side of the force
>he ceased to be jaron bloshinsky and became jazz
>when that happened, the good boy who was your son was destroyed
>so what I have told you was true... from a certain point of view
the Janette memes were true, all of them

This shit annoys me the most, do you know how hard it is to get hormones and surgery? Any trans person will tell you doctors do everything they can to stop you. We literally have a word for it, it's called "gatekeeping".
>they are fucking propt up as brave
I agree that many people fall over themselves to be woke and it's cringey but trans people are brave. despite all this hate we go out and live our lives. I've been called a faggot in public so many times threatened to be beaten up yet people here are telling me it's a "fun popular trendy lifestyle". I know you'd shit your pants if you had to go out dressed as a woman for a day because you know how society really views it.
>You cant cure mental illness. Its a lifelong struggle
Absolutely but symptoms can be ameliorated and HRT + legal gender change is a cheap and effective way to do so. Most trans people don't even get surgery
>And the suicide rates of trannies is testament to that its not a cure.
They go down after treatment. it is still above average because of hate like this.
>Nigga just turn the screen off like look away
True but idk I feel like a lot of trans hate is based in ignorance which can easily be overturned. After all trans people weren't a widely known about topic before the 2010s. Racists I generally don't bother with, they are a lost cause, peddling the same canards for centuries
The "children" argument is the exact same tactic that was used against gays in the 1980s. Once the trying to tell consenting adults what to do argument is lost bigots move to children. As with the 80s anti-gay stories it's based in lies. Surgery is banned in most countries for minors.
Jeez poor guy. R.I.P. Although I can understand your lack of sympathy when he was doing meth while schizophrenic. He was not doing the right thing but others who take the meds and try to engage with psychiatrists deserve sympathy.

My curiosity will kill me one day, god fucking dammit.

Why have they still not perfected this "removing the erectile tissue" part?
All this shit with their engorged urethral balls we keep hearing about and it's because erectile tissue got left behind.

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this. these threads are about teasing and jokes at jazzs expense.

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Disgusting manfeet.

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Jeanette's paperwork is airtight.

A pop star, you say?

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This show does no favors to trannies

stop chopping kids' dicks pls.

Satanical trips
They confirm the dick is gone,
Only hell awaits.

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I think they'll always be a mess, look at thailand they're all hookers with aids

which is why they are constantly raiding, derailing, and/or deleting these threads,

Does not compute.

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It's Lynchian

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Just cut my dick off brah

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>I'm a pretty girl
>Size 12 manfeet

He looks so much happier now that his penis and testicles have been severed.

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That would be against the rules. /jazz/ is on topic.

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>denying a Jewish American Princess her much needed attention
One of these days Ari is going to mow her family down.

>The "children" argument is the exact same tactic that was used against gays in the 1980s. Once the trying to tell consenting adults what to do argument is lost bigots move to children. As with the 80s anti-gay stories it's based in lies. Surgery is banned in most countries for minors.
You are aware that identity issues resolve themselves in somewhere upwards of 80% of children, right? Maybe placing them on hormone blockers isn't the best route to take, as those selfsame hormones might be working to resolve the confusion/dysphoria.

#Hail Moloch

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Trans people around the world are inspired by Jazz!

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Is it fun being this deranged and mentally ill?


>Trans people around the world are inspired by Jazz!

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>I've made a huge mistake

I said why
> I feel like a lot of trans hate is based in ignorance which can easily be overturned. After all trans people weren't a widely known about topic before the 2010s
probably pointless though you're right
if it were true then homosexuality rates would have shot up. Since it got legalised 95% of people are still straight
Dude I had to wait 2 years to even see a doctor. Another year to get hormones, 4 years and still no surgery.
Interesting you posted this, the vast majority of detransitioners are FtM yet MtFs get most of the hate as usual.
>In fact your medication is easier to acquire than it is for a low test male to acquire testosterone legitimately from his doctor
Every time it's some beta dude who finds out his testosterone is a bit lower than average so he hassles his doctor for testosterone shots who says no because there is a wide range of normal test levels. Also test is a controlled substance due to sports doping, estrogen is not.
>Requires society to deny biology
Society does this all the time, what are parents/siblings in law? A trans person is basically that sex in law. In any case it's not denying biology because sex is determined by your sexual characteristics not your chromosomes.
>Has not been proven to be scientifically real
Yes it has, there is trans research going back 90 years.

noelle mogs the fuck out of the entire family

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Noelle's support has been KEY!

