It's funny to think that a Star Wars movie came out and I had zero interest in seeing it...

It's funny to think that a Star Wars movie came out and I had zero interest in seeing it. Haven't even bothered to look up the plot summary. Something must have gone horribly wrong

Attached: MV5BMDljNTQ5ODItZmQwMy00M2ExLTljOTQtZTVjNGE2NTg0NGIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODkzNTgxMDg@.jpg (1383x2048, 708.58K)

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Based disney. Pseudo capeshit was insidious, I'm glad they've distilled it to pure essence.

This movie will be revered in 10 years, like your precious prequels

Rian was the unsung hero all along. Tanking SW in a way no one though possible.

E;R was right

>Rian says that the force is more than just light and dark, and that the Jedi/Luke aren’t as heroic as we always thought

>attempts to murder the son of his sister and best friend in his sleep

This is what humanity means for sojgobbling zoomie tranny.

>Something must have gone horribly wrong
Yes. Aging.

>my superhero from the 70’s can’t have moments of weakness no no no no no

He THOUGHT about it, but he knew it was a horrible idea. Think twice and watch the film again before you speak

>attempts to murder the son of his sister and best friend in his sleep
Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

no, it's funny to think that what went wrong is you being sexist. "U wot" cries out the Yas Forums poster... "no, I well yes I am, I'm based of course... but th-th-that's irrelevant". So it just happens that everyone who hates sequel trilogy is sexist but that's a coincidence

Nah, man. The Prequels are loved because they're slow paced, cerebral, and meditative. People talk endlessly about the subtle political nuances, and extrapolate entire alternate outcomes out of a single sentence, a single glance. (The theory that Windu told Anakin to go to the Council Chambers and wait for him meant that Windu and the others planned on granting him the rank of master upon their return, for example.) Rise of Skywalker has none of this because it's a hollow shell. Instead of having something interesting to say, it just tells the audience what it thinks they want to hear. It has no identity. It has no relevance. It's hollow. There's nothing to dissect, argue over. These films have no discussion outside of HE'S SUCH A DREAMBOAT!

>p-please I need (You)s
not this time lmao

You remind me of me when I was younger, zoomer. I was a big Star Wars fan when I was 10-13 years old, wearing Star Wars t-shirts and everything. And after the phantom menace ( I waited in line more than 6 hours for it) I had zero interest in seeing episode 2.

It needed to be actually good to be that case but sadly it isn't

matrix came out that year and if you were 15 you could see that after star wars felt like barney

>a moment of weakness is contemplating killing your own
Pic related is Luke Skywalker, the savior of Darth Vader, THINKING about killing a kid in his bed.
The fucking soj defense force is unreal.

Attached: Kylo-Ren-utilizará-el-lightsaber-verde-en-The-Rise-of-Skywalker.jpg (1000x600, 41.29K)


Attached: 539EFAD3-00D4-47C6-AFF6-E3BAA349F577.gif (320x240, 300.76K)

I don't know what world you live in where meditative or slow paced have any relation to the prequels. Are you 12?

He did though, having murderous impulses towards your nephew isn't a mistake or a flaw, its character (and as it turned out, franchise) assasination

>heroes can’t be weak
>heroes can’t contemplate the fate of one for the fate of billions

Brainlets like yourselves will never understand what character writing is about.

Oh, and:
>the savior of Darth Vader
nearly killed Darth Vader in a fit of rage because he threatened his sister.
That's how much attention you paid watching the OT that you claim to be so much of a fan of.

>Rian says the jedi werent as heroic as we thought!
Oh you must mean what had already been shown in Ep. 3 when Anakin is told by Palps that Dooku is too dangerous to be kept alive, then after Ani finds out Palps is a sith is told by Mace that Palps is too dangerous to be kept alive, he realizes that the jedi have flaws as well that resemble the siths evil ways.
>also Rian: Snoke corrupted Ben and thats why Luke thought of killing him!
Ok, so how did Snoke corrupt Ben, and why did Luke allow it to happen?
>lul, Snoke is nobody and dont worry about that actual plot point that I wont actually explain, Im killing Snoke because his backstory isnt interesting TO REY!!!!
Did you forget that? That he decided to kill a main bad guy because he wasnt 100% relevant to the female protagonists story? Or how instead of making a concrete point of who Reys parents are, he decided to go full JJ with "its a mystery guys!" Which then creates a retarded plot line of Reys nobody parents being Palps spawn.

