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this movie is kino

Wtf Sergey used to be black?

Paul Walker advanced race relations in America by 20 years

Did he undo the damage Kanye, Jay Z and Beyonce did?

I wish a had a friendship like Brian and Roman.


remember when FF was still grounded in realism and not a power fantasy for Vin Diesel?

yeah but he set white people back in coolness by like 30 by saying “cuh” all the time

9 fucking movies and I’ve never seen a blooper. this is amazing.

your time is coming, Jakob

Tyrese has done well for himself all the while being functionally illiterate.

you serious cuz?

Nope. But it's entertaining.

They were childhood friends.

The franchise died after fast five

Fast Five is also best movie.

We hongreh

Nah it died with 7.
Should have ended after Paul Walker passed.

Pasta incoming?

that was cool at the time

>remember when FF was still grounded in realism and not a power fantasy for Vin Diesel?
No, I don't. The people that spout this meme have obviously never watched the Familia Chronicles from the beginning. As far back as 2F2F they were doing 2000 foot bridge jumps, lightspeed nox boosts and had retarded shit like car-jamming electrostatic police rpg noobtoob harpoon crap.

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Best one in the series.

Let me tell you about my boy Paul Walker. It was the early two thousands and white dudes were out. The masses had been programmed for diversity. Kids in those days listened to Hip Hop, RnB, and gangster rap. They liked Will Smith and the black guy from Whose Line is it Anyway? and blackness was all the range. Sure we had Eminem but he wasnt cool. White guy hobbies were lame. Traditional sports were out in favour of the black sportsmen.
Then the Fast and Furious happened. Suddenly this white dude appeared on the scene. Women wanted him, men wanted to be him. Imagine Ryan Gosling but better looking. That was Paul. My dads generation idolised Steve McQueen, he was the king of cool. For us it was Paul Walker. Then 2 Fast hit. Overnight every guy wore a white t with blue jeans and converse. We all wanted a Nissan Skyline. The way Paul was cool around minorities was symbolic. No longer did white guys want a black friend. Black guys wanted a dude like Paul Walker in their crew. Women of all races wanted a blue eyed blond haired Nietzschean superman. If it wasnt for Paul an entire generation would have been lost. He singlehandedly ushered in the 2000's. When he died thats when it all ended. White guys were once again reviled and no longer could we depend on Paul. With his 10/10 appearance and mass appeal. Ever since we have mourned.

RIP Paul Walker


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All believable.

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2nd one is the best one.

The original Fast and Furious was just a Point Break rip-off but with street racers instead of surfers.

I enjoy all the movies
except 7, I should probably rewatch it one of these days, but outside the ending I just didn't enjoy it

Do American high schools really?


>Date with girls
>Discussion turns to Fast & Furious genre
>All of them like Paul Walker the most

What is the appeal of Paul Walker? All he does is drink beer in the background.

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he's gigachad 6'2 prettyboy

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He is the only person in the crew that you want sit next to him.

Dom and other crew are tryhard and compensating too much

He's a fucking dreamboat lmao. Are u blind?

it's a shame that he died but man what a shit fucking actor he was

These threads are made by Hispanics FOR Hispanics

based and truth pilled

You are correct

he's a gigabrad at best but he's the best of a pretty lame bunch

Furious fans accept all races and creeds, user. Familia 4 life.

posts like these are the saviour of Yas Forums

>Be me, 16
>Movie just release, set out with my friends to see it
>Drive to the nearby cineplex in my Suburban, radio is playing Destiny's Child
>It was pretty fun, me and the boys loved the action and the Miami setting
>Go out and eat some sliders at White castle
it was 2003, 9/11 happened but the optimism was still there
i just cant really pinpoint when it really went to shit

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Damn he was handsome af

remember when it was normal to be bros with your darker toned homies and then the foreskin eaters ruined everything?

>I just cant really pinpoint when it really went to shit
For me it’s when pop punk stopped being cool.

>i just cant really pinpoint when it really went to shit
2012 was the end of the world

We need the the copy pasta

2012 was unironically the end of the world as in the prophecy but we're just realizing it now

>You're done, you hear me? You're done. And all before your 12th birthday!

I've only seen the first three, what are the movies like these days?

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are you serious?

rest in peace mi familia


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How the fuck did Paul Walker do it? Effortlessly be cool with non whites