I never watched a B&W movie before

I never watched a B&W movie before.

Where do I start?

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Watch that one. It's pretty good.

Paths of Glory

Here's a suggestion for you

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its a nice starter

I'm like OP. Never watched b&w. What are one of those old detective movies where all the cliches come from?

My favourite black and white film is Fixed Bayonets. It has a great character story.


Psycho. Then Repulsion. Then Night Of The Living Dead.

Noire. Maltese Falcon and things related.

With the greeks.

Things To Come. publicdomainmovie.net/movie/things-to-come-1


This has to be the worst film discussion board on the entire internet outside of a fucking Harry Potter forum or something

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The Lighthouse

Classic westerns are a good start. Then try Kurosawa.

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like most movies, try starting at the beginning

Seven Samurai
Dr Strangelove
Seventh Seal
The Lavender Hill Mob
City Lights
Ugetsu Monogtari

This board is just Yas Forums for people who are afraid of actually going to Yas Forums.

the first godzilla

Start with Griffith:


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Double Indemnity

If you like war films then it HAS to be The Longest Day.

I too was put off by b&w films until I watched this, It is literally the greatest epic of all time, pretty much every single star of the time was in this one movie, the scope of this movie was so large that it required three different directors to make it.

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user, the is the best movie you will ever see. The last scene is fucking amazing, you will never forget it.
The Criterion BD is over $100.

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Why do you act as if the lack of color was a great deal? I've watched hundreds of them without even noticing i only cared about the movie being good and its genre
dumbass capeshitter millennial manbaby

I mean it's good but it's like the 3rd or 4th best war film Fuller directed.

meant for

lol grow up
It's just movies

Sin City and Sin City 2

Why is the criterion BD so expensive? Out of print?

In any case, OP LISTEN TO THAT user, Third Man is LITERALLY a 10/10 kino

How'd I do at the thrift shop today anons? 10 for $5, I got a bunch of BDs and this stuff that I am really looking for.
The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965)
The Pirate (1948)
Ziegfeld Girl (1941)
Wuthering Heights (1939)

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I watch a lot of old films and honestly I've started appreciating color. Which is why classic color films are particularly great, like old 3-strip Technicolor kinos, or that one color "Road to..." movie, or the two color Abbot and Costello films.

literally just watch the movie you posted OP then maybe the original Scarface

It's weird. In 2007 Yas Forums had a shitton of traffic and Yas Forums was only mildly popular.

In 2020 Yas Forums is basically dead and Yas Forums is almost as fast as Yas Forums. So many people post shit that belongs on Yas Forums and I don't get why they aren't just using Yas Forums.

Maltese Falcon is so fucking comfy and kino. A perfect 10/10.

What is it? I got it from google images

12 Angry Men. One of those movies that feel super relevant and also makes you appreciate the lack of color.

Stagecoach perhaps
Stagecoach is kino, and I say that even though I usually don't care for westerns.


Fun fact 12 angry Men was adapted from a teleplay which was staged live. First instance in history that a film was based on something off of tv.

Yas Forums is a coomer board now for horny 12 year olds. No one with a brain actually goes there any more

>Yas Forums is a coomer board now
Also how is Yas Forums not a coomer board with all the porn and blacked webm threads that get spammed here everyday?

>tfw I got to know old Yas Forums
good times

The stunt work in this is fucking crazy.

The Public Enemy, Angels with Dirty Faces, and White Heat starring James Cagney

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>The General (1926)
Best moment: when his girlfriend is throwing the wood in the train's furnace and carefully selecting the nicest pieces and he throws in one about the size of a matchbox to mock her and she goes along with the joke.

>City Lights (1931)
Keaton or Chaplin? Either way, these are the two best English-language silents.

>Citizen Kane (1941)
"A white dress she had on, and she was carrying a white parasol."

>Casablanca (1942)
Yes, it's corny, but.

>The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre (1948)
Better than Greed, because it's not fifteen hours long and it's not 3/4 missing.

>The Third Man (1949)
"Victims? Don't be melodramatic. Tell me: would you really feel any pity if one of those dots stopped moving forever?"

>High Noon (1952)
No-one does beleaguered like Gary Cooper. And a 22-y-o Grace Kelly is the most beautiful object ever photographed.

>Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
"I'd hate to take a bite out of you. You're a cookie full of arsenic."

>Paths of Glory (1957)
The girl at the end thought she'd got a movie role and found she'd got a life role.

>Psycho (1960)
Doesn't try to be profound, just says BOO! Ignore Vertigofags; this is Hitchcock's best.

>Manhattan (1979)
I yield to no man in my hatred for Woody Allen, but I'm still recommending you watch this.

>Ed Wood (1994)
J. Depp is so darned likeable. Plus Bill Murray gets to say "Goodbye, penis!"

OP here

Can you guys stop reccing so many movies? It's overwhelming.

Over half the threads on Yas Forums are guys posting their dicks. It's an unironic containment board now.

Classic slapstick of course

I'll raise you.

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Definitely check out Seventh Seal and M at least.

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Fun fact, Jimmy Stewart was a 1 star general and only retired after the strategic focus of the US Air Force shifted from carpet bombing.

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Young Frankenstein is probably gonna be the easiest to watch, if its your first

what fuckign year do you have to be born in to have never watched a black-and-white movie? Not even tv shows like the Twighlight Zone?

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Pretty sure The Twilight Zone doesn't really play on TV in Europe

Watch Billy Wilder's "The Apartment". Absolutely charming, old-school romance. Paths of Glory for rage kino. Then check some Kurosawa - 7 Samurai, Kagemusha and Rashomon. Plan 9 From Outer Space is arguably the best science-fiction film ever made (don't bother with Metropolis). If you're interested in film history at all, then watch Battleship Potemkin. The editing is still relevant today even though the film came out 100 years ago, which, I think, is genuinely interesting.

Europe doesn't even matter when Americans aren't visiting it

call others reddit all you want you pathetic tryhard newfag but Fatty Arbuckle is based af

>OP recommends himself one of best black and white films
>asks for a black and white film
the absolute state of plebs

12 angry men

Slapstick humor is trash for knuckle draggers.


Prices are nuts man, I really want this for my collection too,
I bought the orhe other BD for $15 or so, I mighr buy the Criterion DVD just for the case and the extras.

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more great jimmy stewart

I have the criterion DVD of the third man. The commentary is really insightful. Wouldn't bother buying an expensive blu ray of it, since the DVD has enough quality for this.