Tfw no comfy JP thread

>Tfw no comfy JP thread

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More like Laura Sperm, amirite?

>she was 23 in this

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When I got my OLED tv, the first movie I watched was JP in 4k. Glorious

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the cgi really holds up in 4K?

Laura Dern is relentlessly unattractive.

Dr Grant says it’s a bad idea


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She was one of those broads that got more attractive with age

For you

the brachiosaur is a little rough, but it was still noticable in BD too. It moves pretty choppy during the scenes where the camera is behind grant looking up the a trees

Lads, I'm looking to get Muldoon Swole. What are the best exercises to get thighs like his?

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Like hell, she did.

He literally says it in the movie.
>They should all be destroyed!

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Welcome to Jurassic Fark

Bitch looks like Lurch.

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I love a good JP meme, post your favorites

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Cyborg lazer dinos. Only way to save the franchise

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mirin hard brehs

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Its ok to be gay user

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BRUTAL mogging

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This, holy fuck, Dern. Get it together.

>ALAN, get the FUCK off my plane!
>laugh track
>fat kid sharts
>empty bottle of Crisco rolls out from underneath the chair

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ikr, how can femtoids even compete

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I was so obsessed dinos as a kid what re your favorites lads?

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Same, i was autistic about them

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He had a flashback to the Rhodesian Bush War.

For me it's the Dilo. He cute.

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I used to really like Acrocanthosaurus. Still do. I also had a soft spot for all those really small carnivores, like Ornitholestes and Coelophysis. Feathernoncing has probably ruined them now, though. At least the Herbivores probably still all look the same.

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i'm impressed at how terrible these memes are

Only a lifetime of African brush wars can get you that physique friend

No u

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I can't tell if he's being ironic or if he's an actual facebook boomer.

look at this

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Do you prep your girls bull?

>I have a soft spot for those really small dinosaurs
Same when 3 came out I liked these little fellas a lot.
I literally used to run around with my arms like a T. rex and squak at people, quite embarrassing now that I think about it

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Styracosaurus, king of the ceratopsian master race

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The trex with a horn

top kek friend

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How is saying an woman looks more attractive older a cuck thing? Did you come in here just to project?

>I literally used to run around with my arms like a T. rex and squak at people, quite embarrassing now that I think about it
Oh god, you too?

Save it, it's yours my friend

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