What the fugg is wrong with Brazilian television?

What the fugg is wrong with Brazilian television?

Attached: 1583612499308.webm (618x714, 2.9M)

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I know the focus is suppose to be the lady but holy fuck that guy's nose is huge.

god DAMN, look at that



nonwhites are preoccupied with sex

What the fugg is wrong with that guys nose?

the girl or the giant jew noise?

Nothing apparently

Everything looks in order here OP. That is, everything besides the jew in the background.

The user's are right lmao what the fuck is that nose
Is it fake?

Wtf? I love Brazilian T.V now

Based Cyrano ignoring the thot in front of him. Total chad move.

yo can i get a schnoz check?

Is that a real nose?

chosen by god, goyim.

Why is the guy in white looks disgusted?

That nose can't be real.

Attached: WTF IS THAT.jpg (1080x948, 26.71K)

Oh wow....a thot is shaking her ass in the age of unlimited porn....so exciting.

Me on the left (at the 11 second mark)

remember brazilians have a big ass and a big focus on ass in their culture because they are mixed with African.

nothing by the looks of it

Here's the pinnacle of Brazillian television.

Attached: 1559005169703.webm (1012x568, 2.73M)

the show is clearly not brazilian, there's shit written in Spanish everywhere

Attached: BrazilAnon1.jpg (1301x1597, 886.08K)

Best day of my life

OH NO NO NO NO NO Imagine adults crying about a bunch of guys playing a kids game, what the fuck.

God, it was glorious watching this live, the shitposting in /sp/ was off the charts.

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Is there any organization that has done more harm to western civilization than the CIA?



Should have been 8-0 if not for that fucker Ozil.


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Hollywood is just a CIA front

Read the second last post in the first image I posted for the part relevant to Brazil.

Attached: BrazilAnon2.jpg (1423x784, 584.78K)

Based as fuck, spic culture allows men to leer at women.

>mudslime "german" gets greedy and fucks up a perfect game for the real germans

Also full of Mossad agents for decades.

I admit defeat

Attached: BrazilAnon3.png (1328x3374, 523.62K)

Brazil is now full of whores and trannies. no wonder their sports are going to die

Reminder that they let them score at least once because by the end of the first half they were alread 4-0 and the FIFA guys told them to relax a bit.


That was some of the most fun I ever had on /sp/, man... those Germans were merciless. It got better with every goal.

an entertaining larp, but just a larp.

cuckoldry culture doesnt have any impact nor it's used as a role model

Why do you say that with so much certainty?

Attached: BrazilAnon4.png (1920x1080, 302.76K)

Fuck that nose was a shocker on the 2nd viewing

brasilia did good on most games until germany. in my opinion that was only because i think neymar was canceled for that game because he fouled someone in the previous game. he was the star player of brasilia and this dumb fuck had to be aggressive in the previous game. whole nation beeing cucked bc one motherfucka cant play by the rules

My my. It will receive EXTRAORDINARY power.

It's not a larp. Everything gets researched today because they keep giving grants to anyone that is with the agenda. The user specifically describes how he got prioritization because of it.

Also governments are extremely corrupt and only use it for their own purposes. If your findings are mediocre, you are cut off immediately.

>i work for the cia to make brazillians like butt and that accidentally made trannies

the shit about commodification of identities and the erasure of pre-capital factors is basic stuff both left and the alt right talks about, but the rest is nonsense

>the shitposting in /sp/ was off the charts.
I wish I saw this

Who /macacao/ here?

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That's old news.

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>First off, I'm not with the CIA. I'm a lobbyist for the cosmetics industry who cooperated with the CIA

More like offensive news

>La Jugada Polemica
Just because it has BUNDA it doesn't mean it is Brazil

>When Goldberg found out that air was free.

>"I was a part of an effort by US intelligence going back to the late 1980s to target Brazil"

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'Part of' can mean many things, he specifies that he was not an employee of the CIA. I'm not saying anything about the authenticity either way, but those details are not discrediting.

Imagine to be her ass slave