Which celebrity deaths will you never get over?

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i miss him bros.
>no homo.

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Man, he was such a hottie and I'm not even gay.

just fuck my shat up

Is this why he was only in one season of SPARTACUS.

Literally who

Huge fan of her music and honestly only celebrity that left me feeling really sad when she died.

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And what of good soloious?

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And people said that time would heal all wounds

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What? He was bland as fuck?

I actually was just watching Winter Light last night, and after he killed himself in the film I refreshed here and saw the news

he was the best Alfred in the whole batman series

i miss this nigga like you wouldnt believe

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Its not fair bros. he had 10 times more charisma then any marvel male actors i've seen.

shut up!

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They're relentlessly handsome.

funny you should ask, i had forgotten whether he died or not and had to google his name yesterday just to confirm my memory. 74 isnt even that old. My alive grandfather is older than him.

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Philip Seymour Hoffman because he's one of my favorite all time actors and Chester Bennington because I grew up with Linkin Park (zoom zoom)

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Not really Yas Forums but I can’t believe MJ is gone, still sad as fuck considering how he was one of the few celebrities out there who actually cared about the world and people.

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>the only celebrity that isnt a stuck up asshole type that promotes the hollywood monarchy
>hes relentlessly mocked by the media and general public

This little girl was murdered by her psychotic Jealous father.

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It will be a sad day when Arnie goes

This is literally my goal body

Unapolegetic badassery is on its way out and it saddens me. Arnold is a huge lib and kind of a softie in his old age, but they just dont make men like that anymore.

>Liberals bad
Based IQlet

I'm not crying over it or anything but I still think about it and I go man it fucking sucks

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i dont know who the fuck any of these people are

He needs to work on his traps and neck.

I wish coronavirus targeted zoomers instead.

Rik Mayall.

They're the source of all that's bad in the modern world. Consider that they're so far left now that JFK would be considered a right winger today.

U mad?

I cam here to post him, I miss his standup.

Lil peep


Richard Nixon. Far too soon to leave us.

every time I see him I'm reminded that he's dead, for some reason it just won't register in my head

Based Solonius poster

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Finding out that he'd died was shit cherry on top of a shit birthday. In two days it'll have been five years, and The Watch show looks to be a fucking travesty when it should have been the perfect Discworld property to make a show out of. All because he was no longer around to tell them to fuck off with their shit changes.

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I always thought he is MOST underrated actor ever, I enjoyed him everywhere I saw him. I always hoped he will get a recognition he deserves and become a big shot eventually. But then he died. Fuck!

Just hang in there bro

Totally avoidable death too.

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To be fair, isn't his daughter to blame for what The Watch has become?

Things just won't be the same.

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I would say Arnold, but I don't really get too involved when a celebrity passes.

I'd love to see hid comments on the modern world

Rush hour 3 was great

All actors are whores that sell not only their body, but their very soul. Stop worshipping them.

It will be a very sad day when Kurt Russell passes.


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One less Chinese bootlicking billionaire when he dies.

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Well, i think im never gonna get over my own death... Hope i dont get a sticky and people get angry at that.


Still get choked up thinking about Robin William's death, like when I heard about Ebert, my jaw dropped to the floor, and Steve Irwin, man that one still stings. Celebrity deaths always get me, like Tony Scott, well I guess that's all water under the bridge now, but when it's a young one like Anton Yelchin...that just crushes me

dude got an oscar but i get what you're saying because he was one of the most talented of his gen

that's a big one because of the lost potential. what could have been

>W*lsh"""man""" dies
Good riddance.