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'what, so because movie was real bad and the franchise died, you think that means Reylo is over?' edition

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reylo doesn't depend on some toilet-ready movies. it is not conditional on what JJ Ibrahim strains out

for example i don't think Rey was a stripper in the movies. In Reylo she can be

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This song still makes me get chills bros

*posts the eternally superior ship*

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my god, the new trilogy couldnt have possible be done any worse.
and i mean it, if it was just 3 movies of a kid flossing in fortnite it would be a better story than whatever the new star wars trilogy was supposed to be.

and disney actually thinks they "ended" the Star Wars saga with their shit movies, hahahaha.

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nobody gives a fuck about this who even knows who these characters are

Dammm imagine there havingsex

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Rey can't be a stripper because Ben deserves better than that.

thought you all killed yourselves when FINNREY was shown to be true.

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How can they be a dyad if Ben is 10 older than Rey? Dyad is two beings one in the Force. So what was Ben one with while Rey was not yet born? Did he just sort of go through mitosis when Rey appeared?

That’s Ventress and her old Jedi Master who died and she constantly has fake conversations with him in her head in Scott’s Count Dooku book/radio drama.

When did they ever state that a dyad has to be between two people of the same age? It's a bond that sith and Jedi tried to recreate with their rule of 2 bullshit. You think they picked people that were the same age as them?

dyad is bs. they're soulmates is what it really is

bro its sad that you had to quickly whip that drawing up yourself just to do this shitpost

Dyad is something that was possibly created by JJ in TROS, but Ben and Rey always had a special bond. They were clearly supposed to have been linked for all of Rey's life anyway. In TFA novel, she recounts having visions of Ben and describes him as something out of a nightmare or a daydream and a voice that never left her alone. In TROS novel, they describe Kylo as being like something out of a daydream, or a nightmare again. Rey later confirms that Ben is the reason she was never alone back on Jakku. It's clear JJ set this up since TFA, but who knows if it was supposed to be this dyad stuff.

>She’d been haunted by a dream. Or a nightmare. At this point in her life, she couldn’t decide what it was. All she knew was the voice came and went as it pleased, sometimes staying absent for months. But when she least expected it, the voice would return, never leaving her alone permanently. Never. (Page 35) Junior Novelisation. (Rey’s Dreams in Jakku)

I always theorized her visions were about Ben, and so did other Reylos. TROS novel confirms it, but it clearly should have been a bigger deal in the movies. They sidelined all the Reylo bond stuff for Rey Palpatine wank.

Ok, so how and why does Ben SUDDENLY form a bond with some random babby on a junk planet half a galaxy away? Did Snoke/Sheev encourage/help him to?

I think it's a pretty big fucking deal to Rey's story to let the audience know she was never alone, even back on Jakku, because she was linked to Ben all her life. She even had visions of him and his voice never leaving her. But of course JJ is a retard and can't even deliver properly on his own story threads he set up.

Someone spoke behind her. Calm, kind and eerily familiar. ‘Stay here. I’ll come back for you.’

She peered into the darkness between the trees. ‘Where are you?’

‘I’ll come back sweetheart. I promise.’

Rey did not want the owner of the voice to come back. She wanted the speaker to stay. ‘I’m here! Right here! Where are you?’

As in her dreams, she heard no reply. She continued to dash through the forest, not giving up in her search. (Page 116-117) Junior Novelisation. (Force Vision))

This particular passage is depressing when you realize Rey never got Ben to "come back" because he fucking dies as soon as she finds him. So her nightmare becomes a reality. Great fairy tale JJ.

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i like them together but it was handled horribly in TROS. shame the last jedi never got a real sequel but a shameful pander to retard audiences

Sneed general

haha yep. motherfuck the simpsons

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Why are you asking me? JJ didn't even explain any of his dyad stuff in TROS. Reylo always had a special bond though, that is consistent throughout the trilogy. After TLJ, it seemed obvious the Force wanted them together probably for balance reasons, but it was not explored enough in TROS. That's JJ's fault. He chose to focus on some shitty clone Palpatine story instead.

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But that's not Quinlan

Rey was the daughter of a Palpatine clone
Ben is the grandson of a dark side Palpatine creation
They have the same source.

>Why so suddenly
Because the force only awakened in Rey in 7

It's sad when you realize the original idea was that Rey and Ben would finally "find" each other and he would be her belonging and family. That's exactly what happens in TROS, in the novel it says they finally found each other or something, but then he dies and they brush it under the rug like it wasn't one of the hugest character plot points for the two leads in the trilogy. All so Rey can be a Palpatine suddenly and then larp as a Skywalker.

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Rey was never a Palpatine clone. JJ retconned that for IX because he was mad that Kylo was overshadowing his waifu.

Killing off Kylo was the most last minute change in the movie. I'm convinced.
It feels like it was edited into the film the morning of the premier

The daughter of a clone.

Just as retconned and retarded.

Well, I just hoped you reylos had some theories about that.
I agree, it's a shame there wasn't more Dyad autism. It's an interesting concept, which could be developed in more detail, more logically (yeah, I know, 'it's a movie about spess wizards', but even magic in good fantasy has some inner logic, some laws it operates by...)

