Movie(s) everyone say is bad but you still love them

>movie(s) everyone say is bad but you still love them

Name them.

For me, it's the Matrix series. Everybody hated 2 & 3, but I loved the trilogy. And I'm unironically looking forward to 4.

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Godzilla 1998

Freddy Got Fingered
The Bye Bye Man

A bunch of King adaptations everyone hates
Apt Pupil
Needful Things(RIP Max)
The Stand miniseries
Lawnmower man


>wait group,wait
so the dinosaur seemed to be saying
and it was an Iguanodon

No one has ever said click Is bad retard

Kill Bill 2


5th element

Margin call
Judge Dredd
The Sixth Day

New York, New York
United States of Leland
Scary Movie
Rocky 3
Song to Song
The Brown Bunny

I unironically battlefield earth when I saw it in theaters. Should I convert?

>5th element
A lot of people like this movie.

Independence Day
Almost Heroes (a Chris Farley movie no one likes)
Little Nicky
Ninja Turtles II and III


>Little Nicky
Okay, based?

Almost Heroes is absolute kino

What do you mean wit dis?

Man of Steel

not enough tbqh

Once Upon a Time in Mexico.

This whole list is great

Plenty of people like Independence Day. I'm with you on Ninja Turtles II, but not so much III.

I used to really like that when I was a kid, but I find it kinda dull now and Willem Dafoe is underutilized. So is Antonio Banderas, really. Johnny Depp steals the movie though.

Back to the Future part 3

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The unedited, original theatrical release of Water World. Get your Ulysses Cut outta here.

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6 Underground
Freddy Got Fingered
Spring Breakers
The Brown Bunny
Maniac remake



Comfy Western kino with time travel shenanigans. What's not to love?

>Little Nicky
holy based

Street Fighter

The prequels apparently

"I don't regret doing Click since it was fun for me and my four brothers to see me in a fart-jokes type of movie. It's like a big inside joke to us all. However, I'd be genuinely disturbed and possibly confused if I ever met an adult who genuinely enjoyed Click and didn't have any direct personal connection with the production of the film."
-- Kate Beckinsale

Source: my cum guzzling asshole


I like X-Men 3: The Last Stand. Not saying its better than several of the other ones, but not as bad as people say either.

The Phantom Menace

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I really liked Waterworld and The Postman. I never understood why making fun of Kevin Costner became the "orange man bad" of the mid 90s on late night shows.

Back to discord, tranny scum


Independence day.

Great everything.

for me, it's Mallrats

Snyder's entire filmography
Pain & Gain
Burn After Reading
Speed Racer
King Arthur (Guy Ritchie version)

Sweeny Todd

>lawn mower man
Utterly based
Burn After Reading is an absolute pleb filter, high IQ film

kate was in click? huh

good taste user, i agree. pure BZ kino.

Batman V Superman. Except for the Marta thing, i liked a lot, still watch it every now and then.



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Dude Where's My Car is one of my top 5 movies

Kill yourself tranny


die early

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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Thanks for reminding me about Almost Heroes. Little Nicky was alright too


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No ironny was intended with this post

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