Post scenes women will never understand

Post scenes women will never understand

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My nipples hurt

How loose is Tom's anus?

I don't get it. Why doesn't Tom Cruise simply get his beta orbiters to fight the war for him?

You can even see it happen live.

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Me on the left

I didn't believe in these memes until a female friend of mine said that she hated Boromir

man, he only asked for strength to defend his people :(

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Chracters men will never understand

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Oh, I understand her

I'm a man and I honestly was surprised how many people hated her

Why didn't he just stop getting up? This is literally my bf with directions on road trips.

Literally every scene from We Were Soldiers.

>dude in the back just keeps gaming

fucking based

There's no dude in the back, fucking retard. It's a mirror.

user, I...

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>put you in the friendzone your whole life
>goes out and does drugs for years and fucks a bunch of dudes
>comes back and fucks you one night, then leaves
>gets AIDS
>comes back with your son who definitely has AIDS too and then dies on you and leaves you with him, even though you're basically retarded
yeah she was a real winner

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What's the real version of this?

>one mutt holds the girl
>the other holds her hand

>gets raped as a child
>love Forrest
>have a ton of internal conflict about having sex with a literal retard given your history as a rape victim, since you're arguably raping Forrest

Its wild how brainlets can't understand simple plot points unless someone tells them out loud in the movie.


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red shirt is bf yellow shirt is gay friend. didn't you notice he's the only one acting like a bitch?

Put me in the screencap

That's Jesus praying user

Red shirt look like he doesn't even know what's going on. Look at his eyes. That's 85 IQ right there

your birth video

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Forest wasn’t retarded though brainlett moron, he knew what having shes was

Based, I remember the laughs we used to have about that. Good times.

He took Travolta to the hilt so pretty loose.

look at it this way

she could have just lived off his millions and yet she choose the hard life of being a waitress and single mom, because she didn't want to push any responsibility on forrest
also she didn't feel worthy of his idealized view of her and then there's also what this user said


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the entierty of master and commander and all of the lord of the rings triology

Saving Private Ryan

Hell, any war movie ever in fact. Anything with heroism, duty, honor, and self-sacrifice for the greater good is alien to most women. When you introduce themes of tribalism, conquest, and destiny.. fucking forget about it.

I am a girl and I have understood all these movies so yeah fuck you

Ching Chong in the walking dead getting beaten to death with a baseball bat.

But you haven’t **understanded** them, whore. You will never be able to relate. A man might tell you and explain to your heroicism but you will never truly feel it and relate. Thats the curse of a woman, always inferior to the man

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Did they watch got in reality?

>fuck you
time and place, honey, don't forget to dialate, i'm bigger than you were.

Favorite movie of my ex

characters women will NEVER understand

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Im a man and unironically he was a retard (also literally who? I laughed when he appeared kek)


>Im a man
no, ur a faggot

i dont get it an im a man

am i gay?

Fuck you bitch




the fucking dude on the PC in the back XD

That's my boy Henry being humble, like I taught him.

Truth. Understanding it on an intellectual level is not the same truly feeling and identifying with it.

Men going off to war in WW2 for example had the weight on civilization on their shoulders. If The allies failed, it wasn't Europe at stake.. it was the whole fucking that would go down in flames if our men had failed.

What would happen to the women? Well they'd just fuck the Nazis and have babies with them and life would go on for them. That exact thing happened in Occupied France. Sure, a few women helped with the resistance, but most just accepted their new alpha leaders and adapted to their new lives. No heroism. No duty No honor. No responsibility for the fate of civilization on their shoulders.

As progenitors of the human race, I suppose that's how things are meant to be with female. But don't for a second think that a woman can truly understand the pressures that men face in war.


His father was pretty badass too (though a dick)


My guess is they were watching the new report of Paul Walkers death. Girls went nuts and the guys tried to hide their deepest emotions.

normies acting cancer cringe as usual

>Men going off to war in WW2 for example had the weight on civilization on their shoulders. If The allies failed, it wasn't Europe at stake.. it was the whole fucking that would go down in flames if our men had failed.

Yes thank god the world was saved where we can now flood Europe with Africans and America with Mexicans, where we can have transsexual kids, where we can have a proclaimed socialist being the #2 candidate for the democratic party, where we have an entire month dedicated to celebrating guys fucking eachother up the ass, where unity is no longer a strength, but diversity is. And where Jews just so happen to hold a massively disproportionate population in our media, government, and wealth holders.

Thank god those evil Nazi's were defeated.

No woman would ever do this for a friend, not even for her husband.

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what film were they pretending to cry about? I didn't even know movies could do that to roasties, fake or not

Please, he was a retard.