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I'm not convinced by Ari's smile.

You are a narcissist. Vanity is a sin.

Jazz is a source of inspiration to trans kids everywhere! These allies are key.

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Why are they wearing those weird looking kippahs

I only visit Yas Forums for the Jazz threads

>All trannies must FUCKING HANG!

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Mass replying is frowned upon.

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Nice shoop.

based doggo!

You completely skimmed over that other user's point about hormones being way too easy to obtain and destroy someones' life.
There's an entire guide about how to dose and order them yourself on this very website's /lgbt/ board. How can you not see how harmful that is?

The problem is that the blockers are most effective if you take them before puberty. So if it turns out that their identity issues didn't resolve and they weren't on blockers they're gonna spend the rest of their life looking like Noelle.


I really feel for Noelle. He was a confused boy. Weak. And instead of getting help, those demons descended upon him and now he's a castrated eunuch. A freak. With no future except endless pain and misery.

Skylar's too!

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and that's a good thing.

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the least they could do is give him a big paycheck for being on the show.

Your biological sex is indeed determined by your chromosomes and the expression of them.

Stunning and brave

Life isn't all about looks.

This is key.

It is for narcissists. Which 99% of those freaks are.

Based Pupper Poster!
How's the girl doing?

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TLC probably paid the rest. It's most likely insignificant compared to the production costs of an episode. Also, wasn't it only 25k? For the big cut, I mean.

The time for jokes is over.

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>dilate 4 times a day first months
How do you function like that

what time is it on?

Noelle is pathetic and so are you for feeling sorry for him. Read his Tumblr and you'll see what a shitty faggot he is.

7pm est

So will there be a stream?

>"With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed, Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.".

>obtain cheap hormones
Do they have links for test, tren, clen and dbol? Asking for a friend

You don't. Jazz is an invalid living at home.

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And regardless of whether they resolve or not, letting a child decide their entire life course at the mental and judgmental capacity of a preteen is irreversible. That can't be undone. It is also inviting a host of developmental as well as health and psychological issues. If you have any doubt of this, I invite you to take a long hard look at Jazz. He's been on antidepressants nearly as long as he's been on hormone blockers.

tumblr posts reinforce the evidence he is classic autogynephilia


>he links back to the old thread while mass replying
kek you're simmering and worked into finna shoot

Should really read the thread dude

Just to let you guys know my bubble bath was Kino.

Look at this dude.

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Aka a weak-willed pathetic faggot.

based morrowind

By Moloch, use ctr + f.

Not everybody reads, you elitist pig.

Yas Forums is not the place for it, but if you skim bodybuilding forums it will be very easy to acquire.... don't bother with steroids tho if you care at all about having functioning balls or a healthy endocrine system.

Nice. Now fix yourself something good to eat, and get comfy.

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>Fundraiser for another tranny
>Literaly throws money away with disdain at the fist chance

Fucking kek.


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Skylar's support has been KEY

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What happened?

When's the stream?

So let get me this straight: they are forcing a man, who became a (((woman))) to dress up like a man who dresses in women clothes?

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What if an axe wound tranny swims in a river or something, or a pool, doesn’t their inner wound get infected? How do they flush out the wound?

wait what, how is a tranny dressing up in "drag" after they got surgery done to them



The time for penis is over

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Don't worry I shall.

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Jazz wasn't actually forced, the whole thing was his idea.


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I already said it's because estrogen isn't controlled and nor should it be because it's about as harmful as Aspirin and the vast majority of people who buy it online are menopausal women. If you are FtM you cannot self medicate easily because testosterone is a controlled substance
The bigots contradict themselves on the issue of self medication. On one hand they claim that doctors are eager to hand out HRT but on the other hand they complain about people self-medicating which implies that it's not easy to get a HRT prescription from a doctor.
Sorry, it's hard not to with so many replies
It's not about looks it's about passing which are two separate things. You're all here laughing at Noelle for looking awful yet are dismissing wanting to start early for a better appearance as "vanity"
For the third time this is because of growing up on a car crash tv show. And blockers are mostly reversible.
>letting a child decide their entire life course at the mental and judgmental capacity of a preteen
Lol what is school?

Hunter is one of Jazz's biggest supporters. His support has been KEY!

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Damn Hunter looks like THAT??

Imagine being this insane.

Great, another raid.

lmao Jazz BTFO

she even tells Jazz how dumb the drag thing is for a trans surgery and she feels personally invalidated by drag, but Jazz is too much a narcissist

wtf happened to eugene levy