Why was so angry? What was his problem?
Why was so angry? What was his problem?
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He had a short temper
Disney > Dreamworks
but both sucks desu
How do we put this. Men like Farquaad are in *short* supply.
He was a manlet
I love how the movie presents itself as being about self-acceptance and body positivity, yet half the jokes are making fun of a guy for being short
his name was fuckwad
Yeah, except the guy was a total fuckwad about it and did his utmost to compensate for it.
Shrek just wanted to be alone and you knew from the first frame of the movie that he enjoys being an ogre.
Short people are usually very mean
He was 5'11
Short men are unironically the most oppressed group of people in the world
They explain it in the musical.
there was this one manlet I would taunt back in college. He would turn into this little ball of rage. still couldn't do more than try to kick my shins though. he's a marine now
more than gamers?
>tfw you were the manlet of your group of friends when you went to see this movid and the girls of the group started got an idea from it to start teasing you about being a manlet and then all the guys piled on too to impress the girls
Shit sucked. I really got the short end of the stick and you cant complain or everyone says you have little man syndrome.
sure you did buddy
Insane how Dreamworks got away with this
there was this one lanklet I would beat up back in college. He would turn into this little ball of fear. still couldn't help but try and stutter out insults at me if a girl walked past. he's a Yas Forums poster now
we became good friends actually.
Back me up here. At school back in the day I had an argument with someone over whether "I wonder if he's compensating for something" implied farquad had a small cock or if it just alluded to the fact he was short
It obviously meant he had a small cock, right?
Making fun of him on the internet doesn't sound very friend-like to me
If he is tiny, then his cock is definitely tiny
penis length is correlated with height
this is the real reason all manlets are perpetually angry
Being short is worse than having a small cock. Atleast you can hide the latter.
he gives me shit about being a lanklet all the time.
its alright
Not the same thing my man. Making fun of a guy for being tall is like making fun of a guy for having a big dick
Lmao short end
It's a small correlation. Still plenty of short guys with big dicks. And because they're smaller overall, it can look bigger proportionately
yeah but being an ogre is far far better than being a manlet
The thing is, the laughs were generated by the fact that he was short and felt bad about it, not because of his assholish behavior. People in the audience were laughing at him because he was small
>all this manlet hate
back off assholes..
But as king he'd be able to snap his fingers and fuck whoever he wants
Too bad no one wants to marry a manlet lmao
Why would a ruler care what other people want?
He was a literal midget, which is considered a disability. How did Dreamworks get away with this?
To stay in power? So that the peasants, and nobles, don't rebel?
As much as I'd love to be taller, I'm afraid most of it would just going into the wrong place. No point being 6' 2" if three of those inches are in your neck.
But even that is perceived through the lens of self interest
Frankly he had it coming. There are no excuses for being a manlet.
manlet rage
To be fair, Shrek only mocks him to vent some frustration. It was all Farquadd's fault that he had to leave his swamp and go fight a dragon in some faraway castle. He also knows that Farquadd is an asshole who deserves the mockery
Is John Lithgow the only American to do a good English accent. His Churchill in The Crown was great too.
>be me in highschool
>all they guys are hanging out, we start taunting the shortest guy in class
>he tries to defend himself, says he's just average
>"sure, women's average!"
Share your manlet rekt stories.
It's like making fun of a guy in a wheelchair. Manlets get enough shit from women, they don't need it from men too
>be 16
>be boylet
>go out with female friend who happens to be taller than you to see Shrek
>she teases you and calls you Farquad and it spreads
Fuck you, Leah. It ain't fun brehs.
he was an incel
Shrek hadn't seen Farquad yet so he couldn't possibly be alluding to his height.
garbage show, teaching kids that being short is worse than being an ogre
based Leah
manlet gamers
lord fuckwad lol
lmao grow up manlet
I love this movie. The entire movie was a huge "fuck you" to manlets.
>Autistic incel fat ugly ogre that lives in a literal swamp
>Is tall
>Rich alpha leader that lives in a castle that is adored by everyone
>Is short
>Princess picks the ogre
Even Farquads guards were intimidated by the absolute height of Shrek
yes just what men needed, more heightism and hypergamy. fuck off you cuck
theres actually a thing where girls think shorter guys have bigger dicks
Im not sure who came up with it, either girls to justify dating shorter guys or shorter guys to cope
can't hear you from down there little boy
>can't hear you from down there little boy
you're literally feeding thots that practice heightism, meanwhile these women get more and more entitled and when you get older your wife will forget about you because there are dozens of men yonger and better looking or taller than you. I hope you have a terrible life and in your death bed you'll feel miserable