>fall for the 4k meme
>now get to see actors' imperfect faces
Do I need to go back to 1080p?
Fall for the 4k meme
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Did any of you guys blow up Megaton?
his face is grain
Lmao did anyone not blow up Megaton?
I want to scratch his face
this guy lotion his face with grease? lmao
>Why yes, I do drink a glass of milk a day, how can you tell?
wats that
based smoothskin
oi imagine taking a razor, scraping upward, and then you close your teeth on the blade and pull it out like a shrimp while leaving the pus and dead skin in your mouth haha
I.. I wanna touch it
I had acne similar to that
Fuck does milk make your skin greasy?
I've been eating huge bowls of cereal for breakfast for the past couple of months and my forehead has gotten greasy as shit
tfw actually blessed to be lactose intolerant, always had perfect skin
Imagine eating pasta and you ask for cheese and they come up and scratch their face above your food
If you aren't white. Europeans have over consumed dairy to the point they are immune to it.
Lessen dairy and greasy foods. Change your pillow/bed sheets. Wash your face.
oh another Sunshine thread. fuck danny boyle
>imagine how satisfying
>tfw haven't showered or changed my sheets in 8 months, half of my meals are fast food, yet don't have acne
having superior genes feels nice. shame about the terminal autism though
this picture is the most disgusting thing i have seen in long time, holy fucking shit you disgusting rat freak
It's probably all the female hormones in the rest of my diet then
not true
Milk contains hormons. It fucks up your hormonal levels. In reality, cow's milk is onions milk.
I'm genetically white and milk is poison for me.
>utterly useless, repulsive being
>superior genes
too bad you won't be passing them on
Do you all just let your body decay like this retard?
Yeah, good skin is also in the genes.
yeah that's the joke. you're a very smart man.
Does that shit hurt? I had a friend with acne similar to that, but not as bad. I imagine that the entire surface of your skin is constantly inflamed. Do you wash your face? Do you ever pop those zits? I have so many questions, because I missed any acne genes.
Dumb meme.
imagine if some of the pus got in her mouth haha
What to do if you have acne scars? That laser surgery is a kike meme isn't it? Serious question but for a friend haha
>I'm genetically white and milk is poison for me.
Dont you get this kind of acne from chemical polution? My guide in vietnam had it and he usually worked as translator at mining sites and probably drank contaminated water.
probably was plague and now you've got some dormant spores
I drink milk everyday and my skin is unblemished
Damn I wanna run a credit card over those buboes and scrape all the pus and dried shit off.
imagine getting a straight razor and going to town on that face lol
Dr. Pimple popper is kino
I don't have to imagine it, you can see it happening in the drawing.
I just want to slide a knife on his skin
Chemical exfoliation
Why does she keep telling me to poop
Disgusting giant chin
damn she's fucking cute
I prefer and enjoy that. I like to see the media like i'd see it with my eyes. Pornography too.
actors were always ugly, you just didn't see it before because we hadn't red pilled you yet
Eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Period.
dairy not very good for you stomach as well when you grew older
I'm of course talk about, diarrhea
Bullshit advice, sometimes it's hormonal and there's nothing to be done but getting on medication
I've always had perfect hygiene, don't eat diary cause I don't like milk or cheese, and I still had bad acne
Went to a derm, got prescribed some shit, did a chemical peel and there you go, now I don't get them anymore
Washing your face generally doesn't help with this kind of acne (although it may help a little for him since he looks legit greasy as fuck, that hair is rank), it's more of a blood or hormone issue, or can simply be stress related. You're not supposed to pop any pimple as it can leave crater scars but even if you didn't it would leave a red blemish scar that can take months or years to dissipate anyway.
zoomercaust when
>have a face that is completely CAKED with big juicy zits
>not be able to pop any of them
damn that shit must suck lol
Holy shit. I'm just amazed.
is this meta comedy or just bad english
>when your mum upgrades your phone plan to 5g
>have a face that is completely CAKED with big juicy zits
>need to shave
I used to do it all the time. When it comes to self-surveillance severe acne promotes a near-autistic hyperfocus, which is why I can honestly say I've only got a couple of pits and the tradeoff in satisfaction I had from fucking with my mess of a face was worth it.
you fucking retard
This guy is not white.
Can't wait for Biden to take 4 states today and these Bernie fags kill themselves
the thought of someone dragging a razor across a face like that literally almost made me gag.
Those surface spots (pastules) where you can visibly see the pus aren't even the worst since you can gently pop those for relief, the worst are the cystic acne which means they're actually deep under the skin, and you literally cannot pop them since you'd have to dig through the surface of your skin to get access to the infection.
It's like having constant swollen bruises under your face and there's nothing you can do about it.