Kinos about the failed doctrine of fascism?
Kinos about the failed doctrine of fascism?
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Even if the lies about Hitler are true, according to the official version of history, Stalin was still far worse. And yet our tax dollars supported him, and our men fought along side his jewish communists knowing he was far worse.
>stalin was worse
>stalin was worse
>made germany powerful enough to take on the world
it was destroyed by outside interference
Hitler was a socialist
I watched half of Triumph of the Will. It's overrated if you watch it today but I guess back then, there was nothing like it. It's basically a long political just like any political ad of today with teh candidate shaking hands and doing meeting and everyone looks happy and shit. The democracies stole everything from the nazis. That being said it's just a long ad, people are praising Leni Riefenstahl but it's just footage, there's no narrative.She's mostly a glorified dancer who married a director but she's a woman so everyone hast o make a fuss about her.
>Stalin was still far worse.
holy shit, naziboo cope
Only thing worse than a commie is a racist antisemite nazi
>outside interference
Lmao, you mean war?
>invade almost all of Europe
>declare war on America
>invade the Soviet Union
Nazi cuck cope is the most pathetic
What a bunch of goofy guys
The Nazis declared war on the USA, the USSR didn't. Lend-Lease was essentially the USA giving the USSR a bunch of free shit to fight the Nazis for them, which they did. Eight out of every ten German soldiers killed in the war was killed by the Red Army and the Wehrmacht was essentially broken before Op. Overlord was even launched and the "second front" was opened.
Sink ships get hit, simple as, besides they knew that, hence the Cold War
Every single political philosophy has either failed or is failing. They're all shit. And yes, I am smarter than you for not embracing a doomed system.
>declared a random tribe of native americans he'd never met to be honorary aryans; refused to do so for italians
Read Edward Luttwaks "Why fascism is the wave of the future". Written in 1994. Only guy who say the inevitable death of democracy at the hands of globalism coming.
Fascism is Radical Centrism.
Defamation (2009) by Yoav Shamir
>Defamation (2009) by Yoav Shamir
To the Gulags you go, traitor.
Not true. I would punch a Nazi if I ever saw one in the street.
I believe you
Hitler loved soi
Stalin was losing his mind before he died just like hitler was deteriorating. Paranoid delusions killing tons of people off around him, he should've killed all the bolshevik jews in his political circle but he never made it that far.
The USSR paid it off retard
My point it was free at the point of delivery. The USA wasn't selling war material and grain to the USSR as a third party, they were using their industrial and agriculture output to fill in gaps in the USSR's own so they could focus on killing fascists.
>makes Germany the most powerful nation in the world both military wise and economy wise in the space of 5 years all the while saying fuck you to the jewish economic system
>gets gangbanged by kike vassals because that's a no-no
>NS failed, here buy this brand new Iphone, goy.
What did OP mean by this
>>NS failed, here buy this brand new Iphone, goy.
they didnt have to take on the whole world
killed 50 million people in peacetime as the consequence of his own political system, at least fascism could have been seen as committing war crimes against enemy civilians.
Lmao, look at those loser nerds.
Any documentary about America's collapse
>Nah he's cringe boy now those commies that kicked his ass were based af though
you would do no such thing you meek faggot
Stalin was pretty based desu
Source: the black book of communism and the red terror by Mr CIA
why does leftypol keep raiding this board. do they really think they're going to turn this place into another leftist echo chamber?
>it'd da leftypolz trannies on board
People make the mistake of thinking it was a sprint to the Moon. It wasn't. It was a marathon to see who ran out of money first, which was the USSR.
learn more buzzwords
also hows it feel knowing that trannies live in your head rent free
lol wut
The irony is that this degeneracy was actively promoted by the USSR to undermine the West whilst not being tolerated at all in actual communist states.
You're not looking at socialism, you're looking at socialism's weapon.
>fight against global jewry
>not the entire world
We let him down
NKVD is more competent than the Gestapo.
It was neither. Take Sputnik for instance. At the time Sputnik was put into space the USA had better technology in literally every aspect. They just didnt want to put something up that would fall down. Sputnik was non functioning 3 weeks later. Explorer on the other hand and all the other satellites launched st roughly the same period of time starting 4 months after Sputnik are either still orbiting or lasted decades to Sputniks 3 weeks
Fascism is what turned Korea from an impoverished nation into a 1st world economic powerhouse.
nah nazis are still worse.
the holocaust is simply a fabrication, and the jews are using it as psychological leverage against white people to bring about the dystopian marxist end-of-history. bandana covered fags on this site and in the streets don't even realize that their enemies are imagined, and most of them will be thrown into the exact same place as anyone based enough to realize that hitler was basically correct about everything he said
i can at least respect the jews in the sense that what they're doing is disgusting but at least it's working and they know it's largely a bullshit game. bandanas honestly believe that they are the ones in charge of politics, that their doctrines becoming dominant in university and having mainstream culture acquiesce. it's billionaires and evil people who are playing you you dumb pieces of garbage. the only reward the bandana in the street gets is feeling like a hero for once in his life, and a kind of community. what a way to play a guy
socialist is a meaningless phrase
get owned nazi
Socialist in that things are constrained by regulations to more serve the people. Socialism by proxy. Doesnt really work sadly
actually communism is objectively worse than even what the most basedcuck of mainstream fish believe. it's a movement that is explicitly going for world domination you big dummy
Was he the fat one or the gay one?
Why is Libertarian Anarchism so based lads?
Trovsky truly looks like Harry Potter.