Kinos for this feel?

kinos for this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What happened? I can't see webms I have an iPhone

Wut? Wtf with that bottle?

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>doesn't know how to watch webs on an iphone
lol retard

where the fuck does that bottle come from?

probably fell out of a pocket inside his jacket

She's wearing some sort of headwrap. Why did he kick her? Because she's in public without a male escort?

They were already found by Berlin officers. I'd like to personally kill them. I want to find the drunkard that kicked the woman and fillet his fucking skin.

I need to log out. It's getting late, and I'm going to say something really awful.

Attached: 1582771338532.webm (712x400, 2.94M)

What does a medical conference have to do with this thread?

Escape from Tarkov

lmao wanting to kill people for being useless shitstains on society? u must be a nazi

Cringe beta white knight cuck

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When the nice guy looses his patiance.., the devil shivers...

China or whatever shithole gook zone this is must be absolutely awful to live in.

>log out
ok boomer

The last guy down the stairs throws the bottle right before the girl gets kicked

Why asian men hate asian women so much?

Did they fuck?

>girl clearly gets in his face ready to fight
>gets ganged up on nearly instantly
he did nothing wrong

All you idiots do all day is view these awful webms without doing anything. Most of these people get away and never learn their lesson.

We need real men and women in our society, not you.

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: final_5d1270b1a475d200146572b7_691002 (1).webm (640x480, 1.01M)

>let's kill a guy because he pushed a woman
white men are so fucking pathetic

he needs to be executed

why did you log back in after logging out?

Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 13.84K)

what the actual fuck. context?

isn't this a tranny

They learned their lesson
They got away with it

Easy there Mujadhir

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That would make sense. Some guys lose their shit when they feel tricked by trannies

Can someone please give me context for all webcam?

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She got what she voted for. Dumb cunt.

i NEED the double punch webm

This. We need to start taking action, bros.

D-Did he just heckin' kick a w-w-WOMAN?!

The guy for not raping her on camera.

Is that her dad or his brother? Ruskies look like children.

she died btw

hard to tell. can any lawyer anons weigh in on this?


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Why fuck it then?

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Fuck maybe women shouldn't have voted to let shit skins rape and conquer their entire continent

The context is if you dress like a whore and walk around at night, you're asking for that to happen

This one is fucked up. Who knows what he said to her to provoke and he is twice her size.
A man twice his size should sucker punch him.

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That's the brilliance of his plan, he gave her a choice

Lawyer user here. My wife abandoned me so i accidentally dropkicked her in the face. Luckily i had a lawyer lawyer to defend me so i can say it's legal

She flicked the match at him.

did he d ied

Those guys who just stood around and let him give the guy permanent brain damage are such fucking pussies

didn't watch the rest of the thread, user? can't blame it on shit skins, women get rekt, raped and murdered by anyone

it doesn't look like it's stopping, bros

i cannot bear to watch the whole thing

He got in her face and obviously said something to her before that. Doubt it was "hi how are you."

what is the point to posting this? attacks like that also happens in america

Tell me user, were you have done something if you was there?

Attached: Just let him fucking die.png (589x869, 553.65K)

N-not the roastierino! We're gonna drop a heckin' homicide on him!

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The dog's mangled up corpse looks fucked up

She said "have sex"

fucking white knights are the reason the west is so fucked

He blew out her match while she was trying to light the cigarette. Then she tossed the match at him in response. Then he decked the shit out of her

Oh god, why the fuck does this exist?

>They were already found by Berlin officers. I'd like to personally kill them. I want to find the drunkard that kicked the woman and fillet his fucking skin.
>I need to log out. It's getting late, and I'm going to say something really awful.
john wick wrote this post

Attached: soywick.png (670x1000, 221.94K)



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Lmao what's that say Evil is dominate it's just good men stand around and do nothing? lmao


What's the context for this one

Yas Forums - Television & Film

We used to discuss television and film on this board

why is this nigga so aggro holy shit calm down bro

this thread was made in retaliation for funny how this board works

got stuck on "fillet" for too long. type much, fag?

I think the beta tried to "calm him down"

How do you die from that? I would guess a few knocked out teeth and some broken ribs.

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You can literally die just tripping on a rock if you fall wrong

im pretty sure i converted this to webm a while ago
based me

I remember this one. He hella died

dunno I guess the guy was harassing or asking for money the guy in shorts. Maybe it was self defense but he overdid it

>They were already found by Berlin officers. I'd like to personally kill them. I want to find the drunkard that kicked the woman and fillet his fucking skin.

>I need to log out. It's getting late, and I'm going to say something really awful.

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fuck you


what happen here?

Found the chink

Cast him

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this cunt is gonna keep that poor creature alive for the rest of her life if she can

Heaps of people die from getting into fights and then hitting their head on the concrete after getting knocked out, especially if you fall backwards and hit behind the skull, there's not much protection.

Did he died


>Log out
Ok reddit

have sex

Its illegal to walk while staring at a cellphone.
So hes absolved of all responsibility in his actions.

Its like kicking some fag on a bicycle riding on the sidewalk or just for being in kicking distance.

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Based chad making the killing out there

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL violence against women is, like, SO funny! amirite fellow 4channel bro? haha

Locked in syndrome is literally the scariest thing life has to offer

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This one is an animal that needs to be put down. i have never seen violence like this besides in black people and this one guy.

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If this isn't a clear cut case of why women live life on easy mode, I don't know what is. Imagine how smug the woman must feel. If anyone so much as touches her an army of simp faggots will dive in as human shields to protect her and practically kill the offender. Meanwhile bitches are taking male jobs, are the majority of college graduates, are voting to bring in millions of illegal immigrants who will take away even more jobs.

Women are suppose to live in peace. You are suppose to control your own thoughts and perversions.

sure looks like it, busted chin for sure

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream