Who knew mr Bean was this based?

Who knew mr Bean was this based?

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>muh human rights
if you hate Muslims because they're filthy savages, fine, but if it's because >muh women >muh gays, cringe and bluepilled.

Who is Mr. Bean to say what's wrong and what's right.

religion decides what's right and wrong, to cherry pick it's morality scale is to denounce the weight of the morality standard in the first place, thus, you denounce the concept of right and wrong.

Kek Yas Forums aligns with like 90% of Islamic teachings.

>cherry pick it is morality

>nyoooooo you cahn’t simply oppress poofs it’s wroooooong

He was from outer space. Pretty sure they have a more profound understanding of morality.


Reminder that mr bean’s character is a deranged pill head and not a lovable spacker

Is he talking about kikes? Freemasonry? Utilitarianism/Atheism?

Normal actions but an inbred guy

Mr. Bean has always been based but he's boomer based only. He doesn't understand that Islam is right about women and fags.

>human rights

about everything*


unironically Islam would be great if not shitskins and their disgusting sand """language"""

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HOLY FUCK!!!!! He said THAT about Judaism?!


checkmate atheists!

Well, islam would be pretty based if not that all gay Muhammad and Allah shit
And shitskins, so like 70% i guess.

double spook

Women are nothing but meat holes that should be treated as pets and gays deserve to be skinned alive.

t. closet homo

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Evil is a spook.

Mr. Bean is Christian.

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And yet I guarantee he wouldn't make the same generalisations based on race. These milquetoast faggots are the worst.

>Anglos in charge of morality

I really miss the days before pearl-clutching fundie polcels who love to larp as pious took over Yas Forums.

that' a lot of big words

>pol school of false equivalence

because adhering to a doctrine is exactly the same as having skin color lmao.

They want you to believe they've always been here and that they just "grew up" or some shit.

>muh human rights
What have women ever done to deserve them?

Attached: degenerate thots.webm (720x404, 1.99M)

>muh 'skin color' fallacy

Nice strawman retard

yes this place always been a liberal safe space

You can have a christian black or a muslim black or an atheist black

While a single religitard are all going to be the same.

>unironically Islam would be great
no more vidya games. 95% of movies/tv/books gone, same for music. science deleted, progress halted. history revisioned. individual freedoms abolished. but at least you get a designated aisha so there's that.

You wouldn't know either way.

lol ok ben shapiro, nice imaginary world you live in

>no more vidya games. 95% of movies/tv/books gone, same for music

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Fuck r you talking about

He never said that.

Not everything is wahhabism user and these types were mocked even centuries ago.

Still Islam is shit compared to Catholicism

I've seen things you newfags wouldn't believe pool closed because of aids, boomer loosing his shit in front of his webcam because his daugther was "hacked",...
All these momentd will be lost in time like the sperm you gargle.

How does this quote fit with how the Greeks viewed God though? Their gods were neither omnipotent nor willing to prevent evil. The Greek concept of what a god it doesn't include those attributes necessarily.

The quote is most likely not from Epicurus

You'd normally be right, but lately, racial/sexual/cultural identity is a lot like religion.

I hope he's talking about every religion and not just the one he's not part of.

>implying Plato wasn't monotheistic

>implying Plato didn't worship the Forms

Muh perfect triangle. Fucking hack.

Plato is gay

Attached: 1280px-Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg (1280x1713, 280.34K)

horseshoe theory and all that

what horseshoe? Yas Forums is incredibly right wing. islam is incredibly right wing.

Wrong, left/right wing are Christian terms.

the word you're looking for is "conservative" that's not the same as right wing

trying to identify politics on a one-dimensional spectrum is about as smoothbrain as you can possibly be.

>nooooo stop standing up for free speech

No, they are french political terms. Right being monarchists and left being anti monarchist republicans. Literally comes from where they were seated.


Racial psychological differences are as stark as physical differences and are genetic. You're retarded of you haven't figured this out yet. I mean you even kind of allude to it by lumping sexual differences in with racial. Men and women are vastly different psychologically due to biology. Therefore biology plays a huge role in psychology. Therefore racial groups who evolve to be completely different biologically would obviously evolve to be completely different psychologically. Hence niggers behave like animals because they are born that are and "culture" is just an excuse

There's nothing morally wrong with being dumb or event violent.

>he doesn't understand the metaphor

>atheists confuse morality with social acceptibility #204820183083019038292

>proving him right

Christian monarchists

What metaphor

Dumb? No
Violent? Depends. Are you talking about randomly violent? That's morally wrong

>what metaphor
the right and left hands of God

Lol, he was referring to a law that would have made it illegal to ridicule any religion, including ones like Satanism/Wicca/etc. So that would lead to abuse of that law where anyone could just claim that a religion they don't like is ridiculing their own, effectively banning free speech.
Only fedoras would use that particular sentence out of his entire speech.