Let's talk about one of the most quintessential horror classics of the 2000s. Let's talk Ginger Snaps...

Let's talk about one of the most quintessential horror classics of the 2000s. Let's talk Ginger Snaps. Prequelfags and sequelfags welcome as well, of course.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder: This movie is set in a time period when it was legal to have multiple wives.

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kino grid, make one for the other movies too

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Did one for 2 already. Don't care enough about 3 to bother desu. I don't even remember any good shots I'd want to include.

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Where is my Ginger Snaps general OP?

I'm having withdrawals

if i was that retarded Indian i would've just ditched the fort with the girls

Your next task then is to create a Brigitte compilation with this as backing.

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Well, anons did say they wanted a 24+ hour break between threads. I obliged.

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Why is Emily in the Losers Club

She played Beverly in the original IT movie. And that seems to have been an IT themed convention appearance.

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Oh right i thought it sounded familiar

Big pleb filter.

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>tfw her last wall of shame picture was herself

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who's the guy on the right

This silver earring scene was completely different even in the final script.

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Horror films that gave me similar feelings as Ginger Snaps

>Let the Right One In/Let Me In
>Crimson Peak
>The Loved Ones
>Virgin Suicides

Rate my list and share your thoughts frens

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Some more bants between Ginger and B.

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That scene is beyond cringe. No subtlety at all.

Who was the werewolf in Ginger Snaps 2?

Was it Sam or Jason or maybe someone else?

Yeah it's amazing how even the final script is so much weaker than the actual movie. Based fucking Fawcett vetoing all the romance and pop culture reference shit.

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it's so bizarre to me that emily married a guy that wrote ginger snaps fanfic

It's sort of endearing that maybe a fan like me had a shot with her at some point in time.

do you not have any current celebs you can stalk?


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Why are you trannies pushing this shitty looking movie so hard? Also stop ruining webm threads.

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None of them are modest or lovable. It's all instathots from here on out.

>Why are you trannies pushing this shitty looking movie so hard?
Just tranny stuff

>Also stop ruining webm threads.
I disavow the webbum poster, I got nothing to do with that.

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It's supposed to be just a random werewolf from Bailey Downs but i like to think it's Jason, which fixes the discrepancy of monkshood curing him fully in 1 even though it's not supposed to be a permanent fix later on

>tfw you save every GS pic in every thread even though you're 99% sure you already have it just in case

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I fucking recognize every webm this one faggot posts just from the thumbnail, tell him to cut it out, he's ruining my Yas Forumsexperience.

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I know. He generates hate towards these threads so believe me when I say I want him to fuck off as much as you do.

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I like the webm guy. He posts neat stuff. It's not like he spams until the bump limit it's like 5 webms from him at most.


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Lets look at some of the Ginger Snap Wolf's cousins shall we? Here's one famous big eared bastard.

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>my list gets ignored

oh.. okay..

Ah yes this Limey cocksucker here is little bit closer to our own GS variety.

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>>Let the Right One In/Let Me In
>>The Loved Ones

The only ones i'd watch from that list and even then i'm not huge on them. Though i get what you're going for.

Only seen Crimson Peak, so I can't rate your list user. Sorry.

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Wolfman Nicholson.

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Classic of course.

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The one from Bad Moon looks more like a rabid dog but that's not a bad thing. Never saw that one, might have to give 'er a spin one of these days, see if it's a worthy cousin to GS.

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Is this show worth watching if I'm starving for more Emily content? Already sat through the boring ass cop show.

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Thank you for being based. I still hate your kino because of that cunt, but might watch it at some point.

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i don't get why you fuckers tricked me into watching this shit movie but i'm really pissed off about it

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why'd you leave the cord

There's a discord? Link me senpai.

Now watch the sequel.

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There is one, but I have no idea what he's talking about.


She's so hot there fuuuuuck.

Salud, GSfamilia

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Welcome. What's your favorite of the 3 films and on a scale of 1-10 how badly should Ghost be killed?

I go back and forth between 1 and 2 depending on the mood and atmosphere I watch them in. Ultimately 1 edges out because its a lot more rewatchable for the banter and the sisters' relationship.

It's worth skipping through ton watch her scenes

Ginger/Brigittecore (probably the only band they both like) youtube.com/watch?v=hkuKpNQrGl8

I need pictures! Pictures of Kat and Emily!

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Me on the right

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>disavowing webm chad

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this is literally me. they both said i was very cute

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Fuck that fauxtist. The real webm maker isn't the one that spams those webm threads, he confirmed it a few threads ago.

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They look very uncomfortable

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I remember back when every webm thread was started by the autist, using webm related
I guess i thought it was stil him

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