This was one of the best horror/suspense movies I've ever seen, but come on - 4 weeks and they already go batshit nuts? Was it some sea sickness or something? Because I find it very implausible for the human psyche to snap out in such a short period of time. Maybe the everynight alcohol binges were one of the main factors to it, and probably Pattinson's remorse for the murder he had commited as well, but it is still somehow very unlikely such a thing to happen and eventually lead to the two's death.
This was one of the best horror/suspense movies I've ever seen, but come on - 4 weeks and they already go batshit nuts...
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>come on - 4 weeks
You dont actually know how long they have been there and they had been pretty insane before they even came there.
Was it 4 weeks? Or 4 months? Or 4 years?
it's partially inspired by a real story though
The Lighthouse Keeper was already nuts to begin with, he jacked off to a blinding lantern every night ffs, which would've weirded Pattinson out to begin with. It was also implied that he was gaslighting Pattinson a little bit here and there. Also Pattinson was absolutely riddled with guilt and paranoid that the Keeper would do him in. Then he confessed and as the Keeper said, it did drive him mad since he was fearful for his life as well as hypnotized by the light.
That's the other thing, there was probably a supernatural element to the light. You can put the other strange goings on to hallucinations but the only illusion the pair shared was both were drawn to the light.
Why didn't the just count and mark the days that pass on a hand-made calendar or something?
Try sitting in a dark room doing nothing for an hour see how well you can take it.
He was too busy cooming.
Well, I've been doing this for years, so...
They did, they knew exactly when the ship should come. But it didn't, so they continued drinking.
And after a few days of being blackout drunk you are barely even able to operate a pen.