How come she became such an icon?
Was it only the sex appeal or was it something more?
How come she became such an icon?
Was it only the sex appeal or was it something more?
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Very artificial meme, no-one actually cared.
she doesn't have coom trib, so Don't give a shit of her
No one cared who she was until the Kennedy's took an interest to her.
no one care about her unless she have coom trib on the web
sure is zoomer as fuck in here
Are the Misfits really that old?
She was a good comedic actress
>monkey business
>some like it hot
>seven year itch
she have coom trib yes or no ?
more "old hollywood actress in modern day clothes" pictures please.
Looks were only a part of it. The way she carried herself, the mannerisms and the voice were a factor. She exuded vulnerability and kindness.
While most attractive girls develop a resting bitch face to protect them, she was far too crazy and neurotic for that. And a star was born.
>i'm a retarded clueless zoomer
she was a worldwide superstar long before she got involved with the Kennedy's or anything was known about it. basically by the mid 50s she was already known as the biggest sex symbol Hollywood had seen.
plenty of people didn't find entertainment or celebrity particularly important
many "icons" have been decided after-the-fact
how exactly do you go from this
coom on that pic
do you want to fuck her ?
Apparently she was a genuinely good person and the rumors of her promiscuity were overblown and untrue.
Huh yes? Why do you think Belle Delphine is popular?
She killed herself while she was still young and popular, that will always help in becoming an icon.
Yeah it was basically because of her sex appeal as she starred in a very conservative time in the US before the sexual liberation of the late 60s.
what a retard
She was the original roastie whore that America embraced.
Her suicide
>didn't die wealthy
>was unhappy; felt like people were using her and just wanted to fuck her
>her career depended solely on her looks, and she had to starve herself to stay thin.
>The President fucked her and promised he'd leave his wife for her and she'd be the new first lady
>he doesn't and acts like she was a retard for believing him.
>he then gets shot in the head
>people think she fucked his brother, despite that it never happened.
>swallows several bottles worth of sleeping pills one day, crawls into bed nude and dies
>even someone who was one of the most beautiful people of her time was unhappy
>the original roastie whore that America embraced.
Rita Hayworth fucked her own father.
I'll never understand that either, i never even found her interesting as a woman.
>be 12-13
>mom found my porn mags and threw them away
>had only my imagination left
>realized i have an art history book
>instead of jerking off to her pics i instead rubbed one out to some 17th century painting of a random naked woman
Over a decade later as a coomer, i still don't find her appealing. Even when i was reading about Kennedy a couple of years ago, i think i skipped his relationship with her, she's just some random actress who got famous for getting her hole stuffed by powerful men, who the fuck cares.
Based dad.
nose job
based, making incels seethe
more accurate to say her father fucked her if you know what i mean
She knew what she was doing
watch one of her movies you huge faggot
That's some boomer kino right there. I used to watch that one with my Grandma.
Judy Garland also fucked Spencer Tracy when she was 14 and may have fucked the producer of the Wizard of Oz in order to land the role of Dorthy, according to Shirley Temple, who stated that the producer whipped out his dick at Temple and tried to fuck her when she was 12.
Judy also used to have three-ways involving one of her female friends.
it makes you wonder how whorish women were before we could document their behavior like this
>mfw all those kings who most likely got cucked and their "bloodlines" meant jack shit in actuality
Reminds me of how Roman women would justify their kids being mutts by the fact that being next to black slaves gets your kid BLACKED in the womb.
She wasn’t even the biggest blonde bombshell of her time. She became that after she died but she wasn’t at the time.
Joan Crawford was in a lesbian porno and may have slept around for acting roles
She had some crazy kind of charisma.
Hollywood is an outlier place, user.
You are doing the same thing of one of the early sexologists, who went to gay clubs in order to study the sexuality of the average American male.
misfits best song. dont @me
>another revisionist retard thinks he knows what's talking about
You're objectively 100% wrong, but please do tell. Who was the biggest blonde bombshell of her time?
Recipe to success:
>be attractive woman
>fuck movie jews to be in the movies and the president too btw
>kill self
You're sooo right user. Also, Elvis wasn't actually the King of Rock n' Roll back then, it was totally Jerry Lee Lewis. But people don't remember that now.
it was jackie wilson
Did she really fuck directors/producers for roles or is it just a rumor?
yeah, she sure did kill herself. just like epstein did. retard
It was mental illness. Ana Freud tried to help her along with one of the few good Hollywood producers at the time. They moved her next to the producer's house and his family would pretend she was a member of their family and would try to include her in everything they did. The thinking was if she could experience a wholesome family life, she would change. Either the mental illness got to her, or it wasn't enough to combat the evil side of Hollywood corrupting her.
Judy also was a well known party girl during her time and had been fucked numerous people at the studios, and once got pregnant by a married man. The studio then forced Judy to get an abortion, because they didn't want the news to find out about it. She was eventually fired when they said she was too ugly to be in movies anymore. After which she became suicidal and slit her throat, then another time slit her wrists, and after numerous attempts died of an overdose.
There's a couple of scene in thatovie that get my peeper hard even though she hardly shows anything
>implying anyone gets into hollywood for free
Unless you're someone's cousin, you will suck dick to get in. If you're a woman and have no acting talent, you basically turn into one of those escort type of cunts you see rich people with. If one is lucky enough, some old dude will marry her.
If you're a man, i don't know.
He obviously did, what are you, a drumpfanzee? Every popular person who dies by suicide did it on their own, no exceptions.
100% because she had a fedex
Pro level stylist, wardrobe, make up, pro lighting etc etc
Just normal average people get make overs and look x10 better, never mind hollywood looks plus production
>If you're a man, i don't know.
John Travolta said he had to suck dick to get work, and that cum used to make him gag, AND that he wasn't gay before coming out to Hollywood, but eventually he learned to enjoy it once he made his first million dollar check.
>Movie ends with the boat guy deciding to fuck one of the crossdressing MCs even though he knows its a guy
I think you mean 'cum'
Do actors really?
I know Stallone and Schwarzenegger did porn, but that's just gay.
If you ever see a very handsome/pretty young guy with not much acting talent in a movie, it's pretty clear how he got there.
It's mostly the young guys and girls who are just starting in Hollywood who have to do this stuff. Once they get older and more famous they can get roles based on fame alone, but until then yeah. They suck dick to get their first roles.
She starred in their inevitable bioflick. Clark Gable played Danzig.
Many child stars, including Leonardo DiCaprio worked with behind the scenes people who were later convicted of fucking kids.
Pic related is DiCaprio with convicted sex offender Brian Peck, who went to jail for having sex with a child actor from the show, "All That".
Also, all the child actors and actresses are for sure abused and the sick part is that their parents know this. They're so hungry for the money that they turn a blind eye to what their kid is going through.
It's why most child actors end up fucked up when they grow up, with drug and alcohol problems.
standards must have been lower in her day, she would be considered a 5/10 today
not being obese is the only thing she has going for her
A hollywood blind item also said that Christian Bale was casting couched when he was a child actor.
>I wasn't gay until I started voluntarily sucking dicks
Well maybe not, but he certainly didn't start out straight.