
Shitposting is illogical edition

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/trek/, if you are seeing this comment, it means you attempted to start a new thread while the generals's self-destruct sequence was engaged. That will not be permitted.

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Not if it's ironic

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Hail the bastards

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Sir, I believe the term you are looking for is 'Fat Shit Posting'. The word 'shit' and the word 'posting' are not connected.

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>dude lets give Sarek alzheimers lmao
>actually its a subtle reference to Gene almost dying a year later

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I need a cup of coffee to go with these dubs.

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Shut up Mr Data

First time ever watching star trek. On season 1 episode 18 of orginal series. Why is is so comfy?

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As you wish sir.

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No way Sloway.

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Commanders, if /trek/ is so great, how come they never get dubs when they want?

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You think? Check em!

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Julian, if you just take the time to look at it logically, you'll see that dubs are the purist form of posting. The Cardassian greats knew this.

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First for overly detailed description.

> Mike Minor designed transitional Phase II uniforms from Mediascene magazine as painted by artist Jim Steranko. The uniforms look like a cross between TMP and WoK.

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Humanity has overcome the need for dubs.

>tfw you're not the worst poster in /trek/ because

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42 quid for a (((Limited or Obstructed View))) ticket.

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Those old uniforms doesn't look bad. I think they do look sharp. Also I love the style of these old school paintings so much.

"When the fly girlies see this, I'm so getting laid!"

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Noice. I'm going as well

Steranko was fun back in the day. Part of the Silver Age comic book artists that were influenced by Mad Men advertising and the men's pulps.


/trek/ suffered a great wound while I was with the Prophets...the fat shit occupation. The /trek/ I've returned to has lost its way. People no longer follow the path the Prophets have laid out for them. They no longer strive for originality!
We must heal the wounds of the occupation. We must reclaim what we were and follow the path the Prophets have laid out for us.

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based hail the bastards poster

I love seeing skill like that.

what am I looking at

I still have hope that the Pike series will be good. Yes, they'll be lots of fanwanking and young Kirk will show up and will probably be butchered, but it still might be fine aside from all that. Just give me a good adventure of the week series where every episode is a new plot, that's all I ask. Stop with the shitty season-long arcs, please.

Mister Data, if the civilians are all to safety, seal the subspace hemorrhoid, we must remain and trap the discord fags in the old thread to ensure peace for /trek/

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look shit

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You're a fool who is willfully enslaved by his own hopes.

Expectations are among the first steps on the road to disappointment. Especially with nutrek.

100 volumes of the Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection. Something like $2000+ total just sitting there.

pdf for 30 bucks

Another pussy magnet from the fine folks at Eaglemoss.


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most sexy females of trek = TOS
Least sexy females of trek = STD

>let's see if this works...
>computer. activate restricted program: 9/11 simulator. authorization code: lucky larry.
>set steel strength to twentieth century standard. activate holographic planes. set religion of pilots: islam.

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which way is the sky guy

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Are they any good? Or just look decorative on the bookshelf?


Is star Trek even good?

Is good even Star Trek?

Is it?

TOS>TNG>DS9> yes.
ENT> you have to take that one up with the entchad posters.
VOY> No.
All of nutrek>Hatewatch unless you are tragically gay.
Hope that helps user.

>horrible art
>if all the ships they included that ugly Voyager/Maquis kitbash

I don't believe in hatewatching

It is.

That logically translates to no then user.

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>It is.
Is it, though?

Well, this guy seems very excited about them.


But they are reprints. Star Trek comics aside from the books from the 60s are cheap on the used market and free cbr copies are readily available.

The Original movies are great 423516
The next gen are ok 2134

The series are hit or miss with lots of filler

>star trek comics
>it's always the enterprise e in their shitty movie costumes

Original movies get grouped under TOS for me.
V is the only turd.

Those darn TNG movies.

The ENT E makes my pp hard though user.

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If my calculations are correct, Captain, our remaining supply of Preparation H may be just enough to soothe the space-time irritation. I recommend loading our entire stock into a shuttle and launching it directly into the galactic anus.

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I once met Bill Shatner, I asked him to sign my dvd's of based star trek 1-6 and told him ive shit posted in over a hundred /trek/ generals he said "i'll sign them if you do one thing for me"
“‘Anything, sir, anything!’

“‘Well,’ I said, ‘do you think you could promise never to reply to fat shit poster again?’

“i burst into tears. my jannie drew herself up to an immense height. ‘What a dreadful thing to say to user!’ she barked, and banned the poor user away. Maybe she was right but I just hope the user, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of second hand memes, childish banalities.”

I don't mind mini arcs, or larger arcs that go on in the background, but with the picard series we have seen the inability of writers to craft a coherent and compelling season long arc.

just look at the whole elnor plot, we were on a ticking clock to save data's second daughter and then make a side trip to some outlaw planet. picard's justification for this is that data's daughter might already be dead. it makes no sense.

Sir, the Discordian ship appeared out of nowhere and is hailing us.

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You couldn’t even keep the perspective straight. It starts off as a story of when you met Shat and by the end Shat is talking about you. Apply yourself user.

Fat Shit posting is a doomsday weapon. It is only meant to be used in extreme situations by skilled /trek/ers to purge severe irritants.
As this is a logical thread and no deadly irritants are present, it's steady as she goes user.

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Ignore and lock the airlocks, fly away slowly on 1/4th impulse and turn up the radio.

I'm a writer for Disco.

>multi-thread story arcs
This shit’s kino.

Based schizo poster

How many is a quid in freedom units?

What does good need with a star trek?

don't worry mr. sulu, we're immune to their homosexuality.

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I would defo dip her right after bill and Rodenberry, she is out standing.


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I'm still stuck in the mirror thread universe after the fat shit posters sealed it to stop the discordian tranny hegemony user,
But don't worry about me there are soooo many penises, oooh my!

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prime next gen checking in

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I second this. Just hold it in until we need it, boys. Otherwise we’re in danger of clogging.

This is the real Captain, Belay that order.
Make sure mister Worf is secured in his quarters till further notice.

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Hello captain, if you dont let us make the new thread at bump limit next time you will suffer the consequences.

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Kirk to Enterprise. We have found the bald captain.

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>klingorcs have weird reptile skin and conehead shaped heads
>for some reason a season later the character has a normal head shape, smooth skin but her neck is still reptile-like

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