Be Pixar

>be Pixar
>create 6 10/10s in a row
>then suddenly...
What went wrong?

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Cars is unironically one of my favourite movies ever.

>Implying Ratatouille isn't a 11/10

ratatouille was a 10/10. cars was 7/10 at the worst

Ratatouille was fucking great faggot. Cars is a 7/10 flick

these soulless formulaic flicks were never 10/10s

This is Pixar golden age. Every single movie which came after Toy Story 3 was soulless garbage.

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because youre a zoomer

Up would have been better off as a short without any dialogue or narration just showing the opening sequence and Carl's journey to Paradise Falls. Forget about Dug, Russell, Kevin, and all that other shit.

>toy story
Pretty good.
>toy story again
>mike wazowski
Not great, not terrible.
Not good.
Bordering on masterpiece.
Downright horrible and maliciclously emotionally manipulative
>toy story again again
suicide tier

Wall E is my favoirte

>Toy Story mediocre
Stopped reading there

I never remember what happens in Up after the opening sequence tbqh. I have to go read the wiki to freshen up what it was that happened the rest of the movie each time its brought up, it never sticks.

Ratatouille is much better than any of that shit except The Incredibles, fucking pleb.
Then they hit their peak with Wall-E and Up.
Then they went to shit.

Cars: 6/10
Ratatouille: 9/10, still make me tear up when he has perspective.

Then there was:
WALL-E 10/10
Up 9/10
Toy Story 3: 8/10
Cars 2: 3/10
Brave: 4/10
Monsters University: 4/10
Inside Out: 7/10
The Good Dinosaur: 5/10
Finding Dory: 1/10
Cars 3: 2/10
Coco: 8.5/10
Incredibles 2: 6/10
Toy Story 4: 6/10

Pixar has a tendency to have a really great concept and/or opening sequence and then fuck it all up by the 2nd act.
>Inside Out

>Monsters Inc.
>Finding Nemo

Pixar was frickin high on crack when they made these two abominations

I hope this is bait.

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looks about right except make TS3 a 6/10

Shut up, Wall-E was frickin based

No, those were ok. Monsters University was pretty shitty but Finding Dory was a fucking dumpster fire.

Enjoy your reply you attention seeking faggot.

Showing humans made it shit

Ratatouille is the best pixar movie.

i'll concede to this.


The first 10 minutes of Up & 20 minutes of Wall-E are phenomenal. After that it goes downhill FAST

Posts I never thought I'd read on here.

Excellent bait.

It was never going to last after it got bought by Disney. They stripped it for parts.

What would you guys rate cars after completely removing le redneck truck

John lasseter
drop in quality when he moved from pixar to disney animation
another drop in quality when he got metoo'd out for too much hugging

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Having Lasseter first being poached by Disney proper and then being #metoo'd for being a serial hugger was the catalyst for Pixar just becoming a shit factory where it's soulless sequels of established IPs and any original movies fall flat.

Unironic ratings from me, a complete nobody:
Cars 1: 6/10
Cars 2, The Mater Movie: 1/10
Cars 3: 3/10
Planes: 5/10

Holy shit.

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UP is the last true Pixar movie

ratatouille is their best movie and i'll fight anyone who says different

They had had no plot after the opening and the entire gimmick of his house floating away with the fat kid.

Disney slowly stole Pixar's thunder and lately have been putting out better movies, fuck Disney

BASED, only becuase I saw it with my dad and I never watched movies with him.

you shitting me bruv
it was about the old guy letting go of his past

perfect except up is a 7/10 (stupid fucking bird)
and inside out is a 6/10

they pulled an EA on pixar. I blame (((them))) ((((these))) mean i am referring to (((jewish))) 'person')

It was filler to make the run time to feature length

Fuck of Ratatouille is peak pixarkino.

Ratatouille was KINO


What lesson about the French was ratatouille trying to convey?

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>Downright horrible and maliciclously emotionally manipulative
Fuck you asshole, I liked it

Zoom zoom.

Yeah, how did they make TWO 11/10s in a row!?

Coco is actually good. Nothing else after TS3 is though.

That French people a pretty alright

>be an animation studio that does movies for kids
>do a movie loved by children
>suddenly a lot of manchildren who watch your movies complain
What went wrong?

watch cars be the new movie contrarian zoomers shill. first it was PT star wars, soon it'll be cars too

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I bet if you looked who worked on those movies and who is working on them now, you're going to see an extreme lack of white men.

You're awful

CoronaVirus is gonna git you boomer, then CarChads will inherit the earth

Literally the best scene in any Pixar movie.

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>wife cant have kids
>fat kid shows up at your door
>go on adventure
>get a pet
>meet childhood hero
>childhood hero is a nutcase out for blood
>become surrogate dad for kid once you return back to your town
>house made the trip the whole way but who cares since it's just left there to rot now

This is terrific. Good to know some people still put effort into shitposting.

Their films were made thanks to great creativity. Cars was literally made cuz Lassetter lives actual cars so he just told them to make it. Movies have sucked since Disney bought them and turned tge films away from creative minds to test groups abd executives.

>when a dirty Chinaman coughs near you

>Listing a bunch of movies and saying bad ones are good and good ones are bad is effort now
How far our shitposting standards have fallen.

For me, it's listing Antz instead of A Bug's Life

Monsters University is unironically better than monsters inc.

>house made the trip the whole way but who cares since it's just left there to rot now
The house represents his wife and his attachment to her, him taking it to the falls is closure and allows him to move on. You got filtered by some of the most obvious symbolism ever put in a movie.

Forget the past. Kill it if you have to.

I would go as far and say Rataioullie is in top 10 best animated films ever

>Up should have been arthouse garbage

People romanticize the opening too much. It's sad, but that's not what the movie is about.

>a lowlife can afford an appartement with a view on the Eiffel Tower
>Paris is a clean city
>A parisian woman who is not being a cunt
I love the movie but it was full of lies

>that sph joke
wtf were they thinking?

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>I prefer to watch some heckin pupperinos talk and disrupt a perfectly fine storyline.
That's gonna be an oof and a yikes from me, dog.

Doug and Kevin really ruined up. Much more of the focus should have been on Muntz and Carl

pls be bait

Why is Pixar so shit when DreamWorks put out what could possibly be their magnum opus just last year with HtTYD3

why though

Sometimes being this contrarian is just hilarious

vroom vroom, you mean

I’ve never been to France what are some better cities than paris?
Best euro countries?

That would just be pure oscarbait for animated short. It would win, but it would feel less like an achievement and more like just finishing the mission.

for me that is correct