Laughs at your budget and your plans

>laughs at your budget and your plans

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the main theme was really catchy. very comfy show.


grand designs is pure misery kino.

>that episode where the guy in a wheelchair divorces halfway through and hates the house because his ex wife designed it

>laughs at budget
>laughs at plan
>goes into house half way through
>”dunno about this lads looks a bit shit”
>sees finished house
>jizzes everywhere about flowing lines
>”it came in at 25% over budget”
>that’s not that bad actually, and I think worth it
>next time on grand designs
Kino trope

too much contempary and modernist designs in the show.

>*knocks down an 18th century farmhouse to build a glass cube in the middle of the countryside for 750 grand*

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It's very much a whiggish boomer show.
>must build dream home
>age 50/60, kids already moved out
>will burn entire family wealth
>will fail anyway, and destroy what was there before

The best episodes are where he really struggles to hide how much he hates it at the end.

>Buy a flat
>Needs full refurbishment
>Get builders in and it's still a nightmare that drags on too long and goes over budget

I have new found respect for the people on Grand Designs but they're still fucking lunatics for doing it.

the episode where that guy builds a home in a cave and has his daughters over was very nice

why do you have any sort of respect for idiots who wilfully put their hands into the fire?

being contacted by GD should be a warning bell, houses featured overwhemingly go wrong.

Never seen him do that

Alternate Title: Keeping up with the SIMPses

Respect for actually pursuing their dream. I still think they're dumb.


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their dreams are dumb. mostly ugly creations that theyre unable to build. not worthy of respect really

I love Grand Designs, but i can't find this one episode i watched once. I remember that this guy was basically trying to build a houseboat, but basically ran out of money, and had completely forgotten to get permission or something like that. The episode basically ended with Kevin going "lol u fucked up k bye" and it was amazing

Oh, I know the one. Just search grand designs houseboat.

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refugee migrant boat kino

The entire show is some weird masturbation about projected woes of millionaires

you're a fuckin hero.

God, what a shitshow.

That's why it's kino

and very often boomers

>The half built lighthouse that can't be sold and can't be finished and bankrupted the guy


>It's a generic house frame
>With fuckhueg plate glass windows
>and corrugated iron cladding
>it also has a glass balcony
>and opens on a valley in the middle of nowhere
>uplifting music plays
>zoom in on the barnlike structure
>cut to polished concrete floors and warehouse-tier interior
>reassuring comment about it all being worth it
>self help quote
>drone zooms out

lads, you remember that one with the fuckin Artist faggot who basically built himself a glass warehouse and expected to be praised for his amazing "i literally have one big ass room" layout?

modern tower of babel

>That episode where the castle falls down halfway through

>that one dumb suburban bitch whose neighbours all start complaining about her trying to rebuild her house and has a slew of legal problems

and it cost several fucking million and looked like fuckin ass

my favorite was a faggot that wanted to do a mies van der rohe structure only five times bigger and ran out of glass budget so he had to make due with really dark interiors and having windows only in the corners

good thing was that his wife had really great xhamster stuff

You forgot that he got divorced halfway through. True misery like that just couldn't be written.

>good thing was that his wife had really great xhamster stuff


link that shit right now

Lol that's most of the episodes

>that episode where a guy is refurbishing his home and the contractors find loli corpses hidden in the foundation

Only middle class wankers watch that show

the only objectively good one i can remember was that absolute fuckin lad who hollowed out a fucking mountain because he was dying of some bollocks and wanted to make his mark on the world.

truest kino and i'll fight anyone who disagrees.

what's wrong with being middle class ya poofter

You just described 90% of bong posters. A bunch of self righteous posh twats

>middle class

u wot m8

also nice get


Now we're talking kino

there is also a really skilled woodworker guy that built a house for his family on his property over the course of 10 years

You mean the engineer that turned the concrete water storage into a courtyard home?

>grand designs
>half the houses are prefab monstrosities with prices in the high six figures

is it a psyop?

nah man, this is the one i meant

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In what fucking sense

you guys remember that lesbo couple on the isle of wight or something making that ultra-conservative triangular home?

tell you what, that one where they got those German builders over and they built the entire prefab house in less than a week was fuckin fascinating. Don't get me wrong, there's no way i'd have had that house for myself, but it was pretty cool to see just how quickly they could build a fuckin house

architecture for over a century has been a psy op

middle class are usually smarmy out of touch wankers who live in villages.

His wife left him and moved her and the kid to a council property, that thing became an eyesore and might still be free floating about the place.

have fun in your cities full of niggers

the tories are looking to move darkies to rural areas now lol

I will, but the point still stands. You're a posh out of touch twat.

I think you're misinformed there bud. The middle class are the largest percentage of the population, not everyone lives in villages.

Forget about the trainwrecks, what were some actual good houses from the show? The only one that stuck in my mind was the guy with three asian wife who built a wooden house.

3 asian wives? thats a whole lot of nagging

the one with the guy who spent 10+ years building an actually gorgeous house full time. His craftsmanship was pretty incredible.

>couple want to build an awful house on a river that's totally different from the nice, consistent style of every house around them
>architect is the wife's ex husband and he designs a shitty, overpriced house full of curved walls and glass
>he quits halfway through the project and moves away
this one was great

was that the one that for literally no reason was designed to float?

it was this one

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