Conservative moms group will boycott pozzed Marvel movie

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Oh yeah, those totally real one milliom moms we are not using to boost our dying franchise for diversity points.

Not going to really do much good when Disney will just do like they did for Captain Marvel and buy all the empty front row seats in all the theaters.

I wasn't gonna see it because I'm sick of capes.

They boycotted that gay shit cartoon by Pixar and it flopped.

Based mommies btfo the rat

>One Million Moms is just an organization name and not an actual million moms
>their petition got weakass 14k signatures

good, push back against encroaching faggotry

Why is it always gay niggers. The kikes have been pushing this meme for a while. Not content with catering to homosexuals they also like to humiliate niggers by making them either a thristy sweaty comic relief or a raging queer.

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But mooooooom.

poor disney is under attack! we gotta help them and go see eternals, bros

Wish these right-wing cucks would actually fight against forced diversity rather than right to be gay.

based moms

>that totally legit conservative group is going to boycott our multi-milion dollar movie guys

To be fair, Corona-chan had a big part in that flopping.

I want to see the hoteps and polcels team-up happen.

>Disney corporate realizes Eternals isn't very good.
>Uses Disney controlled media to create negative buzz
Nothing new here.

Why people event want to watch more capeshit?

Reminds me of the "religious protests" surrounding the Dante's Inferno game, which were just astroturfed by the game's publisher to generate press. I don't believe it.

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And yet Sonic wasn’t slowed down by it.

lel that cheat codes sign is pretty good

conservatism is an honorable thing to do. why are these leftards force their self destructive ideology and degeneracy to the people who preserve and cherish their moral values?

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Not a conservative and don't care about gay marriage but GOOD. Those faggots have been over obnoxious and uppity lately.

>if people who share my political beliefs are being cringe they are actually astroturfers by da J00s

Or the MRA-activists who were trolling Ghostbusters 2016, only for the leaks to reveal it was Sony writing those posts.

Some studios have a proven history of providing their own controlled opposition. It's not my fault for being skeptical when it concerns a movie that I've heard next to nothing about before this "controversy." I have a hard time believing that some boomer moms even know what The Eternals is.

It was still negative publicity for the movie, it made people dislike it even more and helped it flop even harder.
What the fuck were they thinking in Sony.

>Hell is not a game EA

Honestly, if EA could hire the lowest bidder to make it and the highest bidder to market it, EA would absolutely make a game about Hell and the normies would eat it up.

Dante's Inferno had a great start and final boss, but everything after Lust and leading up to Satan was awful and a chore.

>Yas Forums anons now have the same mentality as boomer moms
What went wrong, 2003 bros?

gay faggotry in the media
also jews

nigga nobody is going to see that garbage anyway that's like boycotting dengue fever


Sony, like many companies, thought social media was an actual demographic and not like 10 people yelling really loud. So when they saw all the trending 'wymin ghostbusters fuck men' posts inside the thousands saying the trailer was dogshit, they tried to make it seem like there was this big group of evil scary men boycotting/destroying women's dreams of being a ghostbuster and it was their duty to see the movie to support those brave strong women who made it.
Problem is women don't see movies that aren't about abusive rich men.

>Yas Forums has opinions that align with cringe conservative anti vax mommies
When did Yas Forums become so fucking pathetic?

Why does capitalism try to push the homo shit so hard?

as opposed to what? everyone else is a bootlicking corporatist, i'll take these crazy broads any day

>thinking conservative facebook moms aren't corporatist

>defending clickbait shilling a billion dollar corporation

when everyone is gay they can start selling more gay shit like aids vaccines. brazil was their ground zero


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Shoving faggots into everything IS forced diversity, butt-diver

>why does capitalism push hedonism

>conservative groups get banned off facebook/twitter
>conservatice websites get shut down
>they migrate to Yas Forums
>infect other boards
>brainwash zoomers with easy to digest memes
This is what happened.

How is it working so far?

face the facts, those nutjubs are the contrarian outsiders that made Yas Forums what it is. college socialists and comicbook geeks are the establishment now

based numbers for a based team-up

When did you become this way? Start siding with soccer moms? What happened to you?
You used to be cool.

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How'd it work for Terminator, Charlies Angels, Ghostbusters2016, and Birds of Prey?

(((They))) stick out like a sore thumb when people are normal. Nobody pays attention to (((them))) when degeneracy is rampant.

Conservative mommies are based
>Go to church
>Single mom there openly flirts with me
>Even the pastor has picked up on it
>I can’t flirt back because it would ruin my chances with young worship girl

Feels good not having to waste money on trannyfaggot and aidsfaggot shit and having an excess in the wallet.
Those moms are saving their children by not taking them to watch this homofaggotry.

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This is your mind on porn

And most recently that 3d shit movie from pixar with the one eyed lesbian nigger cop

You forgot Doctor Who and Star Trek and Soi Wars which hasn't managed to attract any younger audience or sell any toys to them which is a death sign for any brand.
Woke shit is getting broke real fast.

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You mean 100 moms signed some online petition and Disney inflated the petition with another 999,900 bots so it'll look like some "omg outrage" to get people to see the movie and use this as an advertisement.

Do you act like a Christian? Because clearly from what you said you don't (and you browse Yas Forums). Do you only go to church because of Pascal's Wager?

>get tired of guy at work always spouting Fox news bullshit
>starting fact checking him
>"ch-check your sources bro"
>ask him what his sources are
>"uh n-no one specifically I check all sources to arrive at a common sense conclusion"

fuck that guy

Seems Gillette is finally being hit by their woke faggotry. Parent company won't be happy having to inject shitloads of money to keep it afloat LMAO

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>conservative mom will boycott movie

Fixed that. One Million Moms is one stuck up bitch writing a blog funded by a bunch of men

And that's a good thing because that means Disney has no confidence in this film and it's going to be anither bomb. 2020 the year Disney disappears.

The key to being a profitable company is to have enough small gimmicks to appear "woke" but not too much, while also appealing to the wider audience. This is why Disney pretends to be "woke" in the west, but censors all faggotry in their Asian markets. It's about the money. In the end I hate everyone.

Leftists are doing the same thing, they just have different moral values

>being born woman makes you oppressed

what the fuck is wrong with women

This is what happens when you let male hating lesbian activists become a top exec in your company.

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Being attracted to women is not a sin in fact encourages people to have sex under the right conditions (marriage). And I do not plan on having sex anymore before marriage. But you are correct I shouldn’t be browsing Yas Forums because of “put no wicked thing before thine eyes”

Are you a fucking legit retard or just a capeshit DCuck? Disney have made billions up billions from their capeshit franchises. 2020 will have no a single effect on their profitability. Capeshit is for fags anyway.

>MCU movie

I'd be surprised if Black Widow does less than $500M. Word is still out on how much the movie cost to make. But it'll surprise me if it had a budget of ~$150M like Ant Man.

i don't think market forces are effective here, you simply can't give corporations access to your kids, upper class families limit screens, not try to reform the screens

Woke shit used to be used as adevrtisement without affecting the product itself. it was only about manipulating consumers into buying their shit. But with the entertainment industry, it's different, they're not advertising for woke audience, they are tunring movies into woke ads. The content becomes the ad and therefore completely differently from the original.

This. Even if Disney doesn't buy tickets, no Marvel movie will ever flop

Being centre with both conservative and liberal ideals is hard. Here I will get called a tranny and a fag, but on liberal forums I get called a fascist and a nazi. Seems like trying to have my own opinions and not see everything in black and white like most retarded faggots is unacceptable these days.