What the FUCK is wrong with Asian males?

what the FUCK is wrong with Asian males?

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Asuan meals are typically better than their western counterparts. More fish and vegetables.

he just wanted to go somewhere the bus doesn't stop at


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makes me kek every time


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Directed by Ryan Johnson

is blue truck driver actually retarded?

no just Asian

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based dog dabbing on bugs


>takes place in china
what the fuck do you think

They ate his pups, HE ATE THEIR FACES

Mercury is always good.

LOL did that madman just muz that bus?

Crashing this bus with no survivors.

The dinner became the diner.

based pupper wupper

asian “males”

>another thread to make China look bad
Grow up, incel.

This literally every single women is fucking a Chinese MAN because there are so many of us and we are the most attractive MEN


>yet another piece of media that makes white people/men/white culture look bad
why are liberals so fucking racist?

China makes China look bad

You are scared of the Chinese MAN because we fuck all of your women

You only get the scraps of what we do not want

Story and details pls
Are they ok

Fake video white incel made

>make China look bad
trust me, they do an amazing job themselves


>absolutely 0 environmental awareness in both the blue truck driver and the 5 people about to be hit by a truck moving at 20km/h
One of them calmly walked up to the escape path of the fucking truck 20 meters away ffs

Why does he atrack that guy

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What does this have to do with the post you responded to?


9 injured and no dead, move along

At least China doesn't have rapefugees invading nor any disgusting degeneracy

"Your" women are being TAKEN by Chinese MEN

>what the FUCK is wrong with Asian
>while he chugs down a bottle of low fat onions milk and watches the latest snoy wars tv series

These threads remind me of that Mad Men scene where that dude in the elevator says to Don: "I feel bad for you." and Don replies "I don't think about you at all."
These threads trying to insult Asian men are like ants trying to lash out at an adult man.
If you guys actually went to the Chinese side of the internet and realize how inconsequential white people are to their eyes, you guys would all be disheartened. They don't even consider white man to be a threat. There's no malice, just indifference.

Such hysteria user

lmao, oh chang - don't you ever change

they are aware that white cuck society is dying off

you'd be insecure and unhappy if you were a chinklet with a micro peepee too

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user, I...

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Corona is hysteria. Whales being considered hazardous waste when they wash up on shore is of genuine concern.

lmaoooooo why are ricecels always so cringe

>Chinese side of the internet
>posts something from an american hapa subreddit
pigskins really are the dumbest fuckers alive

>You are scared of the Chinese MAN because we fuck all of your women

Wtf is this? Outlines for the next Star Wars script?

"RICELS" DO not exist

Chinese MEN are taking every single one

Just admit that white "men" need to die

No dick

>chinket cope

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Why did chinks and other subhumans "evolve" to have microdicks?

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>white 'people'
Go kill yourself or become a tranny

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not as retarded as the people just casually standing around on the freeway not looking for oncoming traffic.

>muh dick
Based nigger

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That’s fucked up. That’s a bigger ratio than trannies.

why is everything in china so poorly made?

Attached: chinese snow escalator.webm (480x480, 2.93M)

>ghosties Ghosts
is this some 300iq school shooter joke or do they think calling white people pale, something their rice culture(s) consider attractive, is insulting?

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Good white "men" need to die

>one chance at life
>you are born an asian, the eternal beta nobody ever has or ever will take seriously

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why is this guy so obsessed with penis?

Isn't ameramutt basically Billy from Billy and Mandy.
you mean per capita rather than total suicides.

hello aznidentity subhumans

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I find it kind of crazy I was born a white male in America. I mean it’s no picnic but beats being born in Hong Kong.