scam edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

spielberg btfo


I swear a few years ago it was revealed the other corey was raped by some crew member and we had his name or something.

Gyp of the year

Yeah it was us, we h@x'd the stream. This is my legion and we DO NOT forgive and we DO NOT forget. We are anonamoose of 4changz. Your move Feldman

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QAnon did this to protect the pedos

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Pre-order your tickets now for Part 2 coming 2025

how long till the faggot gets beat up by the audience if he doesn't show them shit?

Spielberg is using his whore daughter to infiltrate and seduce the technology team and to down the stream.


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stream here

Where the live audience reactions at

we out here doin bad shit nigga




dumbass, he's friends with Spielberg and says good things about him to this day. It's not Spielberg no matter how many times you say it. It's most likely Charlie Sheen since Haim was raped on the set of Lucas and the star of the movie is Charlie Sheen. He is known to be a creep, was caught having child porn on his computer by his ex wife AND has aids so you know he fucks men like the faggot he is.

If this shit doesn't release, then it'll confirm one thing for me: Corey Feldman is a goddamned plant whose sole mission is to be ridiculous so any pedophilia allegations levied in Hollywood will immediately turn the mind to the guy who pulled the wool over everyones' eyes.
If he's really not going to show this shit, then he's most likely purposefully turning real victims into perceived conmen.


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now I feel like that little boy got a dick up his ass for no good reason

why would queeranon do such a thing?

People won't forgive him for this stupid stunt just because he's a poor lil rape victim, right? If the doc doesn't air then it's literally scamming.

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what am i watching

>he's friends with Spielberg and says good things about him to this day

which is why it would be a great twist


lol, most of the idiots who payed are magaidiots

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I'm going to say it.
Corey Feldman is a primadonna, attention whoring, kike that coasted off of Haim for years even when the man wasn't in the lime light.
This naming names shit is all a ruse to get people's money and to be seen.
Anyone that actually knows the name of people who have molested child actors or abused others wouldn't try to profit from it via some shitty documentary where you exploit your dead friend and blow smoke up your own ass.
They'd release it in an interview or official open letter.
This guy is full of shit and a faggot.

gotta admit I'm a bit shocked that Twitter isn't saying the rapist is Trump and Trump is trying to silence him.

Never underestimate the base stupidity of your average human. He'll get less money for it each time he tries this & it gets stopped by "hacking", but not all that much less.

Corey was raped and diddled but it led to him being a total psychological mess which led to him being a drug addict and a grifter. So he's a con-artist and a victim at the same time. Which makes him so frustrating.

And he also fears backlash from the bigger powerful pedos, so he will never call them out.

who said REAL TIME HACKING? initially?

>the rape of two coreys
Please tell me its not actually called that.

that's because the average corey fan are wishful thinking conspiracy theorist pedogate kriss kappy the_donald browsing magafags

imagine buying it 30 times

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Corey said it. Hacking in real time.


nm found the video

'Who Cored The Coreys' was, surprisingly, already taken. Hollywood churns out a lot of films.

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If it is, he had better deliver



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>was caught having child porn on his computer by his ex wife

Read the actual complaint. She says it was all legal porn with a "teen" theme to it and it creeped her out. ie it's what's all over pornhub and is 75% of porn. I still think Sheen is a creep and maybe a rapist. Very likely bisexual, or more likely he is just a hedonist with no limits and doesn't conform to sexual labels.

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Adding a layer here--of course I could be wrong: he's also doing this so the general population will take any and all self-proclaimed victims of child rape with a grain of salt.
Casting doubt on pedophilia itself is his endgame, and he could well be a pedophile himself.

>the average corey fan
QMagatards would cozy up to Ru fucking Paul if he promised to out the hollywood pedo conspiracy.

HollyJew is full of pedophiles. I dont need some Jew to tell me that.

no it's (my) Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys


Corey had given several names to Santa Barbara pd

Marty Weiss
Dominick Brascia
He actually walked Haim to
Charlie Sheen & Kiefer Sutherland so they could show him how to do "guy stuff"
Old news


why have the 'my' in parenthesis?


Honestly I'm just gonna wait for the Tim Pool video on this.

>I swear a few years ago it was revealed the other corey was raped by some crew member and we had his name or something.
yeah here you go
>Alfie Hoffman

>why have the 'my' in parenthesis?
Lawyer shit

what if corey was the one doing the raping?

Give it time

Okay so what is the big deal then? We already know the guy's name. Or is there more rape we're not knowing about?

raping himself

fucking jews

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zoomer here. Who the fuck is Corey Haim? I watch a lot of 80s shit too.

Why are you guys so hard on Corey? You know he's just trying to do the right thing and expose the pedo rapists right?

I'm making a baked potato. What are you guys eating while laughing at the retards who got scammed? Thinking about making a hobo dinner as well.

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the Wolfpack and Kevin Nash draws all the dimes brother

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little brother in lost boys is all i knew him as but he was supposed to be in a lot of shit.

The kid who wore gay as fuck "born to shop" T-shirts and got raped in his bathtub in Lost Boys.

Based and Haim-pilled

Found this:

Well I assume the other Corey had a different rapist

>Hoffman ran Alphy's Soda Pop Club in Hollywood from 1986 to 1989. It was an exclusive, private club for under-16s working in film and television. The kids would have access to a dancefloor and free-flowing soda, according to Jennifer Juniper Stratford, a woman who attended Alphy's and wrote about the club in 2012 for Vice.

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There's allegedly some "other" "big name" he's supposed to reveal, and it's his last meal ticket he was HOPING to get a retirement cash-out from.

Feldman's suicide when?

I fucking told every single one of you retards for MONTHS it was CHARLIE SHEEN. As seen here NOT SPIELBERG

It was common sense you fucking retards.

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he was basically in only 1 movie that people gave a fuck about

hahaha some thot journalist on instagram put all of Corey's announcement in the cinema in her story

fucking hilarious

Literally who?

He was in a handful of 80's films as the "next white boy teen hearthrob" for a period.
He definitely made something throb, but it was gay men's cocks.

Main character in the lost boys and a lot of other shit no one outside of the 80s ever watched, direct to video stuff in the 90s.

is soda code word for cocaine?
>Haim’s Mother Says the Claim About Charlie Sheen Is False
In November 2017, Judy Haim, Corey Haim’s mother, appeared on The Dr. Oz Show. There, she stated that the allegations against Charlie Sheen are false.
>In fact, while on the show, she claimed that Dominick Brascia was, the one who abused her son on the set of Lucas.
>Hoffman is the third alleged abuser that Feldman has publicly identified. He previously named Jon Grissom and former child talent manager Marty Weiss.
>Feldman said last week there are six men in total that he suspects of pedophilia, including an "A-lister" who he fears might kill him.

This comes as absolutely no surprise. If it has a hole, Charlie was bound and fucking determined to jizz inside of it. He's probably fucked countless kids in his coked-the-fuck-up hazes and had zero memory of it.

No, it was actual soda. But the club sound so insanely sketchy it might as well be called "Pedophile's dream club".

Yeah, The Lost Boys is really the only iconic 80s thing Haim did, whereas Feldman has Gremlins, Friday the 13th Part 4, Stand By Me, Goonies, and The 'Burbs on top of that.

WolfPack Exposed by M.Barnes


It is two different guys who were on his management team at different times and Alphy

someone better call saul

guy from two and a half men i think

>This comes as absolutely no surprise. If it has a hole, Charlie was bound and fucking determined to jizz inside of it. He's probably fucked countless kids in his coked-the-fuck-up hazes and had zero memory of it.

My guess is he can't be confined to a specific sexuality and just likes to fuck.

Funny. Feldman also had only one likable role.

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Of course Feldman had the better career, he had Haim to shop around as a fucktoy.

a couple of people have already been named.

John Grissom. Marty Weiss and Dominick Brascia

Imagine sodomizing a kid with crisco as lube, how can one man be so based

>One guy on Twitter cracks a joke about Spielberg, and was probably in these threads
>Normies start eating it up

fuck, my sides are approaching Jupiter at this point.

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Why would he have raped Cory when Prime Winona Ryder was on set as the band camp girl

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didn't he already say that like 30 months back

the theater screening is still not running, you can check twitter to see people still upset over it and leaving.

>>Soda Club
>>Under 16
Sounds like pedo paradise. DIsgusting fuckers

Lost Boys, Stand By Me, Goonies were all great.

fucking kek

Well, Stand By Me and Goonies were great, but not because of Feldman.
Feldman actively helped The 'Burbs be good.

They hacked the projector

any hole is a goal and to assert his alpha dominance

tiger blood

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in real time

Oh I get it, the audience becomes the rape victims

how did you find this?

sheen got aids from being an intravenous drug user

he was projecting it from the live stream. no joke. People making jokes about he should've just had it on a USB.

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Maybe all this time Sheen really meant 'tiger beat'?

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My sister was one of the retards who bought a ticket. I feel bad for her, but at the same time I don't because if it was actually real, it would be out for free for all to see and not for $20.

Also, sick right now with the flu, so I'll probably heat up some soup or something.

load of bullshit, but a meme was born tonight. thanks Corey

He was the title character in Lucas

Attached: Lucas.1986.1080p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE (Rina asks Lucas out on a date).webm (1920x1040, 2.81M)

Actually Lucas was a pretty sweet movie, if you ignore the behind the scenes. License to Drive is a shrug, though it was the height of The Two Coreys. Kinda fun but nothing exceptional. I didn't see Dream a Little Dream, but it looked like one of those generic 80s body swaps.

I bought a ticket.

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hopefully we get some full details soon

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Not a surprise.

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haha wtf

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God Dan Winona is hawt. Wish I had some crisco.

One way to get some of your moneys worth is to keep us posted.


Fucking hackers with tits!?

You might have Corona virus. Sorry user it has a 100% mortality rate.

>Sex worker
This has got to be the absolute most retarded term in modern newspeak. You're a whore, just call yourself a whore.