"For fuck sake it's dripping all over the floor when I hold it vertically"

>"For fuck sake it's dripping all over the floor when I hold it vertically"

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But thats silly, isnt that just the effect of gravity?

he isnt tho its so fucking greasy that instead of having any shape it fucking goos and the entire piece drips to the ground

That unironically looks delicious. Gordon is a cuckold faggot.

>facks sake lads, the fackin chees as fallen off afta i scraped it wit me fawk

Some pizza isn’t meant to be held like that.

Attached: 9874BB41-825F-4470-B7C9-533627F9776F.jpg (500x503, 30.14K)

>separated oily cheese
>raw dough
>excess of very ingredient

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ramsay is wrong about the food so often

Attached: american pancakes.webm (532x300, 2.91M)

Lets be honest, those scooters are fucking cool


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Attached: 1503188214206.webm (640x360, 2.73M)

Remember when he had a piss fit over grilled romaine lettuce, and now it's a hot menu item everywhere?

The most delicious pizza I ate had the cheese slide off to one side sometimes during delivery

Who ordered the ZA

Attached: Za1.jpg (1080x1061, 359.95K)

He was right, though. The fact that foodies desperate to seem trendy latch on to something doesn't make it good

Attached: disgust.jpg (1000x500, 53.18K)

here take another one on the house

Attached: Za2.jpg (1080x1074, 366.95K)

fuck off i see enough of this ugly cunt back on /ck/

it's shit though

i fucking hate new yorkers so fucking much

I ordered a pepperoni pizza from an Italian restaurant in South Korea once. The guy brought me pepperoni and olives.

Attached: 2mrh1k.jpg (500x607, 22.25K)

perfectly fine 2$ pizza they make at a bar

Looks fine

>food was good, can't find anything to say
>brings luminol and uv light in the bathroom
>*5 min later*
>"oh for fuck sake... it's like someone smeared coom and piss everywhere, even on the ceiling!"

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Looks fantastic, not sure what Gordon was complaining about.

Attached: 1567292565913.webm (680x312, 832.59K)

>can’t cook a thing piece of cough with some tomato sauce and cheese on it properly
Do Americans really


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that's a canadian, nice try

gooks dont know shit about pizza. they put fucking corn and octopus on that shit.

>american hours
>euro third-worlders are still seething


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dios mios

Why the fuck is the so much oil

Do American really hold their forks like that ? Why didn't they learn to eat ffs why does he have to bend over to eat his fucking pizza.

It’s high fructose corn syrup, it’s an American style pancake

I'm mad

not gordons fault the chef couldn't defend his dish properly,

>American pancakes
You can't fool me. That's Kay! From Kay's cooking in Britain!

Post a picture of your hand

Here, I call it "The Duality of Man"

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There's no way this guy isn't pulling a ruse on everyone

Is that Erick Hayden?


If you actually make your own pizza you'll understand why grease is a negative.

Hint: it shouldn't be greasy at all. Like its a fucking dough base with sauce and toppings. What fucking toppings are you putting on for it to be so disgustingly greasy?

>the virgin dab vs the Chad devour

The way the guy hold his fork on the left infuriates me even more than an the thing I see on the right for some reason.
Bad quality American cheese.

you could be onto something...

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Nah he's a legit retard and IIRC has almost killed himself on at least one occasion because of his terrible cooking.

holding your fork with the tines down makes sense for stabbing things like chunks of meat, and you hold with the tines curved up to scoop things like mash potato. Simple

Why can’t Americans hold a knife and fork correctly


>than an the thing I see on the right

What "thing"? A guy enjoying his lunch?

t. triggered glutton

>t.faggot who eats 'za with a fork

was it kino?

what third-world shithole do you live in where you don't have good food?

literally the best type of 'za in existence

Attached: pizza-calzone.jpg (550x357, 36.55K)

>American hours

Its early evening in Europe you retard, if anything its euro hours because now we're getting off work and can shitpost

I bet the guy on the right just got out of prison. I don't see why people make fun of him, he's just enjoying the fuck out of some trash food, it's not like he's morbidly obese.

Attached: pizzas.webm (800x800, 1.28M)

Id only put mustard and ketchup on shitty leftover pizza

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You're thinking of Jack. The webm is from an equally retarded "cook" who is called Kay and while Jack at least has some entertainment value watching Kay's videos just fills you with dread and depression.

You hold a fork or a knife like you hold a pen. You are never supposed to hold it differently, no matter what. Holding it like a spoon is sometimes tolerated for children.
t. someone who was raised in a French aristocratic family

based ulillillia

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He's obviously being retarded on purpose there. Nobody stirs a fucking pancake.

>eating like that in public
>I don't see why people make fun of him
you must surely be americano

What the fuck


Well that escalated quickly

wash your hands mutt

Dios Mio......

you about to reskin or something?

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