I Am Jazz General

Discuss the TLC television program I Am Jazz.

Join the stream later tonight.

Previous thread Music
>Gotye: "Somebody that I used to know" Jazz Parody vocaroo.com/iZpbj7Md1Q9
>Remastered: voca.ro/nFc7swOPsa4

>Rage Against the Machine: "Bulls On Parade" Jazz Parody voca.ro/gWrWjOAZo7r


>Endocrinologists view of "I am Jazz" (Completely demolishes it) youtube.com/watch?time_continue=14&v=iYw0iq3tVug&feature=emb_logo

>No Eulogies for Jazz youtube.com/watch?v=KqdyLQAk3eo
>Jazz is Sauronpilled youtube.com/watch?v=LtkrhL8eJXQ

>Darkest Dilation youtube.com/watch?v=w3XbWJLYpzM

>Hey Jazz youtube.com/watch?v=xM82NBe6iCU

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Other urls found in this thread:


What the fuck is a dialation?

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>dilating in preparation for tonight's new episode

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Where is Lynn? Has Jazz abandoned him?

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Let's keep this thread civil, trannyism isn't a fetish.

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Glad I grew out of this by the time I was 16. I still have some of my old gear though, can't part with it. Too sentimental.

Again and again
The stubborn ploughorse's mouth
Must be forced open

Stream later tonight.

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Why does he still call himself Jacob?

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>Not Bullies, not society
>Despite today's episode that has Jaron melting down more than ever before, this dog-faced pony soldier will still pretend his coddling walk-on -eggshells appeasement approach has achieved something other than creating the most fragile emotional mess ever.
>Yo Nora just be emotionally held hostage by your kid, look how great it's working out for me and Jazz.

Attached: Lynchian Effect Rap.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

What are you guys going to be binging on during this kino

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Be honest, if you had to choose between having sex with jazz or her mom who would ypu go for? No third options

StreamAnon here, confirming we're on for tonight.

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why in the car though? why not eat at home?

pic related

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The mom, she's pure evil so she probably fucks like a demon.

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Noelle is in tonight's episode and doing... great!

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Yeah yeah nice.



>They’re frumpy and they’re freaky
>Untrustworthy and sneaky
>Their young son’s crotch is leaky
>It’s Jazz’s Family

>Their home is a McMansion
>Watch Jazz’s waist expansion
>They really want to cash-in
>It’s Jazz’s Family

>*POP-POP* (Dilate)
>*POP-POP* (Castrate)
>*POP-POP* (Granulate)


>So toss a bright mumu on
>A dildo you can poo on
>It might split you in two, on
>It’s Jazz’s Family

>They’re crazy and they’re kike’y
>Worshippers of Molech’y
>They’re worse than the Third Reich’y
>It’s Jazz’s Family


>*POP-POP* (Dangle)
>*POP-POP* (Mangled)
>It’s Jazz’s Family

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Both are hideous but Jazz is worse becauuse his hole is an actual wound with blood and guts and colon in it. You would need to be Ed Gein tier depraved to even touch that """neovagina"""

don't assume anything about him, except that he's (((human))) and his necrovagina looks awful.

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>Why don't people want to have sex with me, an ugly dude?

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>thing with the dildo

Imagine the smell

Jazz is too impatient to drive home before tucking in

They really do.

I've been on the internet for a good long while. I doubt there's any horrible shit I haven't seen. The existence of this show and how much I've learned about trannies through these threads has truly shocked me. Everyone over a certain age knows that the world has some horrendous things going on, every minute of every day. But it fills me with a special kind of despair to know that the despicable things that have been done to that boy are just celebrated openly. This isn't like the cartel beheading videos you'd find on shady websites. This happens right outside our windows. And people think it's okay

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it's the details that make this image so brilliant....the mezuzah, the menorah, the statue of Moloch, cousin "it" as a teratoma, Ahmir with the cake, the penis guillotine, thing with the dilator, etc. Genius tier.

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What are your thoughts in the season so far? How far into the Lynch-Cronenbergian scale would you put Jazz right now?

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Honestly I feel really bad for this kid. I wonder what it was like seeing him alive, moving around, talking. Fucking nightmarish. Hopefully his life was short.

Very appropriate.

What if you could chose to fuck her pooper would that change your choice?

You dodged a bullet there, user. Imagine the possibilities, the trainwreck. In some alternate reality, you became one of them.

It is so nice to see speedrunning getting more and more popular among ladies.

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>doesn't feel self conscious blabbing on and on about his body horror all the time on television
>feels self conscious pretending to be a fag who is only pretending to be a woman as a stage performance

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Childhood is wanting to be a tranny, adulthood Is wanting to fuck trannies

Eh even back then I was more of a dom. I still wore fag clothing and even crossdressed at times but I don't think I would have gone trans. Actually when I was a full blown fag I hated women. Would tell them to shut the fuck up any opportunity I got. If one walked in the room i'd sniff really loudly and announce the room stank of estrogen. Being a homosexual man lets you get away with stuff like that. But then I went and got straight. Ah well, I have the memories.

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If I remember correctly this kid had congenital syphilis. He probably didn't die as quickly as one would hope

if he is actually a female, why the fuck isn't he dressing up as a male for a drag performance?

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Were you ugly?

If crossdressing and behaving like a girl turns you on, I think that sounds okay, but poisoning and mutilating yourself is not okay.

were/are I should say.

Enlightment Is wanting them to fuck you

It's perfect

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I was and still am a decently attractive man. I would have looked like a horror show as a tranny. The only thing I could pull off was the jeans. My legs look great in womens skinny jeans. Or atleast they did when I was 15~. Only reason I crossdressed was to freak out straight guys. I was one of those faggots, ya know, the unbearable obnoxious if you wheren't bigger than me I would crush your teeth kind of fuckers?

>Got straight
Either denial or troll post

>Liev (((Schreiber)))
100% tiresome.

This is insane.

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I grew out of it. The dirty little secret of the homosexual community is a lot of it is a choice. And flashing my cute ass for old men got boring once I became more of a man. I know our kid diddling fag overlords have tried to convince you otherwise but those are the facts.


Stop larping you dumb nigger.

I'm being sincere. It's not my fault the truth hurts you.

Just fuck my shit up

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too triggering.

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just one more syllable in the last line

I bet you still have a breedable ass.

I'm a trans individual who has been on Yas Forums for years. I've yet to see any definitive proof that anything which is largely accepted by the trans community is bad for them, and I'm here to address these issues.

Let's get a hot topic out of the way first: gender reassignment surgery is as necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient. Yes, some people still unfortunately kill themselves. But, every single person who undergoes surgery who doesnt is a person whose life is saved. It is not cosmetic, it is life saving.

Secondly, estrogen is not bad for your mind or body in any way as an assigned-at-birth male. There is zero scientific evidence that it is. This is baseless and only serves to scare people away from taking the medicine they need

Third: it can be "too late to change". I am 37 and I only began hrt 5 years ago. Within two years I was visually passing and now my voice sounds indistinguishable from any other woman's.

Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.

I will talk to anyone about any of these things. I'm just sick of seeing baseless bullshit spewed about us on this board. Seeing that stuff early on in my transition made me think about some things I never want to think about again. And anyone who posts pictures of girls who are having trouble passing is participating in psychological abuse.

Thanks King but no way.

>Within two years I was visually passing

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Most gay bottoms seem to have better asses than trannies

Based child rights activist BTFOing anyone who thinks children aren't free agents.




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Seems fine to me.

Truly poetic. How do you manage to say so much while speaking so little?

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