Who would win at their height, the Empire or the First Order?

Who would win at their height, the Empire or the First Order?

Attached: first order.jpg (707x1019, 107.65K)

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god I wish that were me

That's not Meghan

please, not another ugly girl some autist is going to obsess over for a year

giv tsundere gee eff pls

H-how s-sad.

probably the first order cause they have better cgi

yeah that's no Megan just some random star whore

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You can tell by the fact that she isn't disgustingly ugly.

I must be fucking dumb because I have no idea who the fuck the first order is and I have seen pretty much all of Star Wars movie

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The Trump administration in space.

Sounds based to me

same t b h
>tfw her and megan will never keep me as a prisoner and train their newest interrogation techniques on me

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Someone cum tribute that. Or even fake edit. I don't care. I need cum on that expression.

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Megan is irreplaceable

its not from star wars its from ((((((((star wars)))))))))

>Laughter is a sign of weakness

>another ugly
This girl is actually cute

Lay off anime, virgin.

better than that methed out Florida trash

tell us more

Mama mia this nigger is mad

ESL here what is she saying?

>the Empire or the First Order
their the same u retard

>empire - huge actual empire with a conventional military
>first order - some guerillas using outdated tech with bling bling mods from their few hidden bases
I would say that this should be obvious but considering similar examples here on Earth I don't think it would be as clear.

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I want Megan to bully me

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Asked those autistic incels why they are laughing.

Can't understand anything those lard asses say because they are constantly swallowing air from mouth breathing

She says laughter is for the weak and officially won my heart.

Please smack me.


Fuck Megan.

>comically inept for years
>keeps getting stronger despite
checks out

The first order was a fracture section of the empire, that fought the new republic to the point the republic negotiated and let them have some part of the empire territory just to stop the fighting. Then the republic reduced it's military. the resistance were those who did not trust the first order to keep to the treaty and thought he new republic was getting to soft

She wants to FIGHT for her RIGHT to WHITE COCKS

Megan will always be the OG qt SW autist, but I feel the need to be humiliated by this big breasted tsundere qt3.14

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It's cool that you know all that. Personally I'm not much into fanfiction when it comes to the stories I like. That's why I didn't know so much about those FO guys.

It not fan fiction it's in the movie. pay attention

It's not George it's the Mouse. Ignore fanfiction.

POST MEGAN to drown this big tiddy dom

look at that fucking simp giggling like a schoolgirl

jesus save us

>no one notices the shapely chick in the back

i don’t know which group of men are worse, the patreon donators or the megan stalkers


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Since Megan i wonder if they use fake name tags now

god i wish she was crushing my balls

Probably, because people dont want to get murdered

That was an actual Star Wars moment. Child Luke ascertained a light saber, hijacked a spacecraft and made it back to his home planet. They may have just been actors but they should have known better than to start trouble with Luke.

the absolute state of white men

Just because I have her parents house address and her sister college schedule does not mean i want to murder her, maybe just stab with my penis after we cuddle and watch star wars

If you got that? Based creepy user. Now spill out her insta for us or show us pics.

>Fuck Megan
yes please

>People actually dress up as star wars ad go around abusing people on rides.

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That is not for Lewd boys only for the decent men who want to fill her with love (In every hole)

them of the ride is your captured and they are your guards your nerdalicous guards

Thanks for choosing a hotter girl to simp over this time Yas Forums. she's still a pig but its a step in the right direction.

>>imagine having enough money to pay someone cosplay like this in your star wars built nerd room and then suck you cock like there was no tomorrow

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What even is the first order's strength? What do they control? Is that some shit I have to read a databook for?
Also I wish I was those guys I would have totally gone with the rp and tried to engage her some more until the end, then rushed off to the nearest private place to cum my brains out.

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Yes, that is a video

I want those two fat lady crush my fuckin balls

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The first order can pull shit like fleets and planets right out of thier ass. The empire cant and takes time to build things. The emporor has the power to pull even bigger shits out of his ass but he never did it when part of the empire. So, I guess the first order takes it.

Jesus Christ, it seems like such a demeaning work.

If at least the visitors were genuinely interested in LARP'ing the experience... Instead, they get these chuckling retards. At least it's easy to express disgust at them, and thus play the role convincingly.

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Was it autism?

Why did they give her a uniform too big for her?