Hard to say. Palpys body being that of a clone was confirmed by his actor to have been in the script from the beginning, so I wouldn't be surprised if the same was true for Rey's father.
>And retarded
I actually much prefer it to Sheev knocking some girl up, but I guess that's just a matter of preference

It feels that way because it's such a bad writing decision. I don't know when they decided to kill him off, but it was definitely well after TLJ. Trevorrow's script has him dying, but Pablo said that while they were working on TLJ he was pitching endings were Ben lived.

He was clearly always planned to live. The decision to kill him is just bad writing and didn't come about until IX production.

They didn't even contact Ian until a year ago, Palpatine was always dead and Rey was always a nobody. JJ can suck my cock. He was just mad his waifu wasn't speshul enough and thought if he made her more speshul people might finally like her more than Kylo. But it just made people hate her more and Kylo is still number 1 in fan's hearts.

Based thread.

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Kylo and Rey were the leads of the trilogy and their relationship/bond has always been central part of the story. It's absolutely ridiculous that JJ decided to sideline the dyad stuff for a Palpatine story line. All they got was a few lines from Palp's about it and some vague shit healing each other. No explanation as to why they were linked, no reason for it like them balancing the Force together. And they acknowledge the fact that Rey's destiny was always with Ben, that's what her character was always looking for, but then he dies and they pretend that's a complete arc for her.

And that's not even getting into how they completely sidelined Ben himself, who was clearly the main character and real Skywalker legacy child up until TROS. Rey's story always revolved around finding her belonging and making her own family, which is Ben. Ben's story revolved around struggling with his family's legacy and completing his destiny, which ties into the overarching story and Skywalker saga.

Wait when is this supposed to be happening?

JJ probably wanted full creative control of IX and shut the SG out because he knew they would question his decision to kill Ben since that was never the plan.

this was pretty much what it was like in the movie right after he killed the snoke

Just imagine if Rey had give Ben a kiss and told him she love him in TLJ throneroom, he would have been okay. Her autism ruined the whole Galaxy.

Why do all of these shit ships circle back to Pride and Prejudice?
PnP was about two flawed people getting called on their bullshit by each other and reaching a balance like that.

Rey is a Mary Sue who's never wrong about anything and Kylo Ren is a psychopath.

I personally blame Harrison Ford for all of this. If he hadn't wanted his character killed off so bad there would be no reason for anyone to say Kylo is irredeemable and they'd have to let him live.

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girls get scared about whether a guy will respect them if they give in too soon. they had to do a third movie because she didn't want to come across too interested

I remember how the SG kept stressing the fact that Kylo was the Skywalker of the ST. They clearly had nothing to do with IX and JJ's fanfic Rey Skywalker shit is laughable.

i mean its not p and p its the other one with mr rochester. he is mr rochester

>Kylo Ren is a psychopath

You blew it, Finncel.

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That picture is clearly edited from the PnP 2005 movie.

Wrong, I hate all of nu-SW and every single character in it.

Reylos got too cocky. Finn is going to clap Rey’s cheeks and impregnate her while Kylo is watching them. Finnrey is endgame.

It's funny cause Boyega's body actually does look like this.

She shipped herself to him after they touched hands, she didn't care about appearing thirsty. It was just SJW bs and Rian not actually committing to his own story.

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no i know, i am not talking about the picture

John, pls go.


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Yeah cause a chubby black clown will definitely be able to compare to a ripped prince who's also Rey's soulmate. You people are mentally ill.

>rey getting blacked by finn while Cucklo Ren is watching
I can’t believe JJ made it canon. How based can he be?


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How is it canon?

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meanwhile in reality...

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Reminder that JJ said Reylo always felt romantic to him ever since TFA when he was asked about the Reylo kiss.

All he gave Finn was the friendzone.

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Call him the ugliest nigger in space but he’s the one whos going to lay the pipe. Your prince died as a kissless virgin and he will never have the chance to stick his dick in rey’s pussy.

Actually lol'd at this scene at the theater.

Meanwhile in reality, kylo is DEAD

Literally Poe would get it in before that friendzoned cuck.

>muh dik
>muh hole
that's all there is you isn't it. its actually John boyega posting. romance wotsat? he doesn't get it because he's a gay guy trying to be undercover as a macho male

Poe and Finn are both equally shit and never getting near Rey's sandpussy. Deal with it, cucks.

Poe, Finn or any other guys except kylo lol. Poor cuck may he rest in peace

Sometimes I actually think John posts here. Every time this fucking loser spergs in Reylo threads suddenly John is posting some cuck rant on twitter. Wouldn't surprise me if he did lurk here, he's so insecure and pathetic.

Don't you worry your purdy little head. Their force ghost sex life will be great.

Reylo is canon forever and you are going to hear about it for the rest of your days. Die mad, cuckegafag.

He is truly pathetic.

>finn is gay
Why do Reylofaggots keep pushing this fanon?

Your ship is dead while Finnrey is real. Die mad about it

Women don't like manlets. Rey would rather die a virgin dreaming about a tall Chad Kylo then even go near an ugly manlet like Poe or Finn. Sorry you had to find out this way. And you're very funny if you think JJ or Disney would ever let their white feminist princess be tainted by PoC manlet hands.

I just think it's funny that John is a mentally ill cuck on twitter and his "fans" are mentally ill cucks desperate for attention on this basket weaving continent. He namedrops Reylo for likes and this cuck lurks Reylo threads for (You)s because no one will ever talk about FinnRey as much as he wishes for it.

>Finnrey is real
How exactly?

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