Is Stephen Fry overrated as an actor and comedian? What are the highlights of his filmography?

Is Stephen Fry overrated as an actor and comedian? What are the highlights of his filmography?

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Why do the british always look like disfigured goblins from hell?

He's Anglo-Jewish. Double dose of goblino

I can’t take gay actors seriously

He obviously mouthed off to somebody and they realigned his nose

He made some pretty funny stuff

Being against laws isnt the same as being offended

I will say that if you think those two examples in the OP are directly comparable then you're a retarded bootlicker who worships the state. It isn't that the laws offend him, it's that they directly harm a group he shares a common cause with. You can both believe people ought to have the right to call gays faggots and also think it's wrong for the state to actively condone violence against them. That being said however, Stephen Fry is certainly overrated and I can't fucking stand him.

>banning LGBT pride stuff and gay cultural programming is encouraging violence

Okay faggot


>Stephen Fry

Attached: 1491411086352.png (1149x722, 56.29K)

Never heard of this bastard.

Inb4 the pasta

You clearly know nothing about Russia so fuck off you Amerilard larper.

is there a frodo gandalf version of this?

>pederast opinions
like who the fuck cares

>bongistanian """"""""""""""""""""""""""""humor""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Anglos. Brits are Iberian, and therefore part of the Med Master Race. A*glo-Saxons are Germanic mutts.

>retarded bootlicker who worships the state
Says a leftshit homo that does nothing that hides behind his state lobby because wider society would never accept his prolapsed asshole and 50 times higher rate of AIDs.

English are Germanic.

Only Alfresco and Blackadder.
Everything else is shit, especially QI.

More like a mix. But yeah, there's a lot germanic in there. Not in Londonistan though.

One thing I've learned about cosmopolitan angloids is that they always want to sell themselves as edgelords so long as it fits well within the Overton window of acceptable edginess

>More like a mix.
No. The English are literally Germanic people who settled Great Britain in the late 5th century.

That's what I said, you dimwit...

based high IQ posters

Not him. How does what he say make him a "leftist"?

He's a pedokike, but A Bit of Fry & Laurie and Blackadder were kino.

>hurr durr they're all Germanics
Retarded mutt detected, if you knew anything about Britain genetics you wouldn't say such retarded shit. Anyone who isn't a complete moron knows that the English are an uneven mix of Brythonics, Germanics and Normans.

>leftshit homo
I can smell the American.

>Retarded mutt detected
Ironic, given that your argument is
>it doesn't count because they intermixed with the natives!!11
English are Germanic settlers. Whether or not you're 100% English or not doesn't matter to me, but that's the genetic origin of the English people. Not up for debate.

being a homo automatically makes you a leftist. You have no other choise

So if youre against laws that condemn gays for being gay thats because youre gay?

>are you a leftist sir?
go to bed Ben

There is a difference between taking offence and being discriminated against.

a bing chunk of the “founding fathers” of national socialism were gay

there literally were gay fascists and nazis fighting wars in the 40s

rent free
rent free

Of course he's operated piece of sheeeit.

QI is only funny when Noel Fielding is on
In all seriousness, what did he mean by this?

Not who youre replying to but are you 15?

I know a tranny who voted for Trump. What a dumbass! But that's mental illness for you.

>retarded bootlicker who worships the state
You mean the same states that are encouraging the Globohomo propaganda? ok groomer


This image appeals only to those with extremely low IQs. Think about it logically. The anti-gay law is literally a law based on being offended by fags. They're so offended that people are fags, that they made it illegal.

kys nigger
just fucking kys

cringe low IQ libtard gaslighting appraiser.

Those buzzwords just redirect me to reddit
What does it mean?

not him but that's a pretty cringy and butthurt reply


>believing and posting unironic Allied poz kiked propaganda
>in the year of our lord 2020


Nazis and fascists are authoritarian leftists

Nope, it's about removing the real threat faggot propaganda poses to society, especially children and teenagers. Or are you OK with drags lurking around children in schools and libraries?
It's actually a very tame law, most civilizations in history would have executed these perverts.

So you are 15.

Post the original

Again, I'm not him but you're objectively posting cringe m8. Are you a pedo m8?

Cant be a very powerful society if gays can destroy it.

Why do you speak like a child if you're not one?

>OP image isbased, factual and logically sound
>literally butthurt fags came out of the woodwork to deride it with non-argument

Is this an example of fags being mentally ill?

Did you know rapists and pedophiles are overwhelmingly male? Better outlaw men.

>most civilizations in history would have executed these perverts.
You'd better not read about pre-Christians civilizations if you want to keep this world view.

>Did you know rapists and pedophiles are overwhelmingly fag male? Better outlaw fag men.
I see no flaw in this logic lad

>fag men are raping women and girls
Whoa my dude

m8 you're creeping everybody out with your pedo obsession.

>English are Germanic settlers
Not anymore, retard. By that logic, mutts are all Germans too.

>nig men are raping women and girls
fixed and there's no problem with outlawing nigs either

Dive in the tiber and ask elagabalus about it

Sounds like you are just an offended nigger, lmaoooo

seemy overly butthurt fag friend

>they're even doing it in countries where they don't exist
oh mein gott

>be /lgbt/ard retards
>still can't properly raid other boards
>cause fag are THAT mentally ill and effeminate


>Not anymore
I can't wait until Indians in Britain aren't Asian anymore!

>degenerate elites were faggot pederasts behind closed doors in a couple of recorded cases in a couple of countries over the entire human history
>"everyone was fags back then man it's totally natural"
Fuck off matey

Tolerance is indeed weakness, a poison that has been deliberately administered for decades by lobbies who have an interest in undermining values to expand markets
And most of them are faggots. Remind us, who pedo in the church rapes? Boys.
I did and it's a modern meme. Very few tolerated them. Greece and Rome being exceptions. And most of the roman provinces weren't very tolerant of faggots.

That will take a lot of interbreeding. Do you know where else that took place?

Stop projecting and find arguments instead of posting elementary school level idiocy.

Maybe not those two, but he his a hypocritical faggot that spends his time whining on twitter about everything that offends him.

>And most of them are faggots. Remind us, who pedo in the church rapes? Boys
Damn near every female I know over 30 got their little box fingered by daddy or ploughed uncle bully. I haven't even seen a priest maybe not even this whole millennium.

Over 99% of all violent crimes are committed by men
Kys, moid


100% of violent men a birthed by women

>"Russia not endorsing gay pride parades and gay marriage is against human rights!!! Whats that about the entire middle east? Well, they're not white so I cant talk about them. Im not a racist! #1368852699569942285484835838373648486863868469458

peak sl*vtoid delusions