I can see TLJ getting more positive feedback over the years since the entire Luke/Rey/Kylo arch is interesting enough, but the other two? Force Awakens is garbage and only got positive feedback cause it is a carbon copy of A New Hope with a worse cast, Rise of Skywalker already is seen as one of the worst movies ever produced and will only drop in ratings for years to come.

The entire trilogy will be seen as one huge failure that has nothing to offer.

>I don't know what world you live in where meditative or slow paced have any relation to the prequels.


why doesn't Rey do those things?

>I don't know what world you live in where meditative or slow paced have any relation to the prequels. Are you 12?
He's used to capeshit and Transformers. To him, "slow paced" is when there isn't a cut every 5 seconds in every other scene, and "meditative" is when characters stop and discuss a conflict or plot point. Welcome to the reddit version of Yas Forums.

I'd just like to point out that Rian actually watched all 6 Star Wars movies, wheras JJ seemed to just watch the OT on fast forward a few times.

Attached: ZH9ArF1.png (475x595, 555.68K)

So slow paced, cerebral, and meditative, I feel like I'm watching a Terrence Mallick movie.

>heroes have to also be the same

Rian also didn't like star wars, and it shows.

>why doesn't Rey do those things?
She does show weakness and a temptation by the dark side. Very openly so in TLJ, where she's also painted as naive, rash, stubborn and overall simpleminded.

>character writing is about.
Character writing for tumblr cocksucker like you is Luke Skywalker attempting to kill a kid in a middle of the night and then turning his back on everyone and everything in contrast to several movies and decades of storytelling.

>fate of millions
He refused to kill his father in anger while millions of his comrades and friends were being wiped out. Try again Yas Forumsmblr.

You didn't have sex, that's what went wrong. Not to worry, though, the movie still made a billion and was a smashing hit.

Also, this

So what? It’s fresh to have a story made by someone who never really cared about the source (IE Halo Guardians)

>Rian also didn't like star wars
He probably likes Star Wars way more than you do. Just like he gets the lore much more than you do.

nonsense, she was shown to be in the right for the entire movie you dunce. Yoda affirmed it.

>Luke Skywalker attempting to kill a kid in a middle of the night
>He refused to kill his father in anger
Hey, brainlet. You can't paint one situation as him "trying to kill" and the other as "refusing to kill" when in both, he had an impulse to kill and decided on acting on it.

he stated that he didn't care for it, you tard.

It's called contrast. Like how this scene contrasts the intensity of Anakin riding his speeder bike in search of his mother, with the quiet and haunting dialogue of their meeting. Then as his rage and helplessness builds, he looks up at us, before exploding into violence.
Lucas always understood the power of quiet moments. But he was also making adventure films.

>she was shown to be in the right for the entire movie you dunce.

Luke: "What do you know about the Force?"
Rey: "It's a power that Jedi have that lets them control people… and make things float."

Ah, yes, TLJ definitely show Rey being right for the entire movie you dunce.
Totally what Yoda would say, right?

>there are faggots unironically defending tlj itt
Jesus fuck

I can find slower and quiet scenes in the new trilogy and I even can find slower and quiet scenes in the transformer movies too

>Rey: "It's a power that Jedi have that lets them control people… and make things float."

how is that wrong? it a jab at star wars canon that is also true.

you faggot

Like there's people actually defending Attack of the Clones

>he stated that he didn't care for it, you tard.
No, he didn't. Stop lying.

He said that he didn't want to let fan theories and franchise "rules" dictate what and what he can or cannot do. You know, like everyone with an ounce of artistic integrity should.
Rian Johnson actually moved half across America for writing the script just so he could be near the story group and consult them regularly, to make sure there were no inconsistencies. Abrams never cared that much.

>I can find slower and quiet scenes in the new trilogy
Good luck with that. The JJ films are constantly jumping from scene to scene. Also, the fucking camera won't stop moving because JJ is apparently shitfucking allergic to Golden Age Hollywood camera techniques. What the fuck is wrong with him? STOP SPINNING THE CAMERA ATTEMPTING TO MAKE YOUR SHITTY EXPOSITION DUMPS SEEM MORE INTENSE. As for Rian's movie, many of its quiet and contemplate scenes are direct homages to PT scenes.

>how is that wrong? it a jab at star wars canon that is also true.
See, retards like you believing that they are an authority on Star Wars lore are the real problem here.

Reminder that his purple haired simp fantasy accidentally killed herself while she was trying to run away.

>one situation is facing hostiles in the form of genocidal maniac and his totalitarian galactic overlord
>the other is a sleeping child of his sister and best friend in his own school, under his own care and protection

The mental gymnastics of balding Yas Forumsmblr crowd is off the charts

Attack of the Clones is Star Wars noir-meets-Dante's Divine Comedy-kino.

The movie ends with her floating rocks to solve the problem. Sure seemed she was right after all.

How can it drop in rating if it is frozen at 86%?

>Reminder that his purple haired simp fantasy accidentally killed herself while she was trying to run away.
That's bullshit and informed by Abram's understanding of what "fixing plotholes" (that never were plotholes to begin with) means. You are literally proving right now that you're just a butthurt JJ Abrams fanboy.

Even if I hated the force awakens because of the lazy rehashed plot, the main reason I hated it and why I have not watched any Disney wars film since is because it's leads were a woman and a black man .

Oh, come on, this has to be bait. You cannot possibly be THIS stupid.

>if it is frozen at 86%?
Rotten Tomatoes' audience rating is not the be-all-and-end-all of ratings. Look anywhere else and you'll see that both audience and critics' ratings tend to be far more accurate.

>franchise "rules" dictate what and what he can or cannot do
In other words complete and absolute disregard for the settings he was handed.
Let's shove Pacific Rim mechs into GoT to subvert expectations.
You know what Witcher needs? A130 Specter making straffing runs on the Nilfgaard.

See, you have no idea what you're talking about and still think you know more about Star Wars than Rian Johnson. That's the whole problem here: Idiots who feel entitled.
I bet you ate up the fan-service filled piece of shit that TFA was, right?

Same here. I enjoyed reading about it on Yas Forums, otherwise I had zero interest in it. Also I didn't watch Solo.

A few years ago this would have been impossible as I was fairly big Star Wars fan, and had been for literal decades. But the recent instalments were so incredibly bad that I completely lost all interest. And not only the movies but the whole Star Wars universe. I had no interest in watching the Mandalorian because the whole thing is dead to me.

So congrats, Disney. Hopefully your new target audience of feminists will spend their money on your shit. For decades.

All that picture shows is that he cherry picked aesthetic shots from ep 2 he liked and then stole them for his movie because he was making the 2nd movie in the new trilogy. Kind of like how he stole the ground assault on his totally not Hoth guys planet.

>That's bullshit
A single freak occurence in eight movies and six seasons of canonical Clone Wars, with no previous space combat application being explained as a freak accident is better than whatever balding manlet came up with.
Keep seething as hack Rian's fanboy you are.

That's how I felt about Solo
9 was okay but it was way too sloppy

Absolute non-post. Rian wrote whatever he wanted with utter disregard to any and all previous movies, including the one he was supposed to work on with the current team. Original poster was right, Rian didn't give a shit about Star Wars.

>people are unironically defending the prequels as some sort of hidden gem
I don't think tthe prequels were garbage, but seriously? They weren't any good, and just because there were a few good concepts here and there doesn't mean any of it worked. I still enjoy them, but they are heavily flawed and far from being decent.