How kino will it be?

How kino will it be?

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Considering how bad Jojo Rabbit was, I'm not looking forward to this.

What's anti jewish about Charlie and the chocco factory?

Why does hollywood have such a raging hardon for disrespecting and ignoring source material? Why can't these dumbass jews just write something original for once?

Dahl said that Jews were hated for a reason

I never knew Roald dahl wrote adults books as well. It came as a surprise to me.

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>Considering how bad Jojo Rabbit was, I'm not looking forward to this.

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Isn't it amazing how the first successful Maori director in history is also the only Maori jew in history

Jews don’t create they subvert

>throwing millions of dollars in the trash to express their own asshurt
Why are jews like this now

And yes I say
because if they were always like this they clearly wouldn't have been so successful in the first place, Hollywood would have never even taken off

really what are the odds?

>Why does hollywood have such a raging hardon for disrespecting and ignoring source material? Why can't these dumbass jews just write something original for once?

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Dahl was a nazi? What? Someone give me a quick rundown


I've literally never heard of Dahl hating jews

Why do we need another one? The original with Gene Wilder is GOAT and the effects and everything hold up to this day. The one with Johnny Depp was shithouse and this one will be as well. He’ll probably cast Tessa Thompson as Willie Wonka or some pozzed garbage.

fatal flaw of nepotism - you can build an empire with your own talent but that doesn't mean your descendants won't be fucking retards and squander it

he wrote horror books

>Jews don’t create they subvert

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It's 2020, all opinions associated with wojaks are immediately discarded. Funny to watch you try though so keep going.

I only knew him from his childrens stories.

I didn't get anything antisemitic from Dahl but if it's good then cool. I don't think yet another remake is interesting however.

Taika is an egomaniac he will obviously play Wonka himself and mug his reddit face for the camera

>Beloved Author born over a century ago said something (((society))) doesn't consider acceptable now.
>He's basically Hitler
When is this going to stop?


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Shalom to all my fellow jews ITT.

People are no longer capable of separating the art from the artist and have to co-opt everything that made the 20th century bearable and subvert it. Writing an original story is hard. Reimagining, also known as "plagiarizing," another writer's work and adding or subtracting content in order to hamfistedly distribute your political message to the public is easy. Same thing Marvel's "What If?" series is going to be.

will jews ever stop being so jewish?

>just fuck my wife in her sleep, bro

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>that one short story where a wife murders her husband with a leg of lamb and then feeds it to the investigating officers
>"I bet the murder weapon is right under our nose!"

What? Wasn't Dahl a beloved child's author? What the fuck? Did we jump timelines in 2012? No, seriously, did we? What the fuck happened?
User reviews are litty

Most famous people from over 60 years ago were "right wing" by today's standards.
The Founding Fathers owned slaves.
Dahl knew the jew.
Alan Watts hated niggers.
Abraham Lincoln of all people was pretty racist himself. If i remember correctly, he even said that whites and blacks cannot possibly live side by side peacefully.
Every time some leftoid soi drinking tranny calls you evil for your Yas Forums beliefs, just know that most men who ever lived in the west before you would probably agree with you.

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Dahl literally fought against the nazis in ww2 for England , it’s just the cancer new trend of calling everyone in history who ever said anything racist but a common sentiment for their time a nazi

>Why can't these dumbass jews just write something original for once?
nepotism combined with regression to the mean


>Roald Dahl's personal favorite to play Wonka was actor Spike Milligan, a member of the British Communist Party who personally fought Oswald Moseley's men during the Cabel Street Riot
>Dahl had reservations about Gene Wilder (born Jerome Silberman) but approved of him after seeing footage of Wilder's Wonka pretending to limp then somersault. He had first voiced concern that Wilder would be "too soft" and "not eccentric enough" for the role, worries that Wilder certainly dispelled in the finished movie.
>Dahl's widow claims Dahl had originally envisioned Charlie as "a little black boy" but the publisher suggested the book would have sold more copies with a more "relatable" white child

Wow this guy was a huge fucking nazi wasn't he

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>a JEWISH Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! How original!

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>It's 2020, all opinions associated with wojaks are immediately discarded. Funny to watch you try though so keep going.

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that's literally the only thing jews know how to do. Everything they create is out of hate against the west.

There will lots of incel getting all offended so very kino indeed.

He said something politically incorrect and he’s an old white man , he might as well have gassed them himself

Really his only “crime” was hating Jews. Seems like he’d be pretty liberal otherwise

Wonka (birth name: Wonkavich) was a Jew and the oompa loompad are his mexican slave labor.

>that's literally the only thing jews know how to do. Everything they create is out of hate against the west.

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>Alan Watts hated niggers

Shut up retard.

I can't wait for these people to have meltdowns again when Trump is re-elected

As opposed to all the other jews that worked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory adaptations?

Ah, the Jeremy Corbyn nazi

>It's 2020, all opinions associated with wojaks are immediately discarded. Funny to watch you try though so keep going.

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Trump voters adore the jews just like the man himself.

This is getting ridicioulus

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>that dude who is still posting Wojacks despite being completely ignored
Your parents are proud of you

I'm glad that wojakposting is almost 100% left-wingers. I almost suspected that in and of itself was a Yas Forums false flag to make them look like unbearable whinging fags, but I guess lefties do enough of that themselves that it doesn't need to be false flagged.

Lee Tamahori and his 30 year directing career would like a word with you

He was and always will be a beloved children's author, what you are seeing is the unfettered lugenpresse.

>Your parents are proud of you

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I bet they will change Charlie to be a little frizzy haired black girl. That busting through the glass ceiling finale is just too tempting for them to squander.

they're making charlie and the chocolate factory......again?

Waititi got the golden ticket to Hollywood when he made some Jew propaganda. Gotta suck the kosher pickle to make in that town.

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Seething simp.

annie already did that

>when you're considerate enough to post with wojaks so everyone in the thread knows to hide your post IP so they never have to hear from you again

Thanks for doing my job for me low level trolls lmao