This is a thread about the Netflix documentary series called "The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez"

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i can't watch that shit
just makes me feel sick inside

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This is the only time anything like this has made me feel physically uncomfortable and disturbed. I can't stop thinking about it.

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>you will never get whipped and locked in the pleasure box by your mentally retarded mother
why even live boys?

he would've grown up to be just like his parents so nothing of value was lost

>goes to prison for 1 month
>gains 200lbs


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Yea but still, how do you beat a little kid until he looks like this?

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You don't need much, children are softies. You can destroy an infant's brain just by shaking him.

He should have stayed with his gay uncles. They were the only ones that treated him like a son.

Quick rundown on what happened?

With a blunt object

Parents abused him until he died.

Junko Netflix special when?

>el goblina chicano meth-head psycho retard has a baby with a cholo gangster who promptly goes to jail
>goblina abandons the kid at the hospital
>goblina's gay uncles raise the baby in a nurturing and loving home
>grandpa spergs one day and says gays shouldn't raise the kid
>grandpa raises the kid
>mom comes back around with new bf and abducts the kid
>within six months kid has been tortured and beaten to death because they thought he was gay

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pretty much, yeah

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I didn't watch the full documentary ,but did the parents get the death sentence?

The boyfriend got the death sentence (but it's a Cali death sentence so he won't actually die) and his mom was gonna get one too but she took a plea deal and got life in prison. The social workers got off.

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only the boyfriend, he's still on death row.
then they spent time doing the entry-level "what is evil, isn't all life worth something, isn't there good in everyone?" bullshit.

Well, hope inmates will beat him to death. People don't take kindly of child abusers.

Everyone involved in the abuse and death of this child should be placed in a cage and burned alive in public. Humanity has to kill off scum like this because nature is indifferent to the suffering of innocents.

>Lo Borracho y lo cabron se te quita en el panteon

what the fuck does that mean

During their trials, it came to light that Isuaro Aguirre forced Gabriel to eat spoiled food and cat feces as well as his own vomit, and locked him in a cabinet with a sock in his mouth and handcuffs around his ankles to sleep. The family called this cabinet “the cubby.” Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Hatami claimed that Aguirre hated Gabriel because he thought he may be gay. Aguirre would call him gay, punish him if he played with dolls, and even made Gabriel wear girls’ clothing to school. Shortly before his death, Gabriel spent most of his time at home in “the cubby” with no access to food or water and no bathroom breaks. His older brother Ezequiel would try to sneak bananas through the padlocked door. If he didn’t beat Gabriel, Pearl and Isauro would threaten him, so he would whisper to Gabriel to fall quickly so he didn’t have to hit him as much. Isuaro and Pearl even pepper sprayed Gabriel the night before he died.

Gabriel suffered a fractured skull, broken ribs, a broken nose, and many missing teeth. He had BB pellets embedded in his body - "in his neck, face, lung, legs, buttocks, foot, chest and groin." There were cigarette burns on his neck, feet, and genitals and ligature marks on both ankles. Skin was missing from his neck. He had internal injuries, including a lacerated liver. Cat feces were forced in his mouth and down his throat.

>implying he isn't in prison with a bunch of psychos who would have done the same shit he did

You can tell she's sub-50 IQ by just looking at her.

Jesus. Just feed those two wastes of space to a bear already.

so how do they know a kid sucks and fucks if they never saw him suck and fuck gay guys?

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her lawyers legitimately tried to make an argument that she was too retarded to know the consequences of her actions

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>spics acting like savages as usual
Oh gee... I seriously wonder why Trump is so "racist" against them....


Honestly prisoners have weird set of morals and follow them to a T because they don’t give a fuck anymore. Child murders/molesters/rapists get ostracized to fuck in prison. A lot of the people in prison are in there for things such as possession, murder, robbery etc. They pretty much hate it because if you’ve fucked with someone or something that couldn’t do anything to fight back against you. With how publicized this is, this dude might either get killed or they’ll keep him in solitary for the rest of his life

would tbqhfam

some article says that netflix sensationalizes the story. might not be entirely accurate

pedos are fucked in prison

which mode?

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It's not a meme, pedos and child abusers are targeted in prison by the other violent maniacs. Everyone needs to look down on someone.

a beautiful brave hispanic child was tortured and eventually killed by his evil white american parents

Being retarded or insane should not be a valid defense. Catapult her into a concrete wall.

BBW, obv

I think the kid's father was a piece of shit too, imagine your kid being pawn off to family member after family member and you did jack shit about it

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your drunkenness and "badassness" leaves at the graveyard

he was in prison, but seemed like he actually cared about the kid

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>the social workers got off

The tax payers pay these people to protect children lol

he dead?

ye, the nurse described his skull as having the consistency of rice krispies

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He said
>I'm Gabe
but they misheard it as
>I'm gay

>see a kid like that
>don't immediately drive him to a police station/hospital/news HQ

and they're surprised he ended up dead?

do americans really?

social services have retards as wagies for some reason


White people be crazy

Nah, it's just that most pedos are weak pathetic men, inflicting their twisted lust on weak targets that can take it. But if you're a big time gangster who is strong mentally and physically they aren't gonna fuck with you for no reason. Prisoners are only looking for personal gain.

I actually do believe the parents were retarded. How did they expect to call in emergency services and expect them to think nothing of a child in this condition?

Why not just take him to some remote dump or bury him and say he ran away?

>A lot of the people in prison are in there for things such as possession, murder, robbery etc
Also, you should take in consideration that most of those people suffered the same kind of abuse as that dead kid. So most of the time it's personal.

The police were called and when they came all they did was yell at the kid for lying about being abused.

The fact that he still loved his mom despite everything. The little kid deserved a lot better.

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This part was fuckin soul crushing

>That one juror who didn't want to convict the step-dad or even sentence him to death
What the fuck was his problem.

Also, that teacher seemed extremely sheltered, or stupid. How do you have a kid come into your with burns around his entire skull and just send him home? I would have risked my job to keep him there, and called the police.


God, Netflix keeps pumping out these true crime documentaries

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Can an American educate me on this bitch's kabuki-style crazy makeup? Is that a thing in the Latino community?

I can’t go to my local Golden Corral without having to sit next to these spic shitters’ it was truly a fucked up documentary. And I have witnessed first hand violence from these people just for cutting in line. Looking at them the wrong way, and literally just standing next to them. No kind of drugs can make a Mexican do what they did.

Getting tired of Netflix and other media companies trying to sway opinion on court cases, or lie about the facts of a case to suit their politics.

That one about the central Park assholes was especially bad.

It’s a big thing, it’s gangster, it’s literally tradition, and gang code, it seems she was the mastermind and pusher, and the boyfriend was literally a shit picking Retirement worker who happened to have the physique to allow him to pursue security employment. He thought he had the Voice of the Devils’s Flute.