
Autism Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


For me, it's New Orleans class

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nice! Yours is so cool you didn't even bother labeling it as a /trek/ thread!

It isn't a /trek/ thread I just wanted to share a new thread

oh, that's cool. thanks anyway bro

>Autism edition
So just a regular edition then?

>in the future human utopia where all problems are solved on earth....there are actually tons of problems on earth

woah i love nutrek

For me, I hope Irish Romulan Cougar Elf Detective is on board.

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For you tho?

You're just mad because it's cool and R_E_L_E_V_A_N_T

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mm hmm

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Oh, now I get it. Very clever.

I know! Cute, right?

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for me its Ambassador class

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Page 10 emergency bump.

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wew! Good move, user. Thanks!

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Why does her face look like those photoshops where you put the mouth upside down?

She's just cute and quirky like that.

why are there so many trek threads


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Why and how is he so based, bros?

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Just one, really: this one. The other one is an impostor that highjacked the last legit /trek/ thread early and isn't proper. The others are just trolling.

w-w-woah.... what is going on here, lads? Is this some sign for a new era of orlaposting?

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Is something tripled?

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For me, it's Star Trek V

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>star track

Why did Michael Burnham never mention Sybok? Is it because Alex Kurttzman is a hack that knows diddily squat about Star Trek?

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Was the Nova class the smallest ship we've ever seen that follows the traditional "Star Trek" layout?

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I miss these little niggers like you wouldn't believe.

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This general has really run its course.

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Much like Star Trek itself.

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Why can't Star Trek be fun while taking itself seriously at the same time like this anymore? We just get grimdark edgelording or "ironic" comedy

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I love how in the actual event with Bernie, once the adrenaline wore off and the bitch actually had the stage and the crowd, she quickly started to melt-down and went from aggressive and militant to just crying. I suspect we'll see that with nuTrek after they've exhausted the memberberries and killed-off the old characters.

Maybe a few years down the line we'll get a new comfy star trek bros

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>tfw no episode from Morn's PoV where he doesn't say anything, but just bumbles from problem to problem
>ends with Quark asking for a drink
>Can't you see I'm busy, Morn?


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He's a big guy

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Further proof that trannycord can't meme

tfw been kinda hating the picard show so far but the scenes with him riker and troi actually made me feel all warm and happy

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I hate those fuckers, but this is never going to take off.

Ahh yes, when Picard shaved his head as part of a academy initiation.


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When does Enterprise get good bros? It's a chore going through season 2. The MoW episodes are ideas that TOS-TNG-DS9-VOY did before only with less talent.

get down

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In the middle of the earth, in the land of the Shire
There's a brave little hobbit whom we all admire
With his long wooden pipe, fuzzy woolly toes
Lives in a hobbit-hole and everybody knows him.
Bilbo, Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins
Only three feet tall,
Bilbo, Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins
The bravest little hobbit of them all

This thread is tainted, and was made under bad faith by the discord tranny hegemony.
Only bad things will befall it.

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>muh archive links

For me I hope she gets raped and ritually decapitated

He was shit at music. Now Shatner he is the real musical genius.

>can you teach me how to shit on incels?

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>For me I hope Irish Romulan Cougar Elf Detective gets raped and ritually decapitated

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>the music swell when Riker hugged Jean Luc

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>seven of nine

I find Plinkett spends a lot of time uneccessarily nitpicking not so significant stuff, but he was on point with this one. What an utterly retarded thing to do.

Just post nu trek and they loose there fucking minds

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>it might have actually been the last time we see them on screen before the actors die

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>I find Plinkett spends a lot of time uneccessarily nitpicking not so significant stuff
We all regret the nitpicking of George Lucas, Berman & Braga, etc. If only we had known how good things really were. It's ultimately not our fault, but we nonetheless really fucked up in encouraging that shit. I hope Mike feels as depressed and guilty as he looks.

>muh archive links
aka shitposter kryptonite

Is that a low-poly deflector?

This thread is ok

Brunt, FCA.

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apt, as Kryptonite has never actually killed Superman


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I've been watching some Trek clips on youtube and I've realised, being a sound designer on Star Trek must have been pretty nuts. Literally everything someone touches or presses or opens or closes on a Federation ship makes its own little electronic noise.

>those two autistic people arguing about Kes' accent in the other thread
I'm not sure which of them is more autistic but holy fucking shit, they're still going.
I save images with the same filenames I see them posted with, like this one, so archives can never expose me.

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>George Lucas
If more people saw his student films I think they might get his prequel trilogy. Its an art house silent film disguised as a family blockbuster
he really was too good for the fans


new thread

Hail the bastards

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