/who/ - Doctor Who general

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What would you do if you caught her in the woods?

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>it's a clala thread

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Is Christmas Clara naked or what?

Which is the one that wants my coom the most?

Rolling rolling rolling

Rolling. Got Oswin last time.

I would have sexual intercourse with her.

Daily Reminder that until retconned by someone with better brain the TIMEVORTEX is not the source of regeneration ability of the time lords.
That means that until a explanation is given River Song must have some doctor DNA in her.
Since Amy doesn't look like the scientific type she must got the doctors DNA from a more direct source.
So doctor fucked Amy and his own daughter River.

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rolling for oswin oswald

No, Rory is the Master.

I guess it depends on which Peter Capaldi you are

Put her in a cage, and begin an extensive, extremely thorough study of her sexual responses and orgasmic potential.

no, those are actual clothes, the yellow outfit from that episode is the hologram

why does the dr never say i love you

Were any of the Torchwood audios any good? Did they actually follow up any of the Miracle Day stuff?

Because he's a walking ball of autism

he's autistic

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Oswin pls

>reading the novel of Day of the Manlet
>The Moment is psychotic and slaughtering untold gorillions is its greatest high
wew LADS

Would this not be rape?

That sounds rad.

Yeah? And?

where's journey to the center of the tardis clala?

anyway, roll

You get every Clala throughout all time and space. And a hotplate.

i mean for fuck sake, isn't there a 'bible' of what is canon. or did the bbc say 'you know about doctor who? no? never seen any episodes? oh, you just know it's a sci-fi show for kids. you're hired as head writer and show runner. congrats. here have some tea.'

>‘Oh, I can do it,’ she said. ‘I’d love doing it, it’s the way I’m made. Slaughter is my favourite high, I’m a slave to my endorphins. That’s why I decided to grow a conscience—I was worried I’d started to binge kill and, if I didn’t watch out, I’d run out of lives to end. You need to keep something in the larder, don’t you? But, you see, a conscience is a bit tricky when you’re the hard-wired psychotic AI of the most powerful weapon of universal destruction in the history of space and time, both directions. I think you could say I had conflicts. I’m afraid I took to sulking in a basement.’

utterly wasted

Rollin for Oswin.

Check my 1

Doctor Who's canon is fairly nebulous. It Isn't like Star Trek where it's more set in stone.


turn 360 degrees and walk away

No because women aren't people


you get five viking claras

One for each appendage.

Rolling for Time Heist

your pic forgot clara's 400 iq move of saying i love you while having a phone conversation with someone else
i guess she adopted his autism

remember me?

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I also remember the American hordes you wrought forth.

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Still the best

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Gaze upon what was destroyed lone ago.

That would be me im afraid.

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NuWho was never canon.


>remember me?
yes, fondly
you too

honestly, all of the modern Doctors have been great (Jodie doesn't count), can't say a bad thing about any of them. that said, i'm a Capaldi man myself

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Gentlemen, please dont get ahead of yourself.

agreed. i know we like to compare but 9 10 11 and 12 were all varying degrees of great

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Forgot image.

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>we'll never get a special with 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 together without 13 being forced into it.

There really hasn't been a single bad doctor until Jodie. The closest you could get was Colin Baker due to the violence and smugness, but that was written as his character so it still fit.
I feel pretty sorry for Jodie, she was supposed to be this groundbreaking first but she's just not right for the role.
Hell even fucking Ruth was able to portray the role correctly, and I say that as a sexist racist.


Any Clara is fine by me.

I miss this lil' nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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>mfw the 900 year old Doctor groomed a 19 year old, and then they love each other after a year of being together

Dude Gallifr- I mean Tobogans, are actually just future humans.



Has Moffat written any other books? Actually very curious to see how some of his stories would play out with better pacing.

I actually hated 11 for a very long time because I was bitter about the retarded American fan girls he brought out with series 5. I know it was stupid, but I'm a very bitter person by nature and I hold grudges for a long time. I've only seen a handful of his episodes as a result. I really should go back and watch his run.

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>the violence and smugness
That's half the reason Colin Baker is so good.

Same here, I'm rewatching it and his later stuff with Clara is always a lark. Its great.

David Tennant brought those people in though.

Wait is she the one that....OH GOD NO WHY!?

Bet she'll give your balls a right trail through heaven with the plunger.

Tennant was the best doctor ever and Clara was the hottest companion girl ever. LITERAL perfection

Smith plays a great alien Doctor.

I really hate Clara though. I don't care how hot she is. She went from quirky and cheeky and flirty with 11 to grumpy and frumpy and standoffish just because 12 is an older man. That screams whore behavior.

I thought Tennant was responsible for the UK fan girls and some niche American ones and Smith was responsible for the horde of US retard fan girls?

Eccleston was the best Doctor user.

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How long till Corana kills Chibs?

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Tennant made all the trendy, emo, and 'unique' girls get into it. Smith brought in the droves yes.

This is what happened (trust me, I was there)
>Tennant had all the fangirls who love, love, love anything that has shipping or homoerotic undertones; this was the period where YouTube AMV's were their own genre
>they love how there's always some kind of romance plot going on, whether it's Rose or Martha
>The Master in series 3 came at the right time, this was just before The Dark Knight, so everyone was in love with the main character having a personal villain who was ambiguously gay for him
>once Tennant left, most, if not all, of the fangirls left with him
>Smith comes in
>the people who immediately latch on to him are the quirky Tumblr fangirls who aren't that into shipping, but more into things that are noodly and random (this was around when Adventure Time was gaining ground)
>all of a sudden accusations around 2012-2013 that Moffat is sexist because of Amy's legs or some dumb reason
>this is where a lot of the "Moffat OUT" shit came from
>people are still hype as fuck before and after the 50th anniversary, though
>Smith leaves
>Capaldi comes in
>no fangirls for him, because he's too old and oogleh
>only a very small handful of Tumblr "whouffaldis" draw erotic shipping art of 12 and Clara, otherwise the show has been completely DROPPED
>as time goes on, the only fans left during the Capaldi era are the dedicated viewers

That was tennant though. They hated smith, at least at first.

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This. If she liked Naruto and Linkin Park, then she adored Series 2 of NuWho.

Why bullet point it? Putting fucking 20 full stops would be more grammatically